This world we live in is the only one we know, or so we have been taught for so many years. However, there is so much more to life than what we learn in science class. The universe is a vast place, so vast it is incomprehensible to our human minds. Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist who had a deep connection with the higher realms, and the beings who have been guiding us throughout our lives for eternity. Through her techniques, she has touched base with her higher self, the higher selves of others. Through this connection, she has learned a lot about where we come from, and why we are here. It became her life admission to educate the world about what she learned.
Table of Contents
Where we come from
We have all heard the phrase, there’s light at the end of the tunnel at some point in our lives. This brings to mind part of Dolores Cannon’s teachings where she spoke about the place we all came from. Some people call this place heaven, paradise, or Nirvana. Others don’t have a name for it yet, feeling only there is something out there. A place we all return to once our physical life ends. According to Dolores, she has had clients return to this place during her sessions. It is described as a great ball of light and exudes massive energy. Her clients all say it is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen, and the feelings they feel match that. Most of them do not want to leave once they are there.
Essentially, when God (or whatever you prefer to call it) grew bored, a desire to learn grew within. So, God burst into countless stars and distributed them all over the universe. Some of them became stars, others planets, and some even became human souls or E.T. souls. The instruction given out was to go forth and learn, then report the lessons back to God. This was all told to Dolores by each of the clients, during separate sessions. She began to expect the same answers from each of them. Even though none of them had heard the other report this.
You are a tiny spark of energy,” Dolores Cannon
Dolores likes to take her clients back to the rawest version of themselves. The “real you” as she once called it. During this session, her clients see themselves as a tiny spark of energy. This is what Dolores calls the “spark of life”. The human body cannot exist without the spark of life, and when we die, the spark leaves.
During her sessions, Dolores had many clients who expressed their sadness to her. They feel lonely or lost, and they desperately want to go “home.” Or, back to “the Source.” These sessions serve as a reminder for these clients that we are here on a mission to learn. This includes learning how to be lonely and fix your situation. Or, how to deal with depression healthily. Giving up would mean not completing the lesson or the mission. One thing stood out to Dolores. We are not able to return to The Source until we have finished each of our lessons.
You are not a body, you have a body,” Dolores Cannon
When we come to earth, we come here to experience everything. This physical body you have now is the least of your experience here on Earth. “You are not a body, you have a body,” said Dolores once.
Taking her clients through the death experience is one of her most successful tactics with QHHT. Dolores Cannon will guide them right to the point of their death, while under hypnosis of course, and they would look back at their life with a new perspective. A lot of the time, her clients would look back and realize their life was just like a theatre production. The actors on the stage are their friends and loved ones, and it seemed so serious and complicated while they were there. But, once they cross over it seems like a “blink of an eye.” This is true, we get caught up in the illusion of life. The life we are living now. This is important because this is how we learn each lesson. It needs to feel real. If you want to learn more about the illusion, you can read about it in Dolores Cannon’s book, “The Convoluted Universe II.” There, she talks about how we are in control of our illusion, or reality, as it is more commonly termed.
We come to earth to be everything,” Dolores Cannon
In each life, we shed one skin and gain another. In theatre terminology, you change from one character to another. In other words, life is all about regressing from one experience to the other. We can jump from body to body going through different experiences each time. But sometimes we repeat the same lesson if we do not get it right the first time.
We come to earth to be everything.” This statement said by Dolores follows her teachings that we experience every facet of life on earth. That means parts of nature, the animal world, and more. She has had clients who have regressed to lives where they were a rock. Bear in mind that everything is alive and has its consciousness. Everything runs at a certain frequency, just like us humans. So, the person experiencing life as a rock described it as a very slow existence. This is because rocks have a slow vibration.
In conclusion, life is not as black and white as you may have thought. There is so much more to experience than one could ever imagine. Lives within the realm of our perception, and others a little incomprehensible. We are so much more than our physical bodies, and the more we open ourselves up to the experience of life, and accept the lessons we have to learn, the faster we can return to The Source.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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