“Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein
Table of Contents
The Love Vibration encompasses all. Living within the love vibration is beneficial for all, yet it can be easier said than done. Read further to find out how you can turn your focus towards positivity to manifest all that you desire.
What is love vibration? Our definition
The vibration of love is the way in which we should live our lives – a state of being. It is a higher frequency that, by the facilitation of the law of attraction, you give off and receive back in return. If you raise your vibration to be fully invested in the love vibration you, yourself, will vibrate at a higher vibration. It is saturated with positivity and inner peace
What is the vibrational frequency of love?
The love vibration, solfeggio frequency, is said to be 528hts. With its roots in nature, this truly memorizing tone has been utilized since the time of our ancient civilizations in ceremonies manifesting, good fortune, will, inner peace, creativity, fertility, and more.
Why love is the highest vibration in the universe
Love is the highest vibration in the universe because it is the ultimate uplifting feeling. It resonates with the center of all that is. It raises you above all negativity, caused by yourself or external forces. If you live at the love vibration you attract love back. It is the vibration we all strive to live by. It is addictive, inspiring, and connects us to divine energy.
We all have one of those friends where everything just seems to fall into their laps. It can almost seem magical for those who think they just don’t have that luck. If you shake the idea that is it to do with luck and replace it with the love and certainty of your ability to manifest what you want into your life. You will discover that you have your own magic and everything will start to fall into place. The love vibration is a true vibration, bringing only love and positivity into your life.
Why you need to be in harmony with the love vibration
“When our vibrations are up … we respond to stressful situations with soundness, resilience, and clearer discernment. We are less vulnerable to frustration, impatience, anger, anxiety, and we feel more self-secure and less critical of others and of ourselves. We are drawn to notice nature, flowers, and trees that we usually sleep-walk past, as our preoccupations rob us of this gift of conscious connection.” – Doc Childre, HeartMath founder
In order to be your best self, or gain a higher consciousness you must be in harmony with the love vibration. We all have a balance of giving and taking to, and from the collective energy of the universe. By living harmoniously with the love vibration you give off just that – you send love out into the world and you receive exactly that in return. If you are of a lower vibration you will attract less desirable situations. Being concerned with the state of the world is not a bad thing. But listening to the negativity of the news too often or spending too much time on social media will lead you to vibrate on a lower frequency, bringing out feelings like shame, anger, jealousy, or hatred – that’s what you are going to receive in return. Those negative emotions will cause blockages in your chakras, which can prevent you from reaching your spiritual awakening.
How to tune into & raise your love vibration to a higher level
There are many ways to raise your frequency to the positive vibration of love. But In order to manifest love, you need to be love. Love happens to be our innate, and inherent state of being, it is the vibration from which we begin. You have been there before, so follow your intuition in your mission to attract love, you know the way. Below are some guidelines of healing energy for you to focus on whilst on your path.
Gratitude is the best attitude. If you practice being grateful for even just the smallest things in life you will raise your vibration. One of the greatest life lessons you can learn in order to live imbued with positive energy. Take a moment to think of all that you have to appreciate and be grateful for, starting with the smallest, less obvious things that we usually take for granted. Beauty is all around us, we just have to stop and appreciate it.
Being aware of other human being’s feelings and needs, and acting in such a way to help achieve them. This does not mean that you must go out and fulfill other people’s dreams for them, it means you can empathize with them during your interactions, or you practice forgiveness when necessary. You can, however, make other people feel better, or bring a smile to their face by carrying out random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Everyone likes to feel cared for… as if they matter.
Meditation or Prayer
Raising your vibration doesn’t just happen overnight. Some effort is needed in order to attain your goals. By training your mind to be present with meditation, the stronger you will resonate with that feeling. Allowing yourself to be stuck in the past will not help you progress. Practice positive affirmations, or prayers, to attract into your life that which you manifest.
Acceptance & unconditional love
Letting go of certain situations, emotions or people can be one of the hardest things to do. Allowing your ego to hold on to negative thoughts and feelings like jealousy, pride or contempt will affect your well-being. Loving with conditions isn’t truly divine love. It is tainted with judgments, no matter how small. By accepting that which you cannot control, and letting go of preconceived ideas, you will be more capable of untainted, or unconditional love.
Joy & laughter
Have you ever noticed when you spend more time with kids that your mood is generally better? This is because children laugh a lot and laughter is an elixir for life and love. The more you laugh, the more joyous your world will be. One way to increase your laughter, if you are not really fond of children, is by owning pets. Animals are great ways to increase the flow of happiness in your home with their goofy behavior.
Take care of your physical body
Yes, we are speaking of vibrations and frequencies, it can be easy for u to forget our physical bodies are just as much a part of that as our spiritual or emotional selves. If you feel good, your body will vibrate highly with positivity. Fast foods are low vibrational foods whereas vegetables like broccoli are high vibrational. Drinking lots of water will help flush out any toxins and doing exercise will release endorphins – the happy hormone.
Key takeaways about love frequency vibration & creating more love in your life
Ultimately what you receive is what you give out. Therefore, by reason of the law of attraction, one must be more generous with their time, money, or whatever it is they feel they are lacking or struggling with. If you feel you need to work on raising your vibration, you can start with incorporating any of the mentioned practices in your daily routines.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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