Sometimes we need a little reassurance or some motivation in our lives. From time to time, that needs to come from ourselves, and for ourselves. Full moon affirmations, or full moon mantras are great ways to plant those seeds for your manifestations. Today you will learn some great mantras to use on the next full moon.
Table of Contents
What are full moon affirmations?
During a full moon, a great ritual to practice is writing up positive affirmations based on what you want to manifest. These full moon rituals keep your desires feeling real, which is ideal if you want to bring them into reality.
Affirmations can be for self-love, self-worth, releasing limiting beliefs, and practicing better self-care. The perfect time to do this is during the night of the full moon when the moon’s energy is at a peak. The full moon effects on empaths are another reason to try some full moon affirmations. The affirmation will be powered by the moon’s magic, strengthened, and affirmed. A new moon vs full moon will also provide different energy.
Affirmations should be written in the present tense as if you have already achieved the goal of the affirmation. If you want to love yourself more, the mantra should be, “I love and respect myself”.
What are full moon mantras?
Where a full moon affirmation is made up of a phrase, or a sentence that manifests something, a mantra is a frequency or a vibration that carries a meaning. Each tone carries its own meaning and typically is in Sanskrit. This can be in the form of a single syllable, sound, like “om”. OR, they can be a phrase of Sanskrit words chanted together. Full and new moon affirmations are a great tool
4 full moon affirmations & mantras for 2022
You might be a beginner to the rituals one practices during the different phases of the moon and therefore unable to think of a mantra or an affirmation. Below w have some examples that you are welcome to make use of. Do not waste the glorious power of the moon for a lack of words or frequency.
Full moon affirmations
Here, for your benefit, are 3 different full moon affirmations 2022.
“In this moment I am grateful for everything that I am, and all that I have achieved”
This is an affirmation that is affirming your sense of gratitude. Remember that gratitude is essential for high vibration.
What does it do?
If you want to change something in your life, you will not get very far by complaining about your way out. Gratitude shows that you are aware of everything good in your life, and it keeps your vibration high. This is when you will reap in what you have sewn.
“I honor and trust my intuition, and wisdom”
This is an affirmation to connect you to your intuition, or internal guiding system.
What does it do?
If you are struggling to reach a conclusion on a certain situation or choosing which direction to go in, you might need to give your gut feelings a little nudge to wake up. This affirmation is placing trust in your intuitive voice, and showing that you know what is right for you”
“Everything good I have done returns to me three times over”
This is an affirmation for manifesting abundance.
What does it do?
You are a product of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. If you want abundance in your life, the best way to do it is to be generous with your time, energy, or whatever you are able to give out without it negatively affecting you. This affirmation confirms that you are attracting the positive energy that you have given out three times as strong.
Full moon mantras
Mantras are a little more traditional in the sense that they are typically in Sanskrit. Here are three different full moon mantras 2022 for you to utilize on the next full moon.
“Om Mani Padme Hum” (ohm-mah-nee-pahd-may-huum)
This is a mantra that facilitates kindness to yourself, and others.
What does it do?
You might already be familiar with this mantra as it is one that is used quite commonly. It invites compassion into your life, to fill your whole being. When you live compassionately, you are raising your vibration. Remember, you area product of how you think, feel, and act.
“Aham Prema” (ah-hem-pree-mah)
This mantra mean “I am Divine Love,” and it is used to strengthen the love you have for yourself, and the universe.
What does it do?
If you are feeling disconnected from the universe, lacking self-love and feeling lonely, this mantra can help to reaffirm that vibration, that is love, within you. Use it during a full moon to strengthen its effectiveness.
“Aum Gum Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha” (ohm-guum-shreem-mah-ha-lok-shmee-yay-na-mah-ha)
This mantra will help to clear your path of any obstacles that might be blocking your vision or energy flow.
What does it do?
Sometimes we create our own obstacles with our inability to see the bigger picture. This is understandable when we are confronted with so many thing in modern world. It is a powerful one, especially when chanted in unison with the power of the full moon, and it asks for all obstacles to be removed from your path.
Key takeaways
Which affirmation will you be using during the next full moon? Do not forget, the full moon has a lot of energy in store for each of us.
The Full Moon Affirmation For You
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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