The term “empath” is often thrown around loosely. Many people call themselves empaths, and they seem to be so in tune with the world around them. But, what does it mean to be an empath exactly? How do you know if you are one? We have put together this article to answer all your questions. Including some of the signs that suggest you are an empath.
Table of Contents
What is an empath? Our definition
Firstly, what does “empath” mean? People with empathic abilities are highly sensitive people. There are multiple different kinds of empaths, but the one most spoken about is referring to those who are hyper-aware of the emotions of others. When in public, they have a hard time discerning other people’s feelings from their own emotions.
You might be wondering what are empaths who feel the physical pain of others. well, just like an emotional empath, those who pick up on the physical symptoms of others, might suddenly find themselves with a similar ailment. Our simple types of empaths test could help you figure out if you are an emapth, and which kind.
Dr. Judith Orloff, the author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: life strategies for sensitive people. In this book, she has described what is an empathetic person, according to her research and personal experience as an empath. The empath’s survival guide is equipped with all the psychological know-how and knowledge you need on empaths.
What is a natural empath, is it any different?
What are natural empaths? The term natural empath could imply one who did not become one but was born with natural abilities. Many of us become empaths due to unpredictable aspects of our environments. Their unstable background groomed them into hyper-vigilant and acutely aware of the vibes that others give off. thus, they became empaths, possibly as a defense mechanism.
What does being a natural empath mean? A natural empath refers to those highly-sensitive people who have what Dr. Orloff calls, an inborn temperament. They are reborn with a natural sensitivity to lights, sounds, and vibrations.
What does it mean to be an empath?
We have compiled a list of signs of an empath. They will give you an idea of what it means to be an empath. These signs are aimed toward physical and emotional empaths.
Empaths and depression
Empaths are like emotional sponges. They take on the feelings of others, which often feel as if they are their own. Some might call it a superpower. But, a true empath knows they don’t always pick up the fun vibes. Negative emotions are also there, and often far more intense than positive. The empath feels other people’s emotions at a deeper level. So, when the negative emotions become too consistent it is too easy for them to slip into an empath depression, combined with panic attacks and everything else that comes with being depressed.
As much as an empath can pick up the positive vibrations, unfortunately, empaths and anxiety and depression go hand in hand. A depressed empath who has not been looking after their well-being or setting boundaries can seek counseling to help get them out of the rut they found themselves in.
Empath counseling options
This emotional ability is not the kind that you can simply switch off. Being an empath is part of who you are, but you can learn some protective strategies to help you cope in crowded rooms, or when something traumatic happens to someone you know.
Empath Coaching
Find an empath coach to help teach you the protective measures you can practice. Coaching for empaths includes teaching you affirmations that you are not the emotion you feel, and they are not in control of you. It could also include teaching you how to mentally prepare yourself by building a force field of protection around you. This is handy when entering crowded spaces.
Therapy for empaths
An empath could seek therapy from an empath therapist. This means they understand the personality traits of an empath. Empath therapy will help you understand the healthy boundaries between yourself and your empathic abilities. When tragedy strikes, a traumatized empath is strongly advised to seek out counseling.
Treating hyper empathy
Those who are hyper empaths, do not simply feel the vibrations. They feel the emotions of others down to their very core. As if the emotions were generated from their own body. This can be quite distressing, especially when they do not have any reason to feel what they have picked up.
Hyper empathy treatment is basically learning to recognize when you are behaving emotionally due to your hyper-empathic abilities. It starts with relaxation techniques. First, you take in some deep breaths and focus your mind on releasing the tension that’s making you uneasy. Clear your mind of all thoughts, and center yourself. Finally, repeat an affirmation of how you want to feel.
How to know if you’re an empath
How do you know if you’re an empath? Well, Here are 10 signs of an empath. Remember, every human being has the potential to be an empath. all it takes is some inner work and tuning their awareness up a bit. this can take time, but the more effort you put in, the more you will be able to pick up.
10 signs you’re an empath
Are you wondering if you are an empath? Do you seem to struggle with intimate relationships, or feel that you constantly absorb others’ negative energy? Does excessive talking make you want to run and hide? If you are unsure, try our empath test first. As an empath, you may have some or all of these empath traits:
Sensitive beings
Empaths are often labeled as “overly sensitive”. This is because their feelings get hurt very easily. On a side note, there is no such thing as “overly sensitive. there is just sensitive. Because “overly” would imply there is something wrong with being a sensitive person.
Feel other people’s emotions
empaths do not need to read the body language or facial expressions to know what you are truly feeling. They are able to pick up your vibration from the other side of the room. In some cases, an empath can feel the energy of a loved one from the other side of the world.
Highly intuitive
Empaths have a keen intuition. Sometimes they have a feeling that something in the air is brewing. Or, they could simply detect when someone is not telling the truth. It’s like they can read between the lines of any situation.
You are Introverted
Empaths are naturally quite withdrawn. This could be seen as a defense mechanism against all of the vibrations they are constantly picking up. It is a lot to process all at one, so they will seem reserved and quit at times. Empaths will also require alone time after social gatherings so they may recharge their batteries without any distractions.
You love spending time alone
They find solace in alone time because that is where they recharge after spending a certain amount of time with lots of people. This does not mean that an empath does not like social gatherings. It simply means they require time by themselves to recoup. All the vibrations they picked up are quite exhausting. So as a way to keep their mental health in check, they find peace in spending the day, or weekend, on their lonesome.
Crowds overwhelm you
Many empaths are not fond of walking into a room full of people. If they do, they will mentally prepare themselves first so they are not bombarded by the vibrations they will walk into.
People call you moody
They might have a naturally bright and sunny temperament, but it is hard to project that when they are feeling someone else’s frustration. Empaths often experience mood swings from walking in and out of other people’s emotional vibrations. It can also be quite draining, causing an empath to be a little irritable.
Good listeners
People seem to always offload all their stresses onto an empath. Whether it is a rant about how their boss treated them, or maybe when they are feeling sad. No matter, people seem to feel comfortable opening up to empaths, who have an open heart and true understanding.
Love helping others
Empaths have a natural inclination to lend a hand to those in need. They can see someone struggling with something, and they feel the struggle themselves. Ultimately, they cannot help but offer their help.
Feel weird around fake people
People who are living true to themselves, and walk around with a mask off (figuratively speaking) are considered to be bizarre to an empath. An empath can always tell if you are hiding something. They can sense your emotions, but do not understand when your behavior or demeanor does not correspond.
Key takeaways on what it means to be an empath
We hope you enjoyed this empath reading and learned one or two things about empaths, or possibly yourself. For further empath reading material, see our types of empaths page.
Do psychologists believe in empaths?
Dr. Orloff is a clinical psychologist who believes in empaths enough to write books about them. they think empaths can either be born with their sensitivities, or they can be learned via external forces.
What is an empath disorder?
An empath disorder, like hyper-empathy, is when the person’s levels of empathy are hyperactive, or inactive. Hyper empathy means the person will feel the emotions of others as if they are their own but in a debilitating way. Empath deficit disorder would mean there is little to no empathy in that person.
Male vs female empaths: are they different?
An empath is an empath through and through. It has been said that women feel emotions on a deeper level than men, so one could argue that a female empath is the deepest empath of all empaths. However, there is no difference in what vibrations they each pick up.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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