Were you recently in one of the most intense and deep feeling relationships where you thought this person was definitely the one? It might very well be that you had found your twin flame, and now you have a sense of being lost without them. Here is a deep explanation for twin flame separation and reunion.
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Twin flame separation and reunion guide
Not all relationships are the same because every one of us are different. Many twin flame relationships see a soulmate separation and reunion, but why is this necessary? We have created a twin soul separation and reunion guide that will help you come to terms with this phenomenon.
What is twin flame separation?
When you meet your twin flame, you are suddenly filled with a deep passion you never knew you were capable of feeling. A twin flame connection will feel like you have found a home in a person. They just seem to fit in every regard. You might find that you are surrounded by synchronicity, leading you to think that it is a universal relationship – the kind worthy of the divine. However, the tragic part is that twin flame unions do not mean they are destined to last forever, and occasionally the relationship ends.
After some time, some twin flame journeys find their paths crossing once again and they reunite as lovers. Many times this new relationship with the same person feels different as if you have both grown and learned through other people.
In some cases, the separation phase ends up being permanent, but that feeling you feel when you think of your twin flame is still there. But, you understand it is not meant to be – in this life at least. This is the natural twin flame cycle.
What does twin flame separation feel like?
Separating from your deepest soul connection can lead you to feel like the wind got knocked out of you. This depends on whether you were the runner or the chaser. A twin flame runner is a person who runs away from the connection. They may not have anticipated the depth of your soul connection. Here are some more signs that you are experiencing a period of separation from your twin flame.
Twin flame separation symptoms & signs
there are any signs of twin flame separation that can help you identify whether or not this is what you are experiencing. You might be feeling some twin flame withdrawal symptoms or soulmate separation symptoms that you can’t quite put a name to. The results of separation between twin flames can seem traumatic at first, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
No more synchronicity
In the beginning, your relationship seemed like it was universal and simply meant to be. Synchronicity followed you both wherever you went, confirming this belief. One of the greatest signs you are separated from your twin flame or should be is the lack of synchronicity.
A sensation of a great loss
losing a tin flame, even if it was for a short time can feel traumatic. the grief you feel is incomparable to the loss you felt with other relationships. It can feel like you have lost a part of your soul.
Why do twin flames separate? 4 twin flame separation reasons
Here are some reasons why twin flames break up. Remember, not all twin soul separation is destined to be reunited. Sometimes, you are better off without them.
Toxic relationship
Let’s face it. A healthy relationship would lead you to want to be the best version of yourself. If your partner and you continuously bring each other down, it is clear you both have some inner work to do. Often these relationships end up in a state of codependency. If this is the reason you left, or your partner left, it might be that you are experiencing a twin flame separation.
A lack of self-love
You know that phrase, the greatest thing is just to love, and be loved in return? Well, it couldn’t ring with more truth. Many of us don’t realize how one-sided we are. We love to give love to those around us, but forget that loving yourself is the first step in finding a long-lasting relationship. Neither of you can adequately love the other person if you do not love yourself first.
A spiritual awakening is needed
sometimes, our relationships become little bubbles of comfort. We know who we are when we are with that person, and that provides a feeling of security. Separating from your twin flame can set a course for a spiritual awakening. This is necessary for spiritual growth.
you both have pasts you need to heal from
Many of us have old wounds that we need to heal from. This could be from your childhood, or it could be from a past relationship. Occasionally we bring that trauma into your twin flame relationship and a lot of the time it is unwarranted. Your higher self will know that you need to first heal those open wounds before you can fully invest in your twin flame. Your separation can be seen as a time for healing. So, let the healing process begin.
Twin flame separation stages
There are eight stages to twin flames in separation. They are as follows:
Longing to find “the one”
This twin flame separation phase happens before you even meet them. You are aware that your person is out there somewhere, and you can almost feel your son-to-be meeting.
Falling in love
Before the twin flames separation stage, one needs to fall in love. This is a joyous time. One where you never dreamed you could be this happy. Enjoy it, for it is one of the most precious gifts of this lifetime.
The perfect relationship
This phase is where your relationship truly blooms. Soon your connection to this person will be the idol of everyone yearning for the same kind of passionate love. This phase is the reason why the twin flame separation stage is so difficult to deal with.
Argumentative phase
the honeymoon phase is over, and you are now noticing red flags all over the place. You no longer see eye to eye with each other, and arguments are had n a daily basis.
Runner or chaser phase
This phase is where the runner runs away from the relationship, and the chaser seeks to make it work, regardless of the turmoil from the previous step. This is where the separation happens. But, in many cases, it is only a physical separation and the spiritual connection remains.
In this phase, you have allowed yourself some healing time. you have been working on self-love and being compassionate towards yourself. You cannot help but accept that you are no longer in need of that person’s love.
After you gained some life experiences and become independent once more, you might get your twin flame back.
Reuniting with your tin flame only happens if it is meant to. Sometimes, they come into your life to spur on spiritual development. but, not all twin flames are meant to get back together.
Dealing with twin flame breakup: What to do during twin flame separation
Here is an explanation of how to deal with twin flame separation. It might not be the easiest thing you have ever done, but surviving twin flame separation can be the most rewarding. Keep reading to learn how to get over your twin flame.
Find the reason for the separation
This is probably the most crucial piece of advice. you will not know what to work on within yourself if you don’t know why the separation happened.
Find happiness in something other than your twin flame
Your twin flame might very well be a piece of your soul that got separated from you before incarnation. But, that does not mean that they are the same person as you, and they cannot provide you with happiness. Only you can do that. You need to be able to be happy when you are completely by yourself, and not dependent on anyone to make you feel happy.
Do some shadow work
Many times we are in need to do some inner work on ourselves. This will help us work out traumas that we have carried through from our past. Meditation helps with this, as well as writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal.
Affirmations and self-love
Giving yourself positive affirmations every day can help your healing phase. You may have felt depressed and lost without them, but you are capable of being independent. Affirmations are a great method for rewiring your brain so that you are strong without your twin flame.
How long does twin flame separation last?
You might ask, how long is twin flame separation? well, this all depends on you. your spiritual growth depends on you getting back together with them. this healing journey of self-discovery varies between all of us because no one’s experience is the same as another.
How to end twin flame separation
if you want to bring a twin flame separation to an end, you need to make sure you have fully healed from your past. If you try to end a separation phase before you are ready, you could delay the spiritual awakening you are busy enduring.
Dealing with the worst: twin flame permanent separation
Losing your twin flame can feel like you have lost yourself. but, when that separation is forever, a lost twin flame might not feel like the end of the world. Of course, you will have to undergo some twin flame loss healing. But, at this point in your spiritual development, you understand that losing twin flame can be beneficial to your growth. Here are some signs of twin flame separation forever.
They are no longer in your dreams
When the two of you got together, they encapsulated your dreams. every night, you would wish them a good rest, and jokingly say: “see you in a dream world.” And, so you did!
But now, your dreams are filled with everything but them. this concerns you, but it is a sign you are on your way to a twin flame separation.
You can’t see them as a part of your future
When you and your twin flame got together, they filled your waking dreams. Every time you fantasized about your future, they were there. But, now that you are separated you can no longer see yourself growing old with them. they are not in the images of your future that your mind’s eye has created.
You don’t know who you are anymore
Many times, we go through life learning lesson upon lesson. this is bound to bring some changes to how you see the world, and how you see yourself. Going through a change in identity can be a sign that you and your twin flame are separating for good.
You don’t feel connected anymore
Before you could feel your twin flame wherever you went. Even if you were on different continents you were able to know how they were feeling. But, now it seems as if they are no longer within your spiritual radar.
Signs of twin flame reunion after separation
Here are some twin flame reunion signs after separation.
They fill your every thought
Even if it has been years since you saw your twin flame, or even spoke to them for that matter, you might realize one day that you cannot stop thinking about them.
You feel a pull toward certain places
Sometimes your body knows you are about to be reunited with your twin flame before you do. The spiritual side of you will pull you in various directions that might align you to ump into them.
Reminders of them pop up everywhere
When your twin flame reunion is about to happen, your higher self will mentally prepare you first. Memories of them will randomly swirl into your mind. And other things will someone make you think of them. Even if that thing was unrelated to them.
Key takeaways
Your twin flame can be the best thing that can happen in your life, but it comes with understanding that you are the best thing, yourself. No one can make you happy, and only you can do that for yourself.
FAQs and other twin flame separation advice
Do twin flames always separate?
Not all twin flames separate. sometimes twin flames can meet up at the ideal point in their lives when they have already dealt with their traumas. the only reason a twin flame connection separates is when there is healing and maturing needed.
How many times do twin flames separate?
no twin flame relationship is the same, which means the number of times you separate cannot be predicted There is no limit to the number of times you separate. this does not mean that you will without a doubt separate, because many times, twin flames stay together forever.
Why do twin flames break up and get back together?
Twin flames sometimes need to break up when you or your partner need to do some maturing. Learning how to love yourself can be the best thing for your relationship with another.
What does it mean if I don’t feel my twin flame anymore?
If you no longer feel your twin flame you might be experiencing a twin flame separation. Before this, you were able to tell what their emotional standpoint was even from across the globe. Now, they are no longer tuned into your vibration.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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