Having physical and spiritual goals for your life is important. It gives you the drive, or motivation, that you need to get up in the morning and strive to do better. Spiritual goals help you to get somewhere in your life. It can give your life meaning, spiritually. However, many people overlook the significance of setting spiritual goals. Today we are going to discuss how to set your goals for your spirituality, and why they are important. Not only for your spiritual life but for every sector of your existence. We will discuss how they will help to raise your vibration, create deeper connections, build stronger relationships, and help change your thoughts and beliefs for the betterment of your spiritual maturity!
Table of Contents
What are spiritual goals?
What are spiritual goals and what is spiritual freedom and spiritual maturity? No matter where your beliefs lie, religious or not, everyone has a spiritual side. This does not mean that you have to believe in a deity or attend church. Spirituality comes in many different forms, and it will be different for everyone. this means that even an atheist can set spiritual goals for themselves. they are not about challenging the beliefs of others, they are about putting compassion towards yourself and others So, whether you’re following a specific faith or practice, spiritual goals can help us reach fulfillment. In other words, whether it’s based on a specific religion, close your eyes, for it’s time to set some goals.
So, what is a spiritual goal and what is spiritual freedom? Spiritual goals are clear objectives that you set for yourself. They can uplift your days by providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Spiritual goals make a deeper connection with your inner self or your deities. Thus, helping you gain what you want to achieve in your life. These goals will help you realize where you are heading, and may even inspire you to try new things.
Setting spiritual goals for 2023
So, wondering how to start a spiritual journey filled with compassion and empathy? Sometimes setting spiritual goals sounds easier than it is. When it comes down to it, your mind draws a blank. So, for your spiritual benefit, we have drafted some tips and tricks to help you set your intentions and your goals. We will focus on smart goals for spiritual goal setting, as it is our preferred method. But, you can choose whichever method you favor.
Setting smart goals for spiritual growth
Now that you know what a spiritual goal is, you must be wondering, what on earth is a SMART goal? Well, if you think about it, setting good spiritual goals is quite vague. One might have grand ideas of where they want to be. We are capable of attaining anything we want in our lives, but sometimes we skip a few steps in our goal setting so we get overwhelmed by the sheer jump we expect ourselves to make. So, SMART goals are like stepping stones to our main goal. They are easier to achieve daily, all the while building yourself up to you reach the place you want to be in the long run.
Firstly, a SMART spiritual goal will need to be measurable, to see your progress. So, the goals you set will need to be easily measured or compared to your progress. Secondly, your SMART goal will need to be specific. This is so the higher beings have an idea where you are heading and they can fine-tune their guidance. Or so that you have a clearer idea of the end goal. Thirdly, a SMART goal is a realistic one. sure, it can be fun to imagine where you think you should end up, but often we get lost in our fantasies and lose direction along the way. So, set a goal that you know you can achieve. Trust that you will get to where you want to be, one small realistic step at a time. Lastly, your goals need to make sense according to how you have envisioned yourself. Take stock of your desires, start looking inwards, and see if they correlate to your spiritual goals.
Spiritual smart goals examples
So, let’s take a deeper look into smart spiritual growth goals. We have set some examples of spiritual goals that are considered SMART. The kind that is easily achieved, relevant to your dreams, measurable, and specific.
I will Connect with God through Prayer:
Many people set goals for wanting to deepen their relationship with God. A great Smart spiritual goal for this would be making a habit out of praying and conversing with God daily. This way, you will allow your connection to grow stronger day by day. You might also wish to read your bible more often, as a means to seek God’s wisdom.
I will be more mindful of my impact on Earth:
Being mindful in a world that is based on the opposite can be a daunting task. to make this a SMART spiritual goal, one might start by eating less meat. you might start with Meatless Mondays, and eventually ad in more vegetarian days of the week. Some people might start by cutting down on their plastic waste by recycling more or cutting down on their chemical-based products. You do not have to become a green warrior on day one. Set a realistic goal for yourself, and watch how you progress.
Now that you understand what a SMART spiritual goal is, you can apply that to every goal you set. If you still feel like you do not know where to start when setting your goals, we have made a list of spiritual goal examples that you might relate to, and make your own.
Spiritual goals examples (non-religious)
Setting goals can be a daunting task. So many of us set such unrealistic goals that even if our intentions are pure, we find it hard to achieve them. So, we have made a list of non-religious spiritual goals list, or spiritual goals examples so you get a better idea of what a realistic goal is. Whether or not you think you need to set goals, they sure canhelp your personal growth.
Writing in a journal more frequently can be a great way to measure your spiritual progress. So, try to make a habit of writing about the thoughts you have throughout the day. Some people like to get their journal and write in the morning, and some before they go to bed. This can also help you gain insight into good or bad situations. If your goals are written, they provide an inspirational way for you to look back at how far you have come. They serve as reminders for things that happened in the past, and how to cultivate their healing process. When you look back at what you wrote in the past, you might be surprised at how you have changed your perception of things you felt so sure about. But, now, other things make you feel better.
Practicing Gratitude and Forgiveness
Being grateful is something that can heal any emotional wound. It might not be the easiest task to master, but every one of us is capable of finding gratitude in every situation. Start by finding a list of at least 5 reasons why you’re grateful for your life. That list will start to expand the more you practice this. Moreover, if you need to find reasons to be grateful for someone who has wronged you in the past, look to the lessons they taught you even through all the pain.
This is where forgiveness comes in. Forgiving is the next part of gratitude, and it is the only way to let go of your past and move forward. Once you have forgiven the person who hurt you, the real challenge is learning how to forgive yourself. Remember; without gratitude, there is no forgiveness. One needs to find ways to set themselves free from their past, to see what’s happening around them. Look inward, and find parts of yourself that learned from your mistakes of the past. It can help to ease tensions building up inside you that only weigh you down. Send compassion to yourself, not just the world around you.
Living mindfully is not something that comes naturally to many of us. It helps us take note of the small things in life that we usually take for granted. For example, taking a mindful walk in nature allows us to appreciate the intricate beauty of nature, much like the simplicity of a flower’s beauty or the rustling of leaves. Even just doing some breathwork can be a mindfulness practice.
Learning to Let Go
Letting go is certainly one of the hardest things we humans have to learn in this life. Our emotions make things so much more difficult because we develop deep attachments to things, people, and places. To become more fluent in the art of letting go, one can set SMART spiritual goals.
If you need to let go of a grudge against someone, start by reframing your negative thought pattern about that person, or event. Replace the lower vibrational thoughts with ones of gratitude and love. The more you practice this, the easier it will be to catch yourself in a negative thought spiral.
Meditating More
Spirituality and meditation are great ways to promote a sense of purpose and meaning for a more content life. Meditating is a great way to connect with your spiritual self. It is also a perfect smart spiritual goal to set for yourself when you are feeling a little lost on your journey. It can provide clarity of thought and a deeper understanding of yourself.
Giving More
You may find that being generous, or sending compassion toward others can help us feel connected to everyone around us. Compassion can enlighten you to the struggles of others, and thus your wn. this can be one of the simplest spiritual goals to achieve. You can start by signing up as a volunteer at homeless shelters, or at an old-age home. It doesn’t matter where you start, so long as you do it with kindness. You could even donate your old clothes to someone in need. Let the reward you receive be the feeling of being fulfilled at the end of the day.
Examples of spiritual goals (religious)
Are you looking for examples of spiritual goals you should set? Needing some help with how to start your spiritual journey? There are many types of goals; religious goals, or godly goals, are for people who wish to expand their spirituality within their religion. We have a list of faith goals that might come in handy with you feel you need to connect with your deity on a deeper level.
Studying God’s words
If you feel lost, or without direction, a good place to start remedying this is by seeking guidance. For Christians, they might seek guidance from reading God’s word. The spiritual goal you might set could be simply reading the bible each night before you go to sleep, or every morning when you wake up. The same applies to people of all the different religious beliefs. Islamic people would take to the Quran and Jewish people, the Torah.
Building a community within your faith
Believing in God is one thing, but following religious beliefs can be seriously isolating. Especially if you do not have a community with whom to share the wisdom you learn, offer, and receive guidance. So, to build up your community, you can set some spiritual goals. You might join a bible study or a prayer group with some people you know from church. Or, you can host a barbeque with your church friends, and tell them to invite others from other churches. Eventually, your community will start to expand.
Practicing gratitude
Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts you can give your God. If you are religious, you can set a spiritual goal of gratitude and forgiveness. God is entirely forgiving of our sins, so why shouldn’t we be? Start by reading a list of everything you are grateful for in your morning prayers. Additionally, release anyone you may have a grudge over by forgiving them for the past. Make sure you forgive yourself too.
Going to Church regularly
Some people struggle with attending sermons. However, if one attends their church on a more regular basis, they might feel more connected towards god. Make it an aspiration to be more present in church. surround yourself with people you love within the walls of your religion, they will help guide your way to a new level of godly connection. This is a sure way to help you connect with your faith. Isolation is a sure way to make us feel alone, but your church ca help you find clear path of
Did you enjoy our spiritual goal ideas list?
We hope you enjoyed this list of spiritual goals, religious or not. If you did, please forward this to your preferred social media platform. You never know whose journey might require this guidance at this moment in time. Others might appreciate the know-how to connect deeper to their spiritual side.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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