“The idea of separation is but an illusion. We are all one thing in this universe.” Albert Einstein.
Have you ever noticed synchronicities too beautifully coincidental to be a coincidence? That is a sign that you are connected to Universal energy. Read further to discover what universe energy is and how to cultivate a strong connection with universe energy or divine energy to improve your life and spiritual wellness.
How are we connected to the universe?
How are we connected to the universe? How is every thing connected? Considering the modern concept: “Quantum Reality” -Everything is energy, then “energy” is how we are connected and how we connect with the universe. The universe is comprised of energy which is a constant flow of all that is. Some energies, converted into matter, like our physical bodies or objects that you can see and touch, whereas other energies are invisible, like thoughts and wifi signals and such. You, and all living things, are directly connected to the universal energy, the oneness or the Source. Understanding your connection to the universe can be a daunting task as it seems like a vast and far away place but it’s a lot closer than you think. You can see the connection between us and the universe through the law of attraction and our connections between ourselves and those around us. With practice you can feel the energies that others give off, I’m sure all empaths would agree.
As with so many concepts within our human realities there are often multiple ways to describe one thing. The same goes for Universal energy, source energy or divine energy are all one and the same with different descriptions or names. It is the collection point of energy which flows constantly flows. Divine energy, or “Shakti” as the Hindus call it, is the energy of the universe inside ourselves.
One of the greatest tools in life is meditation. Meditation is a spiritual practice that dates back more than 5000 years ago. This practice which facilitates self love and personal development. Turn internal, slow your breathing down to bring yourself to focus on the present moment and call on your spirit guides to help you connect your human body to the spiritual dimensions of life. When one meditates they can tap into the source and may channel divine energy. Through this they can achieve spiritual wellness.
There is no wrong way to meditate. You can do it standing, sitting, lying down, in your bedroom, bathroom, in your office or a random field surrounded by nature. One of the more popular meditation techniques is “mindfulness”. This is when you truly bring yourself into the present moment, setting all fantasies of the future and ghosts of the past aside and if your mind wanders off, just gently bring yourself back into the present moment. The aim of mindfulness is not to completely quiet the mind’s chatter or reach this state of peace and serenity but simply just the present moment. Sometimes this is easier said than done, right? It is natural for our minds to get a little carried away with themselves and sometime the voice in your head can be quite deafening, not to mention distracting. We call this “monkey mind” and its an affliction we all have to live with as humans. Not to be feared though, as with practice it becomes easier and easier to reign in your thoughts and judgements without being too hard on yourself because you are only human after all so be kind and practice self-love.
Wellness allows us to be in tune with our energetic or divine self. Through mindful meditation we can activate our usually dormant chakras. What is a chakra, you say? Directly translated from Sanskrit a chakra literally means “wheel” or “cycle”. These wheels of stored divine energy help to bind your physical body with your spiritual mind. One really productive way to achieve wellness is by working with one’s chakras, clearing any blockages and allowing energy to flow freely.
Meditation to connect with the divine energy:
This meditation was designed by Colleen Deatsman. Along with a masters degree in rehabilitation counselling, she is qualified as an alternative healing consultant, reiki master, shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist, and Licensed Professional Counsellor.
Invite yourself to leave the physical world and connect to your divine energy, spiritually. Read through these beautifully written instructions whilst listening to the second link. This is an hour long unguided meditation by Taos Winds Spirit Music. Their frequencies and soundscapes are intricately designed to help you relax and connect to the Source or Divine energy.
Colleen Deatsman, Meditation to connect with divine spiritual energy –https://www.llewellyn.com/journal/article/1706
Taos Winds Spirit Music – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ySEN9sQFz02.
Chants to connect with the source energy:
Chanting is another popular method of connecting to the source energy. With its roots in Hinduism we call these chants “mantras”. A mantra is not something that you utter. It is something that you strive to become. Everything in the universe is pulsating or vibrating so nothing is ever still. These vibrations emit sounds or frequencies and each mantra corresponds to these frequencies. Mantras are chanted during meditations and at the beginning or end of yoga or reiki sessions and they become almost like keys which unlock different dimensions to life.
Here is a beautiful mantra meditation guided by DhyaanGuru Dr. Nipun Aggarwal (https://dhyaanguru.com/ ) to help you connect with the source energy:
Repeat the above format for other ways to connect with universe energy.
Key takeaways
You can connect with divine energy through meditation where you can activate your usually dormant chakras with focused and mindful meditation as well as chants. You can also connect by practicing mindfulness every day with your thought patterns and judgements about others.
FAQs on how to connect with source energy
What does source energy mean?
Ultimately “source energy is what some refer to as the “higher power”. It is like the main hub or collection point through which energy is recycled and sent back out into the universe. Source energy is also referred to as the universal life force or spiritual, divine energy that exists in all living things.
What color is spiritual source energy?
Source energy would be comprised of all the colors. Think of your chakras being different colors. Each color omits different frequencies which facilitate different needs or aspects of our self. These chakras, when activated, help us to connect to the source energy, therefore in order for them to connect, source energy would have all the corresponding colors that are within our chakras, or our auric fields.
What is source energy in the law of attraction?
“The Law of Attraction” is manifesting into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Your thoughts are like energy too, each thought having its own code or frequency which interact with the material world around you. As your thoughts spread out into the universe from your mind, they act like magnets and attract similar energies or frequencies from meeting new people who are following a similar frequency to you or objects of your desire… or the unfortunate opposite. Ultimately, all thoughts will become things, as the familiar phrase goes. Positive energy (thoughts) will bring positive outcomes and visa versa. Source Energy in terms of the law of attraction is the receiver of the information so be sure that you make a clear and precise visualization of whatever you are inviting to come into your reality. Try to set aside negative thought patterns as those cause blockages in your path or attract undesirable situations.
What does it mean to be connected to the divine?
To be connected to the divine is to be connected to the energy of the universe, or your higher self. If you have ever noticed synchronicities that are too coincidental to be a coincidence, if there is even such a thing, it means you are in tune with and trust your intuition, and you have full faith in the flow of life and all that is. The law of attraction is ever present and powerful so what you sow you will reap.
Written by:
Jade Small
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