Dolores Cannon has a name that will undoubtedly go down in history. With all of her knowledge of hypnotherapy, it is no wonder that her work is being continued even after her passing. Her daughter, Julia Cannon, has taken the wheel, keeping her memory alive and strong. While she was still with us in this reality, Dolores had a hypnotherapy session during which she encountered the famous Nostradamus. Yes, the prophet has predicted many events since he died in the 16th century. In this article, we shall discuss everything that transpired in that session.
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A brief history of Dolores Cannon
Dolores was a family woman. She married her husband, Johnny Cannon, in the year 1951. He was a naval officer, which meant he was stationed all around the world. Dolores traveled with him, raising her children with naval standards along the way.
Later in life, Dolores discovered hypnotherapy. Although, it wasn’t until much later that she realized the potential of tapping into past lives. Before that, she and Johnny used it to maintain healthy habits, like quitting smoking and eating healthily. In 1968, Dolores was approached by a doctor who had a patient he thought to benefit from some hypnosis. She was a nervous eater, so he thought it would help calm her down. This woman was Dolores’s first experience with past life regression. Her full story can be read in Dolores’s book, Five Lives Remembered.
Her hypnotherapy sessions were predominantly focused on past life regression. Dolores wanted everyone to understand that she is not a psychic or a channel. She calls herself a reporter of Lost knowledge.
The Dolores and Nostradamus session
Although most of Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy sessions were centered around past life regressions, where either she or her clients, could tap into a past life. This was where she realized her ability to time travel. Although, most people would assume she literally time traveled, she simply induced hypnosis, and traveled there with her subconscious mind.
This is what happened in her session with Nostradamus. She traveled back in time, whilst under hypnosis, and contacted the prophet. The interesting part was that it happened by accident. It happened while she was working with a woman who simply wanted to know if she had a past life, but did not need therapy. During the session, she regressed to a past life where she was a student of Nostradamus. Then, at a random point in the session, the woman said that Nostradamus wanted to speak to you.
A message from Nostradamus
At first, Dolores reported feeling surprised by this, because contacting people from the past is not exactly conventional for hypnosis. In an interview that happened about 20 years ago, the woman told Dolores that Nostradamus had a message for her. Dolores said, “he (Nostradamus) had been looking for a link to the future because he could see that the prophecies he had written were not being correctly interpreted. And the time was coming where they were going to come true.” After that, Nostradamus told Dolores to get his book of prophecies in ancient English and she must read them to him. He wanted to explain what they meant by providing the codes that were lost over the last four centuries.
In a different session, Nostradamus informed Dolores that she would be able to contact him through any one of her clients. Which meant it was not specific to that one client. She would later describe this connection she shared with the prophet as if she had his telephone number. She was able to contact him at any given time. He even gave her a way to test whether or not she was talking to the right Nostradamus.
What was Nostradamus like?
The man who foretold much of our future has been described a lot in the physical sense. Although, Dolores described his eyes in a way that no painting can correctly portray. His eyes were “penetrating” and he had a very strong gaze. The interviewer then asked Dolores what he was like, in terms of personality. She was very quick to mention his temper. He would get annoyed and frustrated if Dolores did not do the proper research.
Dolores said, “he would tell me exactly where to go in the library to find the information.” If Dolores did not understand something he said, he would tell her he was “appalled at her lack of education.”
Dolores described Nostradamus as having a “very definite personality”. She compared him to the demeanor of a “stern schoolmaster.” But, the thing that stood out the most about his character was that he was a male chauvinist. This was understandable, seeing as during the time he was alive women were uneducated, and not respected as they are in this day and age.
Why Nostradamus coded his prophecies
During his life, Nostradamus made many predictions. They were written in a book, but they have been immensely confusing because he wrote them in coded language. HE explained to Dolores that he needed to do this to protect his work. During his time, the church was in control of everything.
Had they discovered he was predicting the future, he most likely would have been executed. This meant he needed to write his predictions in a coded language to throw the inquisition off his scent. So, he created a language out of anagrams and puzzles.
Why does Nostradamus always predict “doom and gloom”?
Nostradamus had a mission on his mind. He wanted Dolores to translate his predictions as accurately as possible. Even though most of them are a bit depressing, as they predict terrible events in our lifetimes Nostradamus told Dolores: “If I show you the most horrible things a man can do to themselves, will you do something to stop it?”
Dolores spoke about how Nostradamus saw time a bit differently than the rest of us. It was not of a linear fashion, but as something that has ”many branches” of possibility. His predictions were of the worst-case scenario. The outcome is if no one did anything to better our lives on earth. Ultimately, Nostradamus believed humanity had the potential to change our future. We just had to know the future, in order to change. So, his mission was to predict the worst possible outcomes, in the hopes that we step up to the challenge and change our fate.
Click here to see the video interview!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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