With all of the chaos that is surrounding the world at the moment, it is no wonder that the take of Karma has been on the tips of everyone’s tongues! In today’s article, we will discuss all the things you need to learn about past lives and reincarnation. if you feel like you are struggling in a Karmic loop, then keep reading because we will give you some amazing insight into this way of being.
Table of Contents
How is karma related to reincarnation?
Before we dive right into the good stuff, let’s begin with a bit of background. Karma has been a celebrated factor in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Where Hindus praise Brahman and view karma as an ethical factor, according to their role in society, including religious deeds. Buddhists believe they are unattached to a god but they are all one, and Karma is seen as a result of intention, be it thought or action. Both believe that either positive Karma or negative karma carries consequences that are experienced in either your current life or the next life.
This is where reincarnation comes into the mix. First off, Buddhists believe in re-birth, not reincarnation. For them, it’s not that your soul goes from one body to the next, it’s just that your energy joins the collective and life continues. Hindus, on the other hand, believe that your soul is eternal and when your body in your present life dies, you will reincarnate into another. Your Karma is connected with that incarnation, by which, if you have not paid off your debts from your previous life, you will either owe a debt for negative karma for bad deeds done and positive karma for good deeds done, in your next incarnation.
Why is karma important?
In Hinduism, Karma is important because it determines whether or not you will come into another life. Your life patterns are connected to your karmic patterns, in that each life you experience is serving off karmic debt, and once that debt has been paid you can progress in your spiritual journey.
Why do karma and reincarnation work together?
In the Hindu belief, the Dharma states that reincarnation is a result of owing a karmic debt. It is said that your situations or role in your life is determined by the debt you owe, so if you were a person who acted with great compassion towards others in your previous life, you will appreciate those efforts in your next life. In the same way, Karmic patterns will keep playing out in each incarnation if you fail to learn the lesson aimed. Therefore, reincarnation based on Karma is a continuous cycle unless you make the effort to break it.
Have you ever wondered why you have such an unexplainable fear of something, maybe spiders, maybe relationships? It may all come down to finding out who were you in a past life! There is a high chance that that fear comes from an intense experience from a previous incarnation and you are owing a debt and a lesson learned. But, how to know your past life karma? Past life astrology is just one awesome way of finding out. Keep reading for insight on how to work out if you have a karmic debt or not.
Past Life Regression Therapy
QHHT sessions and past life regression therapy are done by a therapist who is intensely trained in the art, places you under a hypnotic trance, and facilitates your path into a previous life. If you are wondering about any possible karmic debt, you could always use this therapy to discover how and why.
Natal Chart
There are ways to find out snippets f the person you were in a previous life by examining your birth chart. Your 12th house describes the Karma that we have experienced and learned the lessons of, and Saturn in our natal charts shows the lessons we have not yet mastered yet. We will continue to learn these lessons until such a time occurs.
Everything in the universe is on a cycle and numerology is based on that same principle, which is based on mathematics. Using your birth date and adding it into a formula you can work out you’re the number of lessons remaining for you to learn.
You can work yours out by adding all the digits of your birth date together, and then adding that with your life path number. so if your birthday was the 25 April 1991, you would add;
0+4+3+0+1+9+9+2 = 28 then 2+8+1 = 11, 1+1 = 1
How to get rid of karma debt
Now that you are more aware of your karmic debt, or at least how to work it out for yourself, you can start with learning how to get rid of bad karma from past life. Past Life Karmic debt is so easily tallied, you might as well start the process of paying it off as soon as you can.
Sever Ties
You need to make sure that you understand that you owe only for your own karmic debt, and you are by no means responsible for the karmic debt of others. occasionally you’ll meet someone who is toxic for your energy and instead of taking on their toxicity and adding to your karmic stockpile, you should leave their influence and sever that spiritual connection with them, respectively of course.
Try a New Strategy
Karmic debts will often have you on a cycle of circumstance and action. Each time you will be faced with a similar situation, maybe involving the same people even, and you might make the same mistake repeatedly. To break this cycle, try and shock the universe by trying a different method to resolve it – you might just hit the jackpot.
Once you have accepted that you are serving a debt owed, it becomes an easier burden to bear. This acceptance can even speed up the process of learning your lesson – awareness is the root of everything after all.
Make your Weaknesses Strengths
Your bt weapon is your weakness. One of the best lessons you could possibly learn is to make your adversities your advantages. the lesson you might be learning is to take on a part of your personality that you might have previously perceived to be too negative. But learning how to curb that weakness and use it to your advantage has a powerful lesson behind it.
Forgiveness is probably one of the hardest things human beings struggle with. It is the art of truly letting go of emotional hurt or emotional attachment. By letting go of your traumas, you must forgive them by any means necessary.
Identify the Karma
A great place to start might be with the identifying of your karma. This means narrowing down the search so you can learn why you are faced with repetative life experiences that are not the most desirable. This can be done by locating the loop, what is a repetitive pattern in your life that just doesn’t want to improve, or go away?
Heed your Mistakes
A cycle will forever stay within its loop if you are in denial of the lesson you are facing. Unless you take action to change this circumstance you are constantly faced with, you will not reap from a better one.
Do What Makes you Happy
What is the point of working this 9-5 job all day, every day? Maybe your lesson in this life is to do what makes you happy, rather than enslaving yourself to a corporation that benefits only a small group of people, and you’re not one of them. Be the change in your loop and break away from something that just pays the bills for survival but something that includes your happiness.
Key takeaways on how to heal past life karma
What a world we live in! Or, better yet, what a universe! We are truly living such an insane experience, and if you can master the idea of acceptance of karma, it really is not such a daunting thing to overcome. This life is a constant effort, but with the right amount of effort, who knows what benefits are awaiting us in our next life!
Want to find out who were you in a past life? Try our quiz!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between reincarnation and karma?
Reincarnation is the Hindu belief that your soul is eternal and indestructible, and when your physical body dies, your soul will continue in another body. Karma is different in that it is energetic energy owed for certain deeds carried out. When you reincarnate into another life, it is often to pay off some of the debt you owe by relearning those lessons within this new life.
What religion believes in karma?
There are those that think that only Hinduism believes in Karma because Buddhists do not believe in a singular god, but rather collective energy. Hinduism believes in karma as a form of consequence for action or deeds carried out as part of their role in society, whereas, Buddhism believes Karma is all about intention.
What is karma in Hinduism?
Karma in Hinduism is all about lessons that have to be learned in one life that can either be repaid in that life, or it is carried over into your next incarnation. Hindus believe that your life’s circumstance is a repercussion of your karmic debt, as well as the patterns you follow within this life.
What is the process of reincarnation called?
Each soul will reincarnate into a new life, at the right time astrologically, through a process called Samsara.
- http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/religion-miscellaneous/difference-between-hindu-buddhist-idea-of-reincarnation/#:~:text=(1)%20Hinduism%20believes%20in%20re,any%20such%20property%20of%20soul.
- https://www.hinduismtoday.com/hindu-basics/karma-and-reincarnation/
- https://www.yourtango.com/2020338139/karmic-debt-signs-how-repay-it
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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