In a sense, a new moon is the ultimate reset, designed with cosmic intent. Where the time of full moon we reach a tumultuous flow of energy where we are forced to reflect on all that is not working for us, as well as what is benefiting us. New moon is the perfect time to set intentions for a fresh start on new opportunities. It is a time to let go of what is no longer serving you, so that you are no longer held back by non-beneficial energy. What better way to set those intentions in stone than to make some positive affirmations?
Table of Contents
In this article, we will shed some light on what a new moon affirmation is, as well as provide some examples of guided meditations that work wonders during new moon rituals.
What are new moon affirmations?
A new moon affirmation is a positive affirmation that works by affirming the new moon intentions that you set during your rituals. They can be used to initiate a new chapter in your life with a deeper sense of self-love, manifest abundance, trust your intuition, deepen your spiritual connections and so much more.
A new moon affirmation is about bringing into reality what you truly desire. It is a sentence that states that you already have what you want, meaning it is written in the present tense.
New moon affirmations & meditations for 2022
Here is a list of some great positive affirmations that are ideal to use during a new moon phase. They can be repeated by yourself, to yourself. Not only that, but we will show you some meditations that you can make use of during your new moon rituals. Remember, new moon vs full moon rituals will differ, so do not use these rituals during the incorrect moon phase.
New moon affirmations
In case you were wondering what affirmation might be useful, here is a list of eight different new moon affirmations 2022.
“I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more”
This is a great affirmation to use if you are trying to attract an abundance of any kind. It opens you up to the blessings of the universe because you are open to any and all things that are abundant.
“I am motivated, focused, and committed”
If you are wanting to be more proactive in life so that you can accomplish your goals sooner. You could also use this affirmation if you are preparing for upcoming exams in school or university it also calls for more concentration.
“I welcome love in all forms into my life”
This affirmation is all about love. If you are looking for your soul mate in the form of a romantic partner or trying to instill some form of self-love and appreciation, this one is the affirmation for you!
“I embrace the fresh starts and new beginnings of this moment”
This one might seem self-explanatory to some, but for those who are new to this world of manifesting and affirmations, it is the perfect affirmation for you – seeing as it is to facilitate a fresh start of a new chapter in life.
“I embrace change, knowing it is for my highest good”
If you are feeling like you need a change, no matter what the circumstance, then this is the affirmation you need!
“I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything”
This is the perfect affirmation to help you release any energy that is no longer serving you. You cannot move forward unless you let go of unhelpful energy.
“I inhale love and exhale my fears”
this positive affirmation is there to help you conquer any fears. Fears are the biggest thing that can hold you back from love, abundance, and pretty much anything. Releasing fear and welcoming love is your best move forward.
“I am grateful for this moment right now, and I am excited about the path in front of me”’
Walk with gratitude, and you will find abundance.
New moon meditations
Here you go, just what you were looking for! A list of the best new moon meditations 2022 that you can use during your version of a new moon ceremony or new moon rituals.
A new moon bath
In order to execute a new moon bath properly, one must wait until the appropriate time of the lunar cycle. When the lunar phase reaches the new moon, you will barely see it, but trust us when we say it is still there! A moon bath involves simply going outside and basking in the light of the moon. Go outside and cleanse the space you are going to be sitting in.
Meditation for New Beginnings
This is a basic meditation, great for beginners. It can be done at any point in the lunar cycle, but it is most efficient during a new moon. Set up a sacred space, and cleanse all negative energy with some incense or palo santo. Sit down comfortably and take in a deep breath. Let it out slowly, and repeat that three times.
Once you are in your meditative state, summon a visualization of the new moon’s energy coming down towards you, and soak it in – let it form a silvery bubble of energy around you. Focus your attention on your new moon intentions. Recite the affirmations you feel will best suit you in your head, or use them as a sort of mantra and chant them out loud.
Key takeaways
There are so many other new and full moon affirmations and meditations that you can find all over the internet, one for every possible new beginning that you might be embarking on. What affirmation do you think will most benefit you?
How long does new moon energy last?
The energy of the new moon is not simply one day, as you might have thought. In fact, it runs from a couple of days before and after, so you can expect the new moon energy to be felt for about three or four days.
What does a new moon mean?
The new moon’s meaning is that it is the time when the lunar cycle starts again, and it is subsequently the time when we start new chapters in our lives.
Your Best New Moon Affirmation
Wondering which new moon affirmation is best for you? Try our quiz!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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