In this chaotic world, we live in, there is so much turmoil one cannot blame those looking for a little bit of luck to spruce things up. There are many ways people like to ensure fortune is on their side Lucky charms, symbols, talismans, routine habits – you name it! Today we are going to discuss many of the different omens Signs & Lucky Charms and other good luck symbols from around the World.
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28 lucky charm good luck symbols around the world
Needing some good vibes but have no idea how to get good luck? Perhaps you are feeling like you’re well has run dry, here are 28 good omen signs, lucky symbols, and good luck charms from around the world.
Lucky omens: 6 signs of good luck coming your way
Lucky signs show up differently for all of us. Some people like to wear amulets of good fortune to welcome abundance into their lives while others simply stumble across good luck omens accidentally. Here are some strange good luck signs that one can bump into which may bring some luck.
Finding money on the ground
Musical fans will remember this from Grease Lightning. Where Jan found a “lucky penny” on the ground and said, “Pick a penny off the ground, all day long you’ll have good luck!” Although this did not originate from the 1950’s musical, but rather dates back to ancient civilizations. According to them, metals like copper and silver were given to them by the god to protect them.
The spiritual meaning of finding a dollar is not that much different from a lucky penny. Since money was created, it has evolved. We now have paper money, which is in reality, worthless. Aside from the value that we place on it. However, Money is how the world functions today, and the more of it you have, the more you can create. therefore, money is a symbol of abundance.
Seeing an owl
There are contrasting beliefs on whether or not owls bring good luck, or bad. There are some superstitions that say seeing an owl out and about during the day is a sign of bad luck, and seeing one at night is good luck.
Additionally, owls are said to protect your Feng Shui, which is the creation of harmony and balance in your environment. Furthermore, they say that two owls are better than one. So, people place pairs of owl figurines in their workplace, and their homes to protect themselves from misfortune or ensure clear understanding.
Lady bugs
It is hard to tell where this folklore came from, but it is said that if a ladybug makes its presence known in your life, prosperity will follow. They say that good luck follows those who had a ladybug in their garden. But if it were to land on your hand, you would be blessed beyond repair.
Seeing a shooting star
Stars possess their own kind of magic, that we humans cannot fully understand yet. When one catches a glimpse of a shooting star flashing across the night sky it is said across many cultures they will have good luck come their way.
When an animal claims you
Not everyone is a pet person, but sometimes humans have no choice. If an animal decides to make you their human, it is said good luck will find you.
Seeing the number eight repetitively
Numerology tells us there are different meanings for each number. Typically, the number eight is a prosperous number that attracts abundance. if you are seeing that number often then you might experience some good luck soon!
Lucky charms list: 14 good fortune symbols
This next section will focus on good luck charms around the world that people can wear, or decorate their homes with. everything on this common good luck charms list is things that are considered lucky.
Luck will follow me symbol
The Luck will follow me symbol originates from Icelandic culture. People would paint this symbol onto their bodies, or they would carve it into jewelry and wear it at all times.
Rabbit’s foot
Various Celtic tribes claim that a rabbit’s foot is a symbol of good fortune. This was particularly used for luck in fertility, for people wishing to become parents. Although, it is said it will only work if they use a rabbit’s hind leg foot. They used to wear these objects that bring good luck around their necks.
Different cultures view eggs as symbols for various things, but they generally follow the theme of good fortune. Some see them as one of many good luck symbols for money, and others see them as the female symbol of good fortune as they represent fertility.
Acorns are an ancient good luck symbol of the Norse tribes. Additionally, they were protection good-luck symbols. this was because oak trees are prone to be struck by lightning, so according to the belief, Norse people thought acorns would protect them from Thor’s mighty force. They would put an acorn on the windowsill of their home to make sure it wouldn’t be struck by lightning.
A gris-gris is one of the many African good luck charms, originating from Ghana. It is a small pouch worn around the neck, filled with items that are special to the wearer. Not only does it bring good luck, but it wards off bad luck by providing spiritual protection.
Dream catchers
Native Americans or north America believed that dream catchers would protect them from evil spirits while they slept. They placed them above their beds to ensure only good dreams at night. The webbing of the dream catcher acts as a net for all bad dreams, and the feathers symbolize their spirit guides.
In Egypt, the ancient Egyptians thought the Ankh symbol represented eternal life, the afterlife, immortality, and death. Gods used the Ankh to guide those who passed into the afterlife. so, it has become a symbol of good luck in life and death. People keep it nearby as sigils on their walls as protection, and as a means to ensure they make it to the afterlife.
One of the many good luck items includes keys. The spiritual meaning of a key is that it unlocks opportunities for wealth, love, and luck. So, if your love life is in need of some luck, you might want to wear a key around your neck. The ancient Greeks also saw keys as a method of communicating with the Gods.
Lucky Bamboo
You may not have guessed, but lucky bamboo is an actual subspecies of bamboo, falling under the dracaena family. It is an easy plant to grow because it needs minimal nurturing. Additionally, it symbolizes good luck, making it the perfect gift.
Wishbones, typically from a turkey, but chickens also work, are considered a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. The rule of thumb, is two people pull on either branch of the bone until it snaps. Whoever has the bigger half will have good luck come their way.
The four-leaf clover
In Ireland, if you find a four-leaf clover is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. this is because they are very rare compared to their bountiful three-leaf clover counterparts. If you do find one, they say you will have abundance galore.
Red Lanterns
In Chinese culture, the color red is a very common color to paint a lantern as it symbolizes happiness, wealth, and good fortune. This symbol of good luck can be found by the hundreds around the Chinese new year.
The Hamsa Hand
The hamsa hand has been adopted by many faiths as a protection symbol. Although it originated in the Middle East and North Africa. It is the shape of a right hand and is often worn as an amulet to bring the wearer luck.
Marks on the body
Interestingly, there are various signs of good luck on your body that show whether you are a lucky person. Moles are a symbol of good luck in some way, it just depends on where it is located that indicates the kind of luck you can expect.
8 good luck things to do or say
What do people do for luck in the different parts of the world? Well, as there are so many different cultures, what brings good luck in some places can be seen as an everyday action to others. So, let’s take a look at some of the good luck symbols from around the world.
Eating Grapes
In Spain, they say you must eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year. For every chime, you eat a grape. If you finish them before the clock stops chiming, you will have an abundant year.
Breaking dishes
In Denmark, people refrain from discarding any chipped plates. Instead, they store them until New Year. According to their culture, breaking plates as you go into the next year is one of the things for good luck that you can do.
Rubbing a Buddha’s belly
There are various things for good luck that people can do to try and manipulate the hands of fate. In India, a popular practice started, where people would rub the round belly of a Buddha statue, or ornament. This is a Buddhism belief that is intended to welcome abundance into your life.
Wearing a bell on your wedding dress
Another Irish tradition for bringing prosperity and abundance has brides wearing bells on their wedding dresses. Additionally, guests sometimes give a bell as a gift to newlyweds, or they ring bells instead of throwing confetti.
Carrying an empty suitcase around the block
In Colombia, one of the things that give you good luck in travel is carrying an empty suitcase around the block. some people just leave n empty suitcase by the door. But, according to their tradition, a proper walk ensures opportunities to venture abroad will come your way.
Blacken the eye of a doll
A “daruma” is a Japanese doll that is given to someone for good luck, and helps motivate them to accomplish their goals. When the daruma is bought, the doll’s eyes are blank. The new owner makes a wish, and one eye of the doll is filled in. Then, if a year passes, or if the wish is fulfilled, the other eye is filled in. At the end of the year, the dolls with two eyes are sent off to a temple where they are burned to symbolize moving forward.
Eating round fruit
In the Philippines, the luckiest of all shapes is the circle. People will wear clothing with polka dots on them, or they draw circles wherever they can. Better yet, the Philippines says you must eat round fruit like peaches or apples to ensure abundance.
Nuptial tree planting luck symbols
In the Netherlands, they say planting a tree on your wedding day will bring prosperity and fertility to your marriage. Couples also add trees to the decor of their wedding in the hopes their union is blessed.
Of course, there are also bad luck symbols – but we chose to focus this article on the good! As you can see, culture has a lot to do with how we attract good luck, so you won’t struggle to find the right tradition or talisman to incorporate into your life.
Key takeaways on the symbols of luck around the world
There is more to good luck than understanding a horseshoe spiritual meaning or finding a lucky rabbit foot. We could all use a little bit of luck in this current day. So, share these different signs, symbols, and omens with your friends!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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