Spirit animals are a wondrous thing once you learn how to identify them for yourself. We have created an online what is my spirit animal quiz that can help you learn how to find your spirit animal that has been guiding you all along. Share your test results with your friends!
Table of Contents
What is your spirit animal? Take the what is my spirit animal quiz to find out now!
Take this accurate spirit animal quiz now! Not only will it help you find your animal guidance, but it is a free spirit animal test! So, no payments, only guidance.
What spirit animal am I? Your spirit animal test result
What result did you receive from our spirit animals list? We bet you feel just as astounded as everyone else! A few of you might have received the confirmation, having had an inkling what your spirit animal was before. No matter what, share your results with your friends! they might too find benefit in understanding what animal has been guiding them without them realizing. You can also try our spirit guide test!
So what is my spirit animal meaning? How to interpret the spirit animal quiz results
Your spirit animal’s meaning does not necessarily mean that you have all the qualities of the type of animal. You might simply benefit from being exposed to that energy, or maybe you need to adapt it to your behavioral patterns. For example: if you got the monkey as your spirit animal, but you are not exactly the most tom-foolery kind of person. It might mean you need to loosen up a bit or see the funny side of difficult situations.
How to find your spirit animal in other ways
How do you know what your spirit animal is without taking a quiz? We get it, quizzes aren’t for everyone. The good news is, there are many different ways you might determine what your animal guide is. Generally, each method needs you to pay attention to what animals appear to you in certain situations.
- What animal do you seem to see the most?
How do you find your spirit animal? Well, it takes some self-awareness and a keen eye for perception. What animals do you see the most? Not like your neighbor’s dog, but the animals that catch your attention randomly, or appear in arbitrary places.
- What animals appear in your dreams?
Pay attention to the different animals that appear in your dreams. While you are dreaming, your conscious mind is at rest, and your spirit guides find it easier to communicate with you in this state. So, your totem animal will do the same. So, how do you know your spirit animal? find out tonight when you sleep!
- Write about animals you feel drawn to
So how do you know your spirit animal using your feelings? Many people find journaling a great method for processing events, understanding their inner thoughts, or expanding their spirituality. So, writing about the animals you feel attracted to the most will help you find your spirit animal
- Recall intimate moments with animals
If possible, think of all the times in your life when animals have appeared seemingly out of the blue. The ones that caught your attention. Is there a specific type of animal that seems to appear the most? It might be your spirit animal.
- Are there animals in your lineage?
As per Native American beliefs, spirit animals are passed down between tribes. So, you could see if your family line or culture has a certain animal that you affiliate with.
- Meditate
Meditating is the key to unlocking certain parts of ourselves. Through regular practice, we can tap into the parts of us that need exploring and healing. It is also a great way to find out what’s your spirit animal.
- Speak to a psychic
Some people seem to have this ability to see things in other people without even speaking to them. A psychic might be able to pinpoint which animal is your spirit guide.
- Spend time outdoors
Nature is the perfect way to connect with your spirituality. So, if you are looking for your spirit animal, go for more walks in the forest, swim in the sea, or hike a mountain. Anything that connects you to mother nature.
- How do animals behave around you?
Observe how animals behave around you. If they start acting strange, they might be trying to convey a message. Or, they might just be trying to grab your attention.
- Do research
A great way to know what your spirit animal is is by understanding what the mean spiritually. As the Native American tribes believe, each animal carries magic in an energetic form. So, get comfy, and pour a cup of coffee, because there are many animals in this world so you’re in for a lot of readying.
Other spirit animal info, facts and questions
This next section will include other information about spirit animals.
So, what is a spirit animal?
The term spirit animal is thrown about rather loosely. But, this begs the question, what is a spirit animal? Once you learn this, you can start asking, what is my spirit animal? In short, a spirit animal is an animal in a physical and spiritual form that appears to you in times when you need its energetic reassurance or guidance.
They are called many things, like totem animals, spirit creatures, or soul animals. Although, ultimately they are teachers, and messengers that carry lessons in life. They share wisdom with you and reassure you in the darkest moments.
Spirit guide animals in different cultures throughout history
Many cultures praise animals as if they were gods, but not all in the same way. We are all unique beings, just like our cultures. Here are a few examples of how we humans spiritually connect with animals.
Native American totem animals
In Native American Culture, they believe each animal represents a kind of medicine that is food for the soul. Animal totems are the spiritual symbol of a tribe. Each tribe has its own totem animal which is its guiding force throughout life.
Pagan Power animals
In the Pagan culture, they also believe in spirit guides that come in the form of animals. They believed that animals brought messages from the Gods or higher beings, and this would give us insight into our lives. They would call upon the wisdom of animals.
Egyptians Sacred Animals
Egyptians didn’t have spirit animals in the same sense as Native American culture. they believed some of their gods would appear in the form of certain animals. they would praise these animals in the hopes it would please the god.
Greek animal spirits
In the same sense, Ancient Greece did not have conventional spirit animals either. They believed in animal spirits like centaurs or satyrs. Centaurs are half man and half horse, and satyrs are half man and half goat.
African spirit animal
In African culture, each animal would symbolize something specific. Lions symbolized strength and courage, Elephants symbolized royalty, luck, patience, wisdom, and a long life. The buffalo symbolized fertility and nutrition.
Vikings animal guide
Vikings also believed that some of their gods appeared as animals. They would do the same as the Egyptians and praise those animals as if they were gods.
What is the best spirit animal?
When people talk about their spirit animal, it is as if theirs is the best and most powerful totem animal in the world. This might just be because they have a strong connection to it. But, in reality, there is no such thing. Each animal appears in our lives when we need them the most. You might even find you have more than one type of spirit animal throughout the phases of your life.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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