Feeling the emotions of others and not having any control over them can seem like a daunting responsibility. But with awareness, you can learn to manage this superpower of yours. But, first, you need to work out whether or not you are an empath. This article addresses the various qualities and characteristics of an empath. Read through this true empath traits list carefully for you might have an undiscovered ability waiting in the margins for your awareness to tap in.
Table of Contents
What makes a person an empath?
“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.”- Daniel H. Pink
What makes someone empathetic is their ability to tap into the vibration of others. So, how to know if you’re an empath? This may manifest differently in all of us, as there any many different types of empaths. Some have empathic abilities to sense other people’s emotions, while others can sense the physical pain of others as if it were their own. Some can understand the wants and needs of animals or plants.
They are also highly sensitive people to the actions of others, as well as their words. Ultimately, an empathic person is sensitive to everything that is happening around them. They have a deeper intuition and a hyper-awareness of all negative energy or positive energy. There are also many kinds of empaths, so try our types of empaths test to see which type you are!
True empath traits list
Dr. Judith Orloff has written a book called ‘The Empath’s Survival Guide’ which will help you determine whether or not you are an empath. It also comes equipped with coping mechanisms and protective measures to practice. For now, you can read this list of empath personality traits, or symptoms of an empath, that might be the sign you are looking for.
Emotional Sponge
One of the most common traits of an empath is their ability to pick up the emotions of others. This makes them emotional sponges where they often don’t know how to release the energy they pick up on. They absorb it all, which can be damaging to your well-being.
Highly intuitive
An empath is highly intuitive. Many empaths will be able to intuitively find their way around a new town even if they have never been there before. Or, they will know which meal to choose on the menu the first time eating at a particular restaurant. On a spiritual level, they can tell when something is wrong with their loved ones, or even strangers.
Feel strange around fake people
Empaths love when other people are being authentic. When they are around someone who is not being true to themselves and behaving in a fake manner, they feel strange. This is because they can sense the true person hiding underneath the mask they show to the world.
Empaths will do something or someone, even if they will get nothing in return. An empaths own self-care flies out the window as they choose to put others first.
Occasionally a push-over
An empath is so willing to help others, that they will do so even when they have a lot on their own plate.
Read through the lines
The intuition of an empath is remarkable. When someone is telling them a story, they can tell what the person really means even if they say something completely different. Or, if someone is beating around the bush, they know what the point is before the person gets there.
You can tell when someone is lying
If someone lies to an empath, they will be found out. An empath will always know when they are being lied to. They can feel the vibration they give off while they are being spun.
Interested in shadow work
An empath goes through a lot throughout their lives. Not only are they dealing with their own problems, but now they have other people’s negative emotions to process as well. This requires a lot of shadow work, so they may discern their own issues from the external forces they can perceive.
Sense of Knowing
Empaths have this deeply set sense of knowing. This stretches to all areas of their life. From meeting new people or understanding a confusing story, to how someone feels about the meal they just ate.
Accepts responsibility
An empath is always willing to accept responsibility for their actions. No empath will let someone take the fall for their mistakes because they can feel the pain and frustration of that person as if it is double.
Big-time daydreamer
Being empathic often means being lost in the clouds. The emotions they feel all the time can be quite overwhelming. For many, a natural coping mechanism is daydreaming. Similarly, an empath will often get lost in thought because they are distracted by the frequency they are picking up.
On edge around other people
People can be very unpredictable. This makes it hard for an empath to relax around other people because they never know which way the emotional table will turn. Their hyper-awareness is always alert, making them feel on edge.
Empaths want to make other people feel good. This makes them compassionate people because they not only want to help others, but they do so in an understanding and unconditional way.
OCD tendencies
One of the coping mechanisms of empaths is Obsessive-compulsive tendencies, if not the disorder. They may not be able to control the feelings in the room, but they can control the neatness and tidiness of it. Having a cluttered space also makes an empath more overwhelmed because they are feeling so much on the inside already, they want it to be de-cluttered on the outside at least.
People tend to offload on you
Empaths often find people coming to them to express their problems. Whether it be your sibling, best friend, or a complete stranger. People seem to want to tell you everything.
Large crowds overwhelm you
When an empath finds themselves in a large crowd, they feel overwhelmed. All of the swirling emotions, noises, lights, and pretty much everything can be too much for some to bear.
Animals are drawn to you
Animals are empathic too. this means that they can tell when someone is an empath. They are drawn to their compassionate nature.
Gut problems
Emotions are often stored within the gut. This can lead to empaths struggling with gastrointestinal problems, or bad gut flora.
Lower back aches
At the same time, emotions that are bottled up in an empath manifest in lower-back problems.
You tend to support the underdog
Empaths feel bad for those who try their best and don’t succeed. This means they end up supporting the underdog as opposed to the obvious winner. They can feel all the effort it goes in, and the disappointment when they lose.
Energy vampires always find you
Empaths are generally very alluring to energy vampires. They are attracted to the free-giving nature of an empath and leach off their energy till they are worn out.
Surrounded by synchronicity
Empaths will often find bizarre moments of synchronicity happening around them.
The confidant for many
This one ties in with the fact that people tend to offload on you. In this case, most of your friends will choose you over everyone in your friend circle to tell their deepest and dearest thoughts. the ones they wish no one else to hear. They trust you with their fears because they know you will understand and support them.
Easily manipulated
An empath has, what some people call, a “rubber elbow”. This means they can easily be convinced to do just about anything. even if they initially say no, they can be manipulated into changing their mind.
Very sensitive
Empaths are highly sensitive people. If you find that you can pick up the vibe in any room, and notice at any moment the frequency changes, you might be an empath.
A target for narcissists
Narcissists, like energy vampires, are drawn to empaths. In fact, they are notorious for having relationships where they are co-dependent.
Often introverted, but not always
This depends on the given moment. With the right group of people, a crowd can uplift an empathic person’s energy and turn them into a raging chatterbox. But, a different crowd can have them hiding in the corner. That being said, empaths like to recharge their batteries by having quiet time to process everything they perceived.
Easily connect with other people
Because of their ability to perceive the feelings of others, as well as seeing right through people’s masks, they hold to shield their true nature, empaths connect easily with people. Simultaneously, other people connect well with empaths because of their understanding nature.
Put other’s needs over their own
One of the more common empath traits is that they put the wants and needs of others over and above their own. They will sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of someone else’s happiness.
Strong desire to do good
Empaths are very understanding people. Because you can feel what other people feel, you want to help them in any way you can.
One of the symptoms of an empath is being a little forgetful. This can vary among all empaths, but ultimately it is because they are so preoccupied with everything they are perceiving.
Empaths will have a creative mind which they can use to find solutions to people’s problems.
Avoids rude people
Empaths find no pleasure in rude people. They are already dealing with so much negativity that they will stop at nothing to avoid those with a sharp tongue.
Love your alone time
Empaths find solace in spending time with just themselves. After spending some time in crowded places, they need to recharge their energy batteries before facing more people again.
Emotionally drained
Empaths need to be careful of filling other people’s cups with the risk of emptying their own. Intuitive empaths will struggle with emotional exhaustion and can risk an emotional overload.
Can’t tell whose emotion is whose
Many times, empaths go their whole lives not being able to tell where the emotion is coming from. This can be very confusing, because one moment you are feeling happy and content, and the next you are having a panic attack.
Detests any form of aggression
Empaths are not fond of any form of aggression, hostility, necessary anger, nastiness, or anything similar.
Struggles to find intimate relationships
A highly empathic person needs to spend a lot of time alone. But, when a relationship with someone they really like gets too intimate, they start to back out because that time alone is hard to come by.
Struggles to say ‘no’
Most empaths are innately driven to help others. So, when people ask an empath a favor, they have a hard time saying “no”.
Sensitive to loud noises
Have you ever had a friend who constantly asked you to turn the volume of the movie down? they might be an empath because they are generally very sensitive to stimuli like loud noises, flashing lights, strong smells, or anything that triggers their physical senses.
Observable qualities and characteristics of an empath
Here are a few of the empath characteristics and qualities that make them such important parts of our society. Some of the characteristics of empathy are noticeable in their personality. Our emapth quiz is also worth a try if you are not sure if you are an emapth! Here is a list of different empath behaviors that makes up their personality.
Very generous
One characteristic of empathy is that it is hard to stop giving. Empaths are very generous with their time, love, possessions, and more.
Many empaths are very creatively inclined. Often choosing careers as artists, performers, musicians, or anything that requires a bit of imagination.
Empathic people find routine boring. They prefer to live a life on a whim, going anywhere the wind blows them.
Good listener
Empaths have a remarkable ability to listen to people talk about their problems for hours. Not only are they good listeners, but they truly understand what is being said to them.
Great communicator
Empaths have great skills in communicating. Conversations are smooth with an empath, who can tell when a topic is making someone uncomfortable, or elated. This also helps them when someone is offloading their problems onto them. An empath will be able to clearly communicate the appropriate comfort.
Mood swings are common
Friends of empaths will describe them as being moody. This is because they pick up on someone else’s mood which can influence their own. This makes them seem unstable at times when they are not even feeling their own feelings.
Addictive personality
An empath will find themselves becoming addicted to something very quickly. Whether this is smoking cigarettes, or jogging every morning.
A natural-born healer
Most empaths are already working as a healer of some kind. Whether they are reiki practitioners, doctors, or a mental health therapist, their mission is to heal.
Naturally curious
Most empaths are innately curious. The inquisitive nature of an empath is based on their thirst for the truth. They want an answer for everything, and they are not afraid to ask.
Always tired
Being an empath is tiring work. This means that most empaths will always have a yawn not too far behind thanks to the chronic fatigue they have to deal with.
Find out if you are a highly empathetic person
Are you curious to know whether or not you are an empath? If so, you can try this test. You never know until you try, and you might be surprised by the answer.
If you are already aware of your empathic abilities, you might be interested to fine-tune your understanding of this gift. There are many different kinds of empaths, and understanding which one you are might help you learn to cope with it. Check out the different types of empaths here.
Is empathy a personality trait in itself?
In short, this is a yes and no answer. One can be empathetic by nature, or one can become empathetic from certain life experiences.
What is a vibrational empath?
A vibrational empath is someone who can pick up the vibrations of the room they are in, as well as the vibrations of other people.
Do female empath traits differ from those of males?
The only difference between a male empath and a female empath is that the latter might feel the emotion they perceive on a deeper level.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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