Everyone feels the gravitational pull of the moon. We all succumb to its emotional influence, bearing the brunt of the mood swings we endure throughout the different phases of the moon. But, what effect does the full moon phase have on an empath? Let’s find out.
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5 full moon effects on empaths
The moon has long been known as the original influencer. It affects all of us, whether we admit it or not. We are, after all, 70% water. However, there is a special connection between empaths and the moon. Not because they are “special” but because they are sensitive people that have a heightened awareness during the lunar cycle. One of the traits of an empath is the ability to draw energy from their environment. The lunar energy during a full moon is intense, and empaths feel all of the energy. So, is there a difference between full moon and new moon, and how it can affect empaths? Here are some of the various effects of the full moon on emotions for empaths.
The full moon drains energy to think
The lunar cycle is a month-long race. Throughout the month we are in between a jog and a walk. When a full moon comes, we break into a sprint and are left exhausted.
The full moon drains energy in the same way a race tires you out. The burst of spiritual energy is a lot for the sensitive empath to deal with. This tires them out during the full moon lunar phases.
Why empaths can’t sleep during a full moon
The spiritual energy levels soar high during a full moon phase. Many empaths have a hard time meditating or just generally concentrating. This is also why empaths can’t sleep during a full moon.
Resurfaces your shadows
The full moon tends to drudge up your shadow self. All of the hidden aspects of you that you were not willing, or ready, to deal with throughout the month are brought to the forefront of your thoughts and feelings.
Higher intuition
While waxing moon rituals are very helpful for empaths, the full moon energy can bring more awareness into your spiritual practice. As the full moon rises, your intuition will be at an all-time high, making it the perfect time to do some inner work. This will help you work out what you need to let go of, as an empath.
Mood swings
We all struggle with a bit of moodiness during a full moon. However, an empath feels things more intensely than other people, so for them, the mood swings are much deeper. They can fluctuate from elation to depression in a second flat. Most of the time it feels overwhelmingly confusing for them.
Why does the full moon affect my emotions?
There has been a lot of research on the effect the moon has on our emotions. However, little to no proof that there is a relationship between us and the moon has been found. This means that it is up to you and your belief system. Some researchers say that the fact that 70% of our bodies are water, and that the moon’s gravitational pull affects us just like it does the tides of our oceans.
Depending on whether or not you believe in the power of the zodiac and horoscopes. If you do, you must already be aware of the different energy that each of the zodiac signs brings. Let’s say it was the full moon in Scorpio, the energy will be much deeper, and possibly darker. This is the perfect time to do your darkest shadow work. Or the full moon could be in Capricorn, which would make you a lot more verbally expressive, and maybe a little feisty.
Full moon energy effects: tips and tricks
Full moon energy effects can be quite overwhelming, especially for an empath. Here are some suggestions on what to do when the full moon rises.
Keep crystals nearby
All empaths feel both positive and negative energy. To maintain a positive environment, an empath can rely on crystal power. Keeping black obsidian will help absorb the negative energy, and rose quartz will bless the space with positive energy.
Take a deep breath
Whenever you feel a wave of emotion that threatens to set you off remember that breathwork is your friend. Take a deep breath before you say anything in emotional moments, this will give you time to think about your words, and choose them wisely.
Do some shadow work
The full moon is the time when everything gets brought to the forefront of your thoughts and feelings. This makes it an opportune moment to sort through your shadow self, and everything that is hidden there. An empath has a heightened sense of self-awareness so it makes it even trickier for them to avoid this.
If you can’t sleep, meditate!
There is no point in trying to resist the moon’s block on your sleeping ability. During this time of the full moon, you can meditate much deeper because your spiritual energy is at an all-time high. There is less risk of you falling asleep, so this makes it the ideal time for some deep-diving meditations.
Practice self-love
An empath’s self-care during this time should include everything that imbues self-love. An empath should be kind and compassionate towards their sensitive selves during a full moon. Take spiritual baths filled with essential oils, take walks in nature, and do not push yourself too hard. At the same time, do not judge the emotions that flow through you. You might even find it a good time to avoid social media, as it might trigger you in unexpected ways.
the full moon is a roller-coaster of emotions. The best approach is to accept this time as unpredictable, yet healing at the same time. Do not be too hard on yourself and remember not to push yourself too far down the emotional rabbit hole.
Effects of the full moon on emotions: Key takeaways
The powerful force that the moon brings, whether it be a new moon, full moon, or even a lunar eclipse for that matter, affects us all. That being said, an empath will feel all kinds of intense during a full moon period. If you still are left wondering what is an empath and if you are one, read our informative article about the topic!
Full moon vibes FAQs
What happens emotionally during a full moon?
The full moon brings a whole bunch of emotions to the surface. They can be intensely positive or intensely negative. An empath will feel this more intensely than others because of their feel emotions on a much deeper level.
Are emotions heightened during a full moon?
The moon affects all of our emotions, but during a full moon, that emotional trigger is much more sensitive. Especially for empaths. Mood swings run rampage and your shadow self can’t help but show itself off.
Does the full moon drain your energy?
The full moon period is a time of tumultuous energy. Everything that you need to deal with so you can let it go will come up to the surface, and this can be exhausting. Not only that, but empaths feel the energy of their surrounding, and a full moon will heighten that energy level they tap into. This is also tiring and leaves them feeling drained.
How does a full moon affect females?
Women’s menstrual cycles are linked to the lunar cycle. There is a reason some women refer to their monthlies as their moon cycle. If a woman’s menstrual cycle happens over a full moon, it is a very sacred thing. However, this so means their emotions will be even more intense.
Why do I feel weird on a full moon?
Our bodies are made up of 70%water. Some say this is why the moon affects our emotions. If you feel strange on a full moon, trust us when we say, you are not alone. Throughout history, civilizations have been reporting strange sensations when a full moon phase comes. The gravitational pull plays a part in our emotional standpoint.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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