If you consider society thousands of years ago, not everyone was at the same spiritual development or understanding of all that is. Information that was sent from the higher beings came through only certain people, like prophets or seers. These people were at a certain spiritual developmental stage and were capable of understanding the messages sent even though the information was intended for the public. This is where the Mystery Schools of Old come in. They were intended to help spread the word of the higher beings, in a way that the general public might understand, it let it spread from there.
Table of Contents
If we think of schools as we know them to be, they are a place of learning through a strict routine – everything is done by the book. During the Egyptian time, schools were much more loose and malleable, dealing with the mysteries of humanity – not as formal as what we are accustomed to in our timeline. I suppose this is what you would classify as one of the mystery schools. As we did on our trip to Egypt, you can still tap into that energy of the mystery school today. We are all still figuring out the mysteries of the universe
Were You Part of the Mystery Schools?
If you have a curious mind, you might have wondered if you were ever a part of the mystery school we are speaking of. Well, we have spoken about this before, it’s called the knowing. If you feel a sort of pull towards the concept of mystery schools, it may interest you in any way. This feeling is enough of a confirmation that you were involved with the mystery school in some way in a past life. We all have impulses from many directions in life, so make no mistake, if you are drawn to this idea, this is a part of your past.
If this feels like you, you might find that you are a bit of a groundbreaker in this life. You are a forward thinker, probably spiritual, or metaphysical, seeking the depth of concepts that seem a bit shallow to you. Ultimately, you are a truth seeker – you always have been and you always will be. It’s a part of your vibration, your signature identity that resonates with you at a soul level. You might be feeling a slight tingly feeling or some warmth in your heart, and if you do, then just know that in fulfilling that mission of being a truth seeker by exploring and partaking in these conversations, journeying to special places, meshing with other people’s vibrations, like-minded or not, that you have agreed to this life – to continue searching or answers to these mysteries. Be prepared, because there is going to be a tremendous amount of truth revealed to you in this life, from extraterrestrials, thoughts, to manifestations. This will be a life of recollection for you, with a resounding impact.
In olden times, it was forbidden for the general public to possess ancient knowledge of any kind, and if you were defiant in your ways of sharing and spreading this knowledge, or using it o better the lives of those around you, the consequence was usually being put to death. So it is quite likely that if you were, are, a truth seeker in this life and your past lives, killed at some point for having this knowledge within your grasp. This might explain why some of us are afraid to speak our truth, or reluctant to share what we have learned.
Mystery Schools in Modern Days
We have so much freedom in this life to explore what we want and learn things that were considered taboo in previous timelines. But, with that freedom comes a choice on how you spend your time but, you will get the greatest satisfaction by exploring your core themes in this life. One of those, for certain, is to explore the mysteries, to explore consciousness and existence. To get a better grasp on what it takes to be human, where we have come from and where we are going, and to be your leader of humankind, in your way.
That may seem a bit far-fetched to be a leader of humankind, but, you do have the capacity. You can choose to put as much of your energy as you wish. You can be a beacon of light and an example of positive energy, to be a role model for humanity, to choose meaningful and unconditionally loving relationships that feed your soul as opposed to draining it, to choose to treat the Earth with consideration, empathy, and compassion, and ultimately to keep striving to be more than what you are, to keep expanding your knowledge and thus, your mind, body, and spirit.
There are great lessons in this, not to get caught up in other people’s problems, or things that you can not control. There is a deep temptation in this earthly life to get wrapped up in negativity on the news that is unrelated to you. The greatest lesson is to not get stick in the stickiness of all that, and just choose to walk around it. You are a divine being, a superhuman at that! You have the ability to mold how you perceive this world into an enlightened way and to perceive yourself as an enlightened human being – which you are at your core. All of our teachings, from this article and our others, have been influenced by our past life experiences as mystery school teachers. The lessons we learned in those lives are exactly applicable in this one. They are to step aside from the entrapments of 3D humanity and to walk into your 5D expression of self.
Final Thoughts
Mystery Schools have been around for an immense amount of time. Their teachings have been for the benefit of humankind in the understanding of all that is. Their main goal is to help us understand that it is possible, and it is okay to be this being of positivity. And the more that you accept it and embrace it, the more your world shifts and expands in positive growth.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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