Have you had a knack for truly understanding the emotions of others? Or maybe you have always had a connection to animals and nature. There are 14 different kinds of empaths, each with its own abilities. Understanding your own empathic powers is a keen part of your self-care. It might explain why you find yourself surrounded by energy vampires or narcissists. As well as starting a journey where you are more aware of your connection to others so you can take the proper steps to protect yourself.
Table of Contents
What type of Empath am I? Take the types of empaths test to find out!
Some of you might be aware that there is more than one kind of empath. But, what is an empath? Being empathetic does not only mean you can tap other people’s emotional states. There are different attributes, kind of like superpowers, that the different types of empaths have innately within them. For those that are new to this concept, we have a quiz that can help you work that out. So, the next time someone asks you, “what kind of empath are you?” You will be sure to have an answer.
Your what kind of empath am I test results
For your curiosity, we have listed all the possible answers you might receive when you take this what type of empath are you quiz. Bear in mind that you could be more than one of these empaths with many different empath traits, often just having slightly stronger inclination to one specific kind of empath.
Possible results for the what type of empath am I quiz
Are you ready to find out what kind of empath you are? Here are 14 types of empaths, take the quiz that follows to see which one you are!
Psychometric empath
have you ever felt an emotional connection to a certain geographical place? Maybe you have an object that holds your sentiment? this is what a psychometric empath would be able to pick up from you. If you have ever perceived an emotional connection between someone and an object or a place, then you might be a psychometric empath!
Emotional empath
This is one of the most common types of empaths. An emotional empath can pick up other people’s emotions. It can be mightily confusing too because they often are not aware they’re feeling the vibrations of someone else, and those emotions that came out of the blue are not their own.
Animal or fauna empath
Some of you may have contacted an animal whisperer at some point in your life. This is where an animal empath comes into play. They can sense the wants and needs of your pet, but also other animals. Fauna empaths are empathetic towards the vibrations that animals give off, and the animals can sense that connection too.
Physical empath
A physical empath is very in-tune with other people‘s physical symptoms. They can sense when someone’s health is not up to scratch, and some even manifest the same symptoms as the person they have sensed. Additionally, they can get an energy boost from those who are in optimal health and well-being.
Indigo empath
You might have thought that Indigo empath has something to do with the indigo generation. These empaths are highly sensitive to the bad intentions of others. If someone is up to no good, and doing a good job at hiding their sly behaviors from most people, they will not be able to get away with it if an indigo empath comes along. They can sniff out anyone behaving questionable and without a sense of morals. Narcissists do not stand a chance when an indigo empath is nearby.
Medium or psychic empath
In the end, this is based upon the belief system of the psychic empath. But, ultimately the empathic trait of a medium empath is being able to connect with entities from the spirit realm or the afterlife. They have an inner knowing about certain locations and the energies that reside there.
Earth or geomantic empath
An earth empath has a special connection to mother nature. They help sense when a natural disaster might string like earthquakes. Instead of feeling the physical pain of others like a physical empath, they can sense the pain of earth.
Telepathic empath
A telepathic empath is a little more intricate than the others and is one of the rarer empathic abilities to have. These people can perceive other people’s thoughts. It might be slightly different for each telepathic empath, but in the end, they know what you had on your mind, even if it was not word-for-word.
Molecular empath
There are emotional empaths who pick up on other people’s feelings and others who can feel the pain of others as easily as we all feel each other’s skin against our own. The extraordinary perceptions of a molecular empath are being able to pick up on the feelings of others, but getting deep down to the very molecules that created our bodies. What this means, is that these empaths will be able to ascertain the true nature of a stranger, even if they have just met for the first time.
Plant or flora empath
We all need one of these friends. Not all of us are born to be gardeners, some even struggle to keep a succulent alive. The green thumbs of our species are plant empaths, and they can make any garden thrive and flourish by picking up the needs of plants. This means they will know what remedies the various plants need when sick, how much water and fertilizer to give them, and more!
Claircognizant or intuitive empath
A claircognizant empath is someone who simply knows what is going on without having to be informed. Someone with these abilities will know what drawer to look in when they have never been to the house before. They will know which route to take when they have never been to that destination.
Precognitive empath
A precognitive empath has a sense of knowing what is going on in front of them, and they can predict an outcome of a certain situation that makes them seem physic or clairvoyant. It’s almost like they have a deep connection to seeing the future or possible futures. They will know whether or not you will pass your test at school, or win your sports game.
Dream empath
have you ever had a strange dream that is rather profound and felt particularly real? A dream empath will be your best bet in deciphering the meaning of the different symbology that was shown. When you tell them the details, they will understand the meaning behind the symbols immediately, no matter how obscure. The empath of dreams is someone who doesn’t need to research the meaning of a dream symbol, they just know intuitively.
Heyoka empath
This is one of the most powerful empaths. They are the triggers of spiritual breakthroughs and awakenings. Acting almost like a spiritual mirror, they can reflect the lessons you are needing to learn. Have you ever been so frustrated with someone certain things, or posting certain pictures online, the chances are you have encountered a heyoka empath? This means you need to do some internal work to find the lesson you need to learn.
If you would like to know if you might be one of these empaths, try this quiz! You never know, there might be an explanation for a connection you feel towards something you did not realize.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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