Dolores Cannon, yes the famous regression therapist who created the Quantum Healing and Hypnosis Technique, considered herself the researcher of lost knowledge. She has found a remarkable way to connect to the divine or the higher beings. She does this through hypnosis, setting the conscious mind aside for the meantime. This allows the subconscious, or your higher self to have a better line of communication with you. With this connection, Dolores discovered so many secrets to life, which we wish to tuck into today.
Table of Contents
The New Earth
This is how Dolores found all the information she still teaches us today. There is a world of lost knowledge just waiting for us to drink in. the higher beings have told her that we are ready to move into the New Earth, we just have to open ourselves up to the concepts that society generally calls outrageous. Luckily for us, our higher selves know that we need to gracefully enter the New Earth, which means no fear. So, they only feed us the knowledge that they know we are capable of processing at the time.
At the time Dolores cannon wrote her book, “The Convoluted Universe” she was receiving information that completely blew her mind. She called them “mind benders”. This type of knowledge came through more and more frequently. However, the first book in the series was so complicated she was convinced no one would understand it. However, as Dolores said, they only reveal what they know we are ready for. Which says something about our collective consciousness.
Past Life and Personal Problems
The very same higher beings Dolores communicates to when she is under hypnosis, are the same ones that talk to us when a hypnotherapist induces hypnosis. They are our spirit guides, over sous, higher selves, or whatever you want to call it. They reveal information about our past lives or something more energetic that might find the root of any personal problems. Some people seek a hypnotherapist for weight loss, or maybe they want to stop smoking. But, Dolores believed those were surface-level problems and a symptom of an issue at a soul level.
Somnambulistic State
Dolores liked to work on the deepest possible level of hypnosis. She would place her clients into what’s known as the somnambulistic state, which is notoriously tricky to work with. According to Dolores, most other hypnotherapists prefer not to work on that level, as “strange things happen there.” Which is probably why Dolores preferred it. For her, strange meant interesting.
The reason Dolores liked to work at this level, is because it is too deep for any of the conscious minds to be present. If you have ever experienced sleepwalking, whether it was you or a loved one, this is the same state your mind goes into. Dolores says that when you work with any of the lighter levels of hypnosis, the conscious mind is still present. This makes it harder to receive information, as we tend to hold ourselves back. Whether we realize it or not. Generally, the conscious mind tells us that what we saw was a figment of our imagination, or you saw it in a movie, etc… This is why Dolores puts her clients into the somnambulistic level because it allows a clear line of communication to where all the answers are. However, the client will come out of it not remembering anything.
Generally, experts in hypnosis say that only one out of 20 or 30 people will go into the somnambulistic state “spontaneously”. However, Dolores adamantly said that her technique
(QHHT) she said the “opposite is true.” Dolores says that every one of her clients will go into a somnambulistic state.
So, what can the “subconscious” do for us?
Dolores has a knack for contacting our higher selves. As we have mentioned before, this is what she refers to as our “subconscious”. Now, in her work, Dolores would get a lot of clients with health issues. In one live chat, Dolores said that if they came to her before the operation they probably wouldn’t need it anymore. She would be able to find the source of the issue and treat it.
Now, what you are about to read might come as a surprise. Did you know that you are responsible for making yourself sick? So, according to her theory and practice, if you are so powerful that you can make yourself so sick it threatens your life, then imagine what else you are capable of. We are far more powerful than we give ourselves credit. At this point, you might be saying, but I would never make myself sick. But Dolores is referring to the subconscious level, not our conscious one.
So, in order to find the root of the problem, you have to ask yourself, why?
During the session, Dolores will visit the client’s past life with them and find out what is happening that is causing the illness in their present life. Or the higher beings will reveal another reason if there is one. Every ache and pain is a message from our subconscious. The more we ignore the signs, the worse they become. They are simply trying to grab our attention in the most logical way they know how.
In conclusion, higher beings want us to do regular inner work because the longer we ignore our higher self, the worse our ailments become. People with life-threatening diseases may have missed the red flags they were sent. A QHHT session might just be what they need.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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