Once again we are here to explore the world of your curiosities! As you might be aware, we like to get into the topics of your choosing. For those who don’t know, this is where we explain various things that our followers ask of us. That way, we are flowing with the law of attraction, and the will of the universe. It is up to you, so what are you curious about?
Table of Contents
Reincarnation – how can you prevent coming back into another life?
This is a very valid question and one that many people want to know how. As you know, one reincarnates if they have unresolved or accumulated karma. They come up in our lives as lessons we need to learn in order to ascend. Human life is not one to be scoffed at. It is a tumultuous time full of ups and downs. A rollercoaster ride of emotions.
Because so people have difficult lives, they would much rather not reincarnate as a human. They decide, “this is it, I’m finishing my life on Earth now”. But, this is your conscious mind talking from the perspective of a human. In most cases, when we die and reach the other side, we choose to come back to continue learning and growing. Our perspective as a human is not the same as our higher self. So, when you are in between lives, your perspective is much grander. Hopefully, you will appreciate the influence you had over some people. Or, you will be inspired to be better In the next life.
That being said, if you would like to resolve any karma, or work towards ascending, that is great! The key to this is being the best version of yourself. Walk with compassion, understanding, and love in your steps. Let go of trying to control your lives, and try to focus your attention on learning and growing, rather than reincarnation. Ultimately, you need to remain in a high vibrational position of love, joy, and acceptance. This life is all about experiences. Those lessons we learn carry through to our higher self. It may be overwhelming now, but in a year or five, it might not seem as daunting. Remember, as your perspective changes, so do your understanding.
Why does money control us on earth?
This was a great question because money is right at the center of how civilization functions. Firstly, we would like to ask you to shift your perspective on what “money” is. If you see it as something that controls you, then you are giving your power away. Money has an energy and we should learn to see it as such. It flows in and out of our lives. Once you manage that, the flow will become more synchronized with your life.
Not all people think about money all the time, and others don’t. for those that are concerned over their cash flow, there might be easier ways to make your money last longer or go further. Maybe you are spending too much unnecessarily, which can limit you in the long run. Budgeting is a great way to regain control over your money. That way you are allocating certain amounts for everything you need, and what’s left over can go towards something you need or desire. Take stock of what you are spending your money on by going through your bank statements. This can give you the opportunity to rethink how necessary it was to spend that money.
After making your budget, some people might find they need to earn more. Everyone is always capable of earning more than they are. Some take up a side hustle of their choosing. The best is to do something you are passionate about because your light shines brighter. That is when more pathways are lit up for you to take.
Dealing with overwhelming feelings
In life, we go through many ups and downs. Sometimes the downs are too frequent, and that can send us into an overwhelming tizzy. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed can wash over your life a rogue wave that came out of nowhere. Everyone struggles in these moments, so you are not alone. When this does happen, remind yourself that it is only temporary, and will pass sooner than you might think.
Secondly, the experiences that lead you to feel overwhelmed were pre-ordained by yourself. You, your higher self, your soul family, and your spirit guides, all got together and decided on each experience. This means that you are meant to go through it all. Take stock of the thoughts that go through your head in these times, and work out how they make you feel. This can highlight the lesson behind it all.
Understanding the feeling of isolation
Isolation is something the whole world is familiar with right now. After the pandemic, we each went through some sort of isolating experience. Not everyone is cooped up in an apartment alone, as many people live with family or friends. But, if you were it was probably because you hose to be alone to work on yourself during that time.
Any time you feel that you are isolated, it probably means that you have some self-work to do. Take that time to unveil your shadows, because you never know when the opportunity arises again. Finally, a feeling of isolation is also just a figment of our minds. We are never truly isolated in this day and age. All it takes is a shift in perspective.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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