Maybe you just met someone and have embarked on a little romance that feels like it is growing deeper by the day. Or, maybe you are in the throws of the best relationship of your life. Or, maybe you have just separated from your partner and feel lost without them. It might be possible that you have found your twin flame, and you are currently dealing with one of the twin flame stages. Today we are going to discuss the twin flame journey so that you might be more prepared for what is to come.
Table of Contents
What is a twin flame journey?
What is the twin flame journey? Well, when twin flames meet, it is the union of two parts of one soul. Because you are so intrinsically connected, there will be a lot of lessons learned from each other. The twin flame journey meaning lies in the deep connection you share. It results in a roller coaster of an adventure as you both facilitate spiritual development within each other. Keep reading for up next is the eight stages of the twin flame journey explained.
The 8 twin flame stages explained
There are 8 stages of twin flame journeys. The different twin flame phases create various milestones for both you and your twin soul partner. Here we will break down each of the stages of twin flame relationships. We have already covered the twin flame stages and signs in this twin flame signs article. But, today we are going in for a closer look.
A lot of people do not realize the extent that the twin flame journey can reach. It is an intense connection because they are two halves of one soul.
If you think you have met your twin flame, how do you know what part of your journey you are on? There are eight different stages of a twin flame relationship that are characterized by various twin flame dynamics. By understanding the different phases you can get a better understanding of your twin flame relationship. Although one must remember that we are all unique, so no twin flame experiences the stages in the same way, they just follow a similar pattern.
Twin flame searching phase
In the twin flame journey, this is the stage in that you will spend most of your life. At least, that is in most cases. It is the time when you will yearn to find your twin flame. During this time you might feel a certain connection to someone out there, but you don’t know who this person is.
While you pine for someone you have not met, you have an inner knowing that you will meet them someday. And this could happen at any given moment. Every thought in your head is somehow linked to finding your twin flame.
The reason for this stage is all in the name of preparation. You already know that life is about the experience, and each one you endure is getting you ready for your twin flame union. It is one of the most crucial stages, So use the time to work on self-love. They are the other half of your soul and can make you complete, but your half of the soul needs to be complete independently before you meet the one.
Twin flame Meeting phase
The moment you meet your twin flame, you will feel this undeniable shift in your reality. all of a sudden you feel like you have known this stranger your whole life, and possibly many lives before. When you meet your true twin flame, you might feel a kind of spark or a vibration between you that resonates deeply within.
This stage represents a time when you managed to feel complete without someone in your life, and you are ready to truly become whole. Furthermore, it initiates growth in your spiritual journey as an individual.
Twin flame Falling in love phase
Then, it finally happens. You fall head over heels in love with your twin flame. This is the start of the romantic relationship, although some say this starts from the first stage. This part of the twin flame love stages can be a wondrous time of excited nervousness. It gives true meaning to butterflies in your stomach because you feel that permanently when you are around your twin flame.
At the same time, this can also be considered the twin flame fear stage. Just as you are full of all the light and bubbly feelings, you might feel anxious. this may be because you are not used to the intensity of your twin flame connection, or it might be that you feel a big change is coming.
Not all twin flame relationships are of the romantic kind. Some find their twin flames in good friends or even a family member. So, in this stage, you will find a much deeper appreciation of your twin flame. Your connection will deepen in ways you never thought possible.
Twin flame honeymoon phase
This is a beautiful stage of your twin flame journey. Both of you will have laid your cards out on the table, expressing your mutual feeling for each other. During this stage, you will both experience what it is to have that picture-perfect relationship. It will be that way, inside and out, filling you both with a euphoric sense of joy. Your relationship will flow smoothly, as you discover how similar you both are.
The purpose of this stage is to give you a hit at what your relationship will mature into after the next few stages to come. It also provides an opportunity to let your already deep connection get even deeper. You might even experience what is known as twin flame telepathy. Which is when your twin soul seems to read your thoughts. They just always seem to understand what you are thinking and feeling.
Twin flame testing stage
The fifth stage sees twin flames testing each other’s boundaries. This stage is also known as the turmoil stage. This gives the impression that this stage is not exactly a good thing, and one usually tries to avoid it. But, it is a crucial step in the process of your twin flame journey. The honeymoon phase is over, and your true colors start shining through.
The previous stage fills you will a sort of blinding ecstasy. In this phase, the blindfold is removed as you start to truly see each other. Your twin flame is the other half of your soul. Typically this means they have endured similar experiences in their lifetime. This might bring old traumas back to the forefront of your thoughts,
Furthermore, your twin flame is also called your mirror soul. This means they mirror your shadow self. So, if you are a loud and gregarious person, your twin flame might be a quiet and reserved person. Or, if you are an emotionally expressive person, your twin flame might struggle with communication. This ultimately causes a clash between the two of you.
When you and your partner reach this phase, try to keep a level head when triggers arise. When a misunderstanding comes between you, try not to retaliate or run away. Be there for each other, even in the hard times.
Twin flame runner and chaser phase
At this point in your relationship, the turmoil has become too much. At least it is for one of you. Either you or your partner will feel too overwhelmed, and will ultimately become the runner. That means one of you will run away from the relationship. If you were the runner, then your twin flame will be the chaser. The runner/chaser stage marks a confusing time between the two of you. You might go through a period of breaking up and getting back together.
The chaser and runner twin flame stages are different for all relationships. Some couples survive this period of their journey and come out stronger than ever. Others do not make it, and they break up. This is called the twin flame separation phase. For some the separation is permanent, but others might separate for a few years. You might reconnect later on because that soul connection will always be there, pulling you together. However, if you have not done the necessary spiritual growth, your relationship will repeat itself and you will most likely separate again.
Twin flame surrender stage
This stage of the twin flame journey is where both of you let your guard down. Your egos dissolve, and you finally slip into alignment. Finally, you are ready to accept the other half of your soul as a part of yours. The surrender phase is also known as the tin flame healing stage. This is because neither of you has defenses up, and you can go through your shadows with the purest form of unconditional love.
Twin flame reunion phase (oneness)
The twin flame final stage is the reunion phase. Even if you managed to survive the turmoil stage without breaking up, you will still have endured the runner and chaser phase in your own way. The healing part of the twin flame acceptance and surrender phase allows you to heal the wounds that surfaced when your true colors started showing through the honeymoon phase.
This stage of twin flame oneness comes with a new understanding of each other. your connection will be deeper than ever before. this stage does not mean you will no longer face trials within your relationship. But, you will be able to work through them better.
The journey of twin flames is one of the most intense things we will experience in our lifetimes. We only have one twin flame, whereas we can have many soul mates. But that makes it all the more special when you do meet your twin soul. If you have not yet met your twin flame, do not rush the process, because they will come at the most universally opportune time.
Key takeaways on the twin flame journey stages
Now that you’re informed about the different stages of the twin flame journey, you might be curious to know what stage you are in with your twin soul. Take this twin flame test that we personally designed just for this purpose! It might give light on the situation you are currently facing in your relationship.
FAQs on twin flame relationship stages
Do twin flames fight?
Yes, twin flames have a tendency to have explosive or very intense fights. This is because you both mirror each other’s shadow selves, and this creates tension with inner wounds rising to the surface. Twin flame fights usually come during the turmoil stage. Some people call this the twin flame fighting stage.
How long do twin flame stages last?
There is no set time for each stage of the twin flame timeline. Every relationship is different because we all lead different lives. It depends on the couple, and how they work through each of the stages, which will determine how long they last.
Is it possible to break twin flame cycles?
It is possible to break cycles with your tin flame, but it won’t come easy. When you go through your separation phase from your twin flame, you need to delve into some shadow work. When you meet them again one day, do not dive right back into a relationship. Wait to see if they have also done the necessary soul work. sometimes, they haven’t done any at all, and that would have resulted in a twin flame cycle of breaking up, getting back together, and breaking up again.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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