Lemurians were a highly intelligent, free-loving culture of people who lived in harmony with each other and all living things on Earth. There are stories of a great flood which was the demise of the ancient civilization. But where did they go?
This whole topic is just too fascinating for me and I urge you to share your experiences of remembering lives that might possibly be from the time of Lemuria. If this story strikes a keen interest, you probably have!
Table of Contents
You may or may not have heard about “Lemuria”. More than likely, you are more familiar with the place once called, “Atlantis” which was an ancient city where the people had a luxurious and convenient lifestyle. Both Atlantis and Lemuria were continents that were engulfed by the Indian Ocean between one and nine million years ago. These places are founded on many a myth or legend. Why do we feel so connected to This place that society will have you believe does not exist? And what was so different about their society, and the norms they lived by, from ours?
My Experience As A Lemurian
Of the many lives I have experienced, my main earthly existence was based in Atlantis. I’ve had more lives there than I have after civilization changed to what we know it as now. Before that, I was brought into Lemuria as a sort of anchoring point into Atlantis to catch a glimpse of the direction that Atlantis could go. I say this because I knew full well in-between my lives that I’d be participating in the experience of Atlantis moving forward. With the concept in mind that it would be a destructive experience for civilization. There were highs and lows – amazing things happening. But, the endpoint was inevitable.
I ended up leaving that life due to the flooding which was one of the many things that led to the collapse of that society. The part of the experiences in those lives before in Lemuria paved the way to serve a glimpse of what Atlantis could be. The sort of purity that could be within Atlantis and future humanity, to allow it to potentially go to different timelines to have a different endpoint – being that there were two different directions that Atlantis could’ve gone.
How Was the Lemurian Society Different to Ours?
In modern days we live according to our egos. We are so concerned with the opinions of others that we forget our true selves. We tend to live unauthentically all the while pleasing others and entertaining this idea they have of us. It’s the exact opposite of what it was back in Lemuria. With these sorts of free-flowing concepts and acceptance, they had a where each individual was accepted to express themselves in whatever way. Imagine the world if we went through life accepting people without the intention to change them, or judge them. If We could completely accept and allow them to pursue their life in every way that they want. Their differences were engaged and welcomed, and there was love, harmony, and nourishment – instead of defense.
These are the parallelisms between Lemurian culture and our culture. If you look at the way money is being spent, especially in the United States, a huge chunk is going towards defense and nuclear weapons and all these sorts of things. But, you can imagine if all that money shifted into the well-being of the world, and the well-being of the body, and the nurturing of the individuals? That is the possibility of the kind of world we can develop instead of a world that has to defend its territory. We could all work together, and support one another – as the Lemurians did.
The Lemurians Connection to Animals
Lemurians also had a relationship with animals which is only dreamed of in most of our modern culture. In Lemurian society, they didn’t feel that they were above any creature, not even an ant. And there was this beautiful homeostasis between the baseline of how these Lemurians also had a relationship with animals which is only dreamed of in most of our modern culture. In Lemurian society, they didn’t feel that they were above any creature, not even an ant. And there was this beautiful homeostasis between the baseline of how these beings intersect on Earth. The good news is that, as we progress further towards the 5D reality, we are learning and how to become a more aware and communal society.
How Did Lemurians Perceive People?
If I think of my QHHT sessions of my experience as a Lemurian, In that time, the body that I had could feel ahead and when I looked at others, there was a little bit of resonance or a visible connection between the people. Our bodies’ auras emanated and we glowed – it was reflective of their high vibrational way of being.
They weren’t so focused on holding on to their egos, thus creating a more physical form. Our physical bodies are like the encasing or protection of the ego. This detachment from our egos, as Lemurians and Atlanteans, allowed our aura, or light to shine which was their attractive quality. Unlike us, who fixate on our physical form like the shape of our bodies or curves of our smiles. Back in the time of Lemurian, it was about your glow, and your energy and eminence, which was the attractive part of meeting new people.
Lemurians had Open Relationships
Lemurians were all about free-loving and less one-to-be focused. This concept is growing in the modern days yet there is still struggle and heartbreak. In Lemurian times it worked because they did not hold on to their ego. For us, it is a little bit harder to grasp because of the general reaction when the concept of open and free love is brought up – people roll their eyes and mutter: “Ahhh, the hippie stuff,”. Lemurians found it highly acceptable to go from one partner to the next and not be offended if your partner goes to spend time with other people.
What Nutrients Did the Lemurians Survive On?
They were unequivocally attracted to sunlight and sun energy was there, their primary directive of what they wanted to consume. So some Lemurians were getting their food completely from the sun. They were able to be at such a high vibrational place that the energy of the sun could be absorbed by the cells and the skin and actually converted into nutrient energy to allow them to live a very healthy and pure life. They also had a diet of plants but selective plants that they knew would give off more energy than others. There was not really much animal eating, and there wasn’t any need for that, because they were getting it in the most direct route possible – the sun.
What Have We Brought From Our Lemurian Roots?
We have had some characteristics that were transferred down through Lemurians that now have reached human beings and human beings, like singing and dancing. Singing and dancing are very sacred to the Lemurians. They managed to routinely perform them on a day-to-day basis – as a way to bring themselves together harmoniously.
They used the notes of the music to get on the same wavelength with one another, criss-cross energies, and feeling the heartbeat of the community. This was practiced as a community, collectively. Not because it was mandatory but it would almost be like happy hour. They would align their crystals in certain patterns whilst they sang and danced to work in harmony with them. These are some of the familiar aspects of our societies, ranging across cultures.
Do You Feel Connected to the Lemurians?
If you find yourself inexplicably attracted to the stories of Lemuria – that they just make sense to you, that is your connection to Lemurians. It’s a validation that you have had these other lives, and you’re here now for a reason. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this. In the vast majority, there is more of a profound curiosity in discovering who you’ve been and who you really are.
If that’s the case, I believe it means you have come from those places. That connection that you feel now means that you are able to access that past self at any moment in time. With a little bit of practice, you can have a conversation with your past self to gain some insight and wisdom from that life. So if you feel like you have an interest in this legendary place you probably lived as a Lemurian yourself and you are now starting to realize that.
What Can We Learn From Lemurians?
There’s parallelism where the leaders placed themselves in the position as the “saviors” claiming to be the solution, to guide you through turmoil. But they actually set you on a path of fear. Throughout human civilization that that model has recreated itself and ultimately led to crazy situations like Nazi Germany, apartheid, and anything of that nature.
You still see remnants of this in different societies, you find percolations of this still, here in America. What I think needs to happen is a changing of the idea that we need a messiah who has all the answers. Just the idea that leadership does not need to come from a dominant figure who thinks they know what we need. It is about generating a spark of change that other people can follow and do the same for others – we can lead together. It is to not care so much for your connection to money or the physical idea of wealth.
Final Notes
Lemurians were a highly intelligent, free-loving culture of people who lived in harmony with each other and all living things on Earth. There are stories of a great flood which was the demise of the ancient civilization. But where did they go? Some migrated to Mount Shasta, in India, some were said to go into the oceans and evolved or transformed into sea creatures – possibly mermaids!
It is said that some of them disappeared into the intricate tunnel system deep under the Earth’s surface. This whole topic is just too fascinating for me and I urge you to share your experiences of remembering lives that might possibly be from the time of Lemuria. If this story strikes a keen interest, you probably have.
Did Lemurians like animals?
Their relationship with animals was extremely trusting. And there was communication with the animals too, because of the high resonance and not just pets. It was really any animal that was out there in nature, there was the connection with Lemurians to be able to have a relationship with animals other than just a dog and a cat, maybe a bird.
How long ago did the Lemurians live?
The Lemurians were living and thriving in ancient civilizations. It is said that a great flood made them migrate underground and into the ocean. This was said to have happened between one and nine million years ago.
Are Lemurians still living?
There are rumors about the Legendary Lemurians living in Mount Shasta. There are those who believe they evolved into sea creatures similar to that of the mermaids.
Were There Dragons In Lemuria?
I have come across some who have reported seeing dragons in their QHHT sessions where the life they are revisiting is in Lemuria. According to the mythology of Lemuria, there were 5th-dimensional dragons but they were not the typical dragons that come to mind like from Dragon Heart or Game of Thrones. There was a capability to interact with them, and other beings, inter-dimensionally. This may have suggested that these beings were much like holograms and they were almost transparent. This could have lead to the idea of the physical dragons from mythology. The Lemurians had connections to higher realms and light beings which could’ve been perceived as dragon-like-energy.
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Kaya Wittenberg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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