The word on the street is that you may have been misled when it comes to your star sign – that there is a new zodiac sign into the zodiacal system. The word Ophiuchus is on everyone’s lips, How have we missed the fact that there are 13 zodiac signs and not 12? Have we really been wrong all this time? We are here to bring clarity to your befuddled minds and we shall discuss whether you have in fact become a new astrology sign within the zodiac.
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Is the 13th astrological sign real?
We all have one of those astrology fanatic friends who dedicate their Facebook posts to all the wonderful and strange astrological phenomenon that’s going on. Every once in a while one of them stumbles upon the story that went viral where NASA apparently found a so-called 13th zodiac sign in our solar system. These self-proclaimed astrologers will have a heated debate in order to convince you that the sign you were born with is actually not your sign at all. Obviously, there was panic amongst the astrologers and astrology lovers and NASA explained that they have found that the path of the sun goes through not only 12 constellations, but 13 – but it’s not a new constellation, it has been there all the time. Babylonians who created the zodiac chart made it fit a 12-month-calender, giving each of the 12 signs equal amounts of time. Thus leaving out the 13th sign. This does not mean that the constellation is not real it just means that the Babylonians believed for some reason it wasn’t part of the zodiac signs. The confusion here is that NASA’s research is based on astronomy and the zodiac is based on astrology. So technically NASA did not change the zodiac, but according to a statement made by them they just “did the math”.
What is the new zodiac sign Ophiuchus & what does it mean?
Our 12 signs of the zodiac have been made into 13 according to a discovery made by NASA and western astrology has lapped it up. So what is the new zodiac sign? We are here to set the record straight! The new sign has been called Ophiuchus which comes from the Greek words, “holding”, and, “serpent”. The meaning of Ophiuchus is the Serpent Bearer.
Have zodiac signs changed since 2020?
NASA made the announcement that they had discovered a new 13th constellation in the Earth’s solar system. They have not, however, introduced a new sign into the zodiacal system which would bring about new astrology signs and dates. Their research is astronomy-based and the zodiac in astrology so astrology lovers can rest assured that their sun sign is still the same.
How has the new zodiac sign caused horoscope changes?
There has been confusion and uproar amongst astrology lovers since Nasa’s announcement of the 13th constellation. The confusion was that there was a new 13th zodiac signed added into the mix in between Scorpio and Saggitarius, giving the Scorpius star system only a seven-day period in which the sun traipses through it. If there is a new sign and the zodiac signs have been bumped up in dates to fit the 13th sign in, then surely the horoscopes have changed too? The good news is, life is as you know it, and the zodiac has not changed, there are still 12 signs as before. therefore, your horoscopes have not changed.
What are the new zodiac sign dates? New zodiac chart
According to the basis that there are 13 zodiac signs, there would need to be new zodiac sign dates to fit the new astrology sign in. The new astrology dates might bring a new horoscope to your reality if you so wish to believe it even though the symbol of each sign has not changed. For your benefit of knowledge, we have listed the new zodiac sign dates below.
Jan 20 – Feb 16.
Feb 16 – March 11.
March 11 – April 18.
April 18 – May 13.
May 13 – June 21.
June 21 – July 20.
July 20 – Aug 10.
Aug 10 – Sept 16.
Sept 16 – Oct 30
Oct 30 – Nov 23
Nov 23 – Nov 29
Nov 29 – Dec 17
Dec 17 – Jan 20
Key takeaways on the 13 zodiac signs
This controversy over the so-called new astrological signs has indeed been a topic on demand. There are so many opposing opinions amongst astrologers as to whether your sign has changed. We think it’s safe to say that if you go on the basis that the zodiac hasn’t been officially changed and that NASA simply announced a 13th constellation, you can feel comfortable in the knowledge that your sign is still your sign. However, if you feel you resonate with the apparent new sign you have been shifted into with the arrival of Ophiuchus then, by all means, count them in because in the end, we all have the power to be the person you wish and you will resonate with more than one sign throughout your life.
What element would Ophiuchus be?
Ophiuchus is of the fire element, being determined and confident. You can find out more about tarot cards and zodiac signs and their connection to the elements here.
What is the symbol for Ophiuchus?
The symbol for Ophiuchus is what looks like the letter “U” with elongated verticle lines. There is a curved line going through the verticle lines horizontally which is to represents the serpent as the Ophiuchus sign is seen as the serpent bearer.
Why was Ophiuchus left out?
Babylonians were the creators of the zodiac system. tey left out the 13th constellation and its sign, Ophiuchus, so that the zodiacal system and its sign would fit into the 12-month calendar.
What is an Ophiuchus personality?
Ophiuchus people are visionaries, always seeking to improve their surroundings and boost their progress throughout life. They have a high level of curiosity therefore it gives them a thirst for knowledge. With this knowledge comes the mindset of being willing to accept and adapt to any changes that may come. They are determined and confident in most of what they do.
What planet does Ophiuchus rule?
As Taurus falls under Venus, and Scorpio falls under Mars, Ophiucgus would have a ruling planet to fall under too. This planet’s name is Chiron which orbits the sun between Saturn and Uranus.
What is the Ophiuchus element?
Even though 13-star signs do not fit equally into the four elemental aspects, Ophiuchus would fall under the fire element making four fire signs instead of the three.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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