Once again we gathered for a Q&A session where we allowed the flow of your questions to bring us to the point of realization. It’s funny how often each question leads to the next, like divine synchronicity. Remember that each experience you have endured has led you to this very moment. So, even if the information seems irrelevant to your life, it is meant for you to hear. Maybe it will make sense for you later on, or maybe you are destined to share what you’ve learned here with someone else.
Table of Contents
The universe works in mysterious ways, and as Julia says, “This will be the ride of your life”. Get comfortable, and open your hearts and minds to the information you are about to receive. Let go of any preconceived ideas, because anything is possible.
Do any clients see aliens in their QHHT sessions that are covered in feathers?
A reptilian-like alien covered in feathers is quite a common form of alien that clients describe to us in their sessions. There are many different kinds of aliens or even hybrid aliens that have feathers covering their bodies. The most similar to this description would be the Blue Avian species that comes up frequently with various clients. There’s even a blue avian music genre that boasts some pretty melodic songs. Furthermore, some hybrid reptilian aliens could be covered in feathers. Bearing in mind, that not all reptilians are bad-natured, some of the sub-species of reptilians are more benevolent
There is a very high chance that you visited a planet that you once lived on. If any of you have a dream like this or tap into a life with Aliens in your QHHT sessions, make sure you take note of the emotions you felt, and what triggered them in those sessions. If it was too much to take in at the moment, don’t worry. The doorway is now open, and the more you practice, the more you will be able to tap into that energetic pathway at any time.
What does Dolores Cannon mean when she says we should change our diet to fruits, vegetables, and water?
Dolores Cannon, the co-founder of QHHT, used to share the information she received during sessions. Her telling us that we should change our diets to access the 5D realm, that was information she received during her sessions. This does not necessarily mean that you must stop eating meat cold turkey… You must always look at what resonates with you.
What does she mean that a vegetarian diet will make us lighter? Without eating meat, you are not eating any of the residual pain or fear that might still be in the meat. Fruits and vegetables are high vibrational foods that will raise your vibration, and that in turn raises the world. But, you need to learn how to listen to your own body, because it is always telling you what it needs. Trust your body, and eat a diet that works for you. That also raises your vibration, because you’re not sitting with disappointment from your meal.
Is alcohol low vibrational?
Ultimately this question ties in very much with the above answer. None of us are the same, having lived through different experiences. This means that each of us has our level of temptation towards drinking, or smoking cigarettes (the two often go hand-in-hand). That being said, alcohol does tend to bring out the ego within us, and we forget all mindfulness. That kind of thinking or behavior is not conducive to the fifth dimension. So, if you are on a steady path, intending to reach the 5D realm, then alcohol is not the answer for you. However, each of our journeys is different, and we will arrive timeously. But, on our own time.
How do I differentiate between fear and self-preservation?
Fear and self-preservation are not all that different. Fear can be used to describe a feeling when our lives are at risk, or we could hurt ourselves badly. Self-preservation is involving aspects that are not life-threatening. It has an intricate marriage with the ego. The ego is meant to keep you alive, and feeling on top form. Ultimately, your ego is self-preservation alone, because it holds you back from pain, or even embarrassment.
Learn to recognize when your ego is holding you back. Listen to the voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it (whatever it is). Look into the reasons your ego gives you, and then ask yourself why exactly you can’t. Most of the time you will discover you are more than capable.
It is a good idea to question your ego frequently because it tends to get overprotective of us. This earth experience is not about self-preservation. You came here to learn, grow, and develop. If you allow your ego to continuously prevent you from doing what could make you the happiest person you’ve ever known yourself to be, then you are only holding yourself back. You are meant to be challenged, so don’t let your ego scare you out of taking a chance.
After suffering from depression and anxiety my whole life, what are the lessons I need to learn from this experience?
There is a chance that something happened to you when you were little. Or, there is a chance that something happened in the life before this one that caused the anxiety. Depression is usually a coping mechanism for a means to escape. So, if you go through bouts of depression it is your subconscious trying to escape the reality it is facing. The key to working through this is delving into some shadow work. You need to bring your shadows to the surface. Even if you didn’t know the shadows were there.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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