What is a spiritual empath? Many of us have had a friend at some point in our lives that claimed they could sense spirits or angels. Maybe that friend is you. Spiritual empaths are not only sensitive to other people’s emotions, but they can sense when beings of the spirit realm are present. In this article, we have listed some signs and traits. So that you may know whether you identify as one or not.
Table of Contents
What is a spiritual empath? Our definition
Spiritual empaths are sensitive people. They are able to finely tune into other people’s emotional states, no matter how far away they are. This also means that they have a hyper-awareness of their own vibration, and have a strong ability to connect to their higher self. Additionally, they are able to sense when beings from higher dimensions, or the spirit realm are present. This is according to our spiritual empath definition.
So, what is spiritual empathy?
Have you ever had one of those friends who seems to always know exactly how you are feeling? The kind who calls you up – right at the moment you need them because something terrible has happened. One of the empathic abilities of a spiritual empath is sensing the vibrations of human beings. Typically, they can sense people’s emotions on a heightened level. And at the same time, they possess self-awareness like few others.
The uniqueness of a spiritual empath allows them to sense beings from the spiritual or higher realms. Some people like to call the beings they sense angels, others refer to them as spirit guides. Some spiritual empaths are so in tune they get sightings of these beings from time to time.
Spiritual empath symbol
The Celtic knot is a great protection symbol for spiritual empaths to keep around. It was used to maintain positivity within and around you by warding off negative energy, or spirits.
Spiritual empath signs
There are many misconceptions surrounding the various types of empaths. Here is a list of signs that can help identify a spiritual empath from the rest.
You feel like an emotional sponge
As a spiritual empath, one of your greatest gifts is your ability to sense other people’s emotions. Sometimes, the emotions of others take over your own life, because you are constantly aware of what is going on in everyone else’s. This can be exhausting for you, so you go through periods where you feel drained of energy.
You recharge on your lonesome
Being alone for some people is dreadfully boring. But, for you, it is heaven and a necessary part of your self-care practice. You find solace in spending time by yourself, recharging your energy levels after being bombarded by the vibrations of others. Your well-being depends on it.
You can feel the vibes of any room
Before a spiritual empath walks into a room full of people, they might set up a quick protection shield around their aura. This is because they can sense the vibe of the room, whether it is of a spiritual origin or not.
Intuition guides you
Everyone has intuition. But for a spiritual empath, your intuition seems to come through a lot stronger. This has a lot to do with the fact that you are so in tune with yourself. This self-awareness allows you to trust your intuition. It guides you throughout your life, helping you make decisions and saving you from bad relationships.
Get overwhelmed easily
Spiritual empaths are constantly picking up on external vibrations. whether they be from the spirit realms or the physical plains, it can be exhausting. The difficulty of finding pure and honest alone time can lead them into a frenzy from feeling so much for so long. When overwhelmed by their empathic senses, they are prone to panic attacks, or deep anxiety.
You tend to attract narcissists
A spiritual empath is so aware of the pain of others, and always willing to lend a helping hand. this mixture of purity and helpfulness makes them the perfect target for energy vampires and narcissists. If you attract a lot of people into your life
Spiritual empath traits & characteristics
A spiritual empath is not only their abilities. They are also a person underneath all of that. their almost psychic abilities will have an impact on their personality. So, here is a list of some typical traits and characteristics that many spiritual empaths have.
Spiritual empaths can sense the vibrations of everyone around them. This includes the negative and the positive energy. Sensing the pain of others makes you a compassionate person because you understand their feelings almost as if they were your own.
Avoids conflict
Some people feel the need to get their point across by attacking people with arguments and accusations. If you are a spiritual empath, you might find you avoid all forms of conflict because the energy levels are far too intense. You refer to talking things out calmly, but whenever the conflict rises, you want to run away from the interaction.
Spiritual empaths are often quite introverted. this is because they are perceiving so much energy from other people, as well as from the spirit realms that it is a lot to process all at once.
Approachable energy
Mot spiritual empaths have very approachable energy – which means that you might find people coming up to you and spilling out something personal about their lives. They feel they can trust you, and you listen with an open heart because you truly understand what they are going through – on an energetic level.
Work as an energy healing practitioner
Many spiritual empaths struggle to resist to urge to help others. Because you can feel their pain, you want to heal them. This is why many spiritual empaths end up working as energy healers.
Can be moody
Many people have described you as a temperamentally moody person. This means that you might have a friendly personality, but the vibrations you pick up all the time can make you grumpy and irritable.
Key takeaways on spiritual empaths
If you found yourself saying, “that’s me!” to most of these points, then you are most likely a spiritual empath. This means that you need to start working on some coping mechanisms in order to protect your mental health. Keep some protection crystals like smoky quarts and obsidian around to protect you from negative energies, spirit or physical. Practice mindful meditations to fine-tune your self-awareness. Lear to trust your intuition, and learn how to build a force field around you to shield you from unwanted vibrations.
Do any of these signs and characteristics ring true with you, try out this quiz! It might reveal your abilities as a spiritual empaths. Then, you can start to put it to good use.
What is a spiritual empath?
A spiritual empath is able to sense the emotions of others as if they were their own. They are also hyper aware of themselves, which allows them to trust their intuition. Spiritual empaths are also able to sense when spirits or angelic beings are present.
How Does a Spiritual Empath Differ from Other Empaths?
It is not very easy to define the different between other empaths and a spiritual empath because the empathic abilities manifest differently in all of us. However, typically, a spiritual empath can be identified if they also perceive beings or entities from the spirit realm.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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It was interesting to discover that I am a spiritual empath.