All human beings, whichever gender they identify with, are born with and carry both the masculine and feminine energies within their soul. Once these energies are in balance, they work together for the good of all.
The male energy considered their feminine side as inferior for millennia and ignored or suppressed their divine feminine energy as a result. This imbalance has caused much strife in our world, greed, slavery, ongoing wars, and the systematic destruction of our planet.
It is critical for the survival of humanity and Earth that we restore the balance of these energies. The divine masculine and the divine feminine have to unite as equals and help each other to balance their energy to raise the vibration of humanity and heal our planet.
What is the divine masculine?
The divine masculine is one half of our soul, the other half being the divine feminine, and all humans, regardless of gender, contain both these energies. The divine masculine represents the left brain, connected to logic, purpose, strength, responsibility, and leadership. The divine feminine energy provides balance with the right brain, connected to creativity, nurturing, empathy, intuition, justice, healing, and spirituality.
Through the ages, both men and women have struggled to achieve and maintain a perfect balance within themselves through society’s norms teaching boys to be tough, never show weakness or emotions, and excel at everything they do, which they managed by suppressing their feminine energy. Girls learned to suppress their masculine energies to be accepted by society by who expected them to be meek, have no opinions and keep themselves occupied with suitable ”female” activities such as needlework, learning to manage a home, how to take care of men, and put their needs above all else.
During our more recent history, WWI and WWII had a huge impact on women who had to connect to their masculine energy when they stepped in to do men’s work, while many of the soldiers rediscovered their feminine energy during the death and destruction experienced on the front lines, others pushed it down even further because ”big boys don’t cry”.
Women enjoyed their masculine energy and the freedom it gave them. Over the years it helped pave the way to equal rights and opportunities for women. Unfortunately, the shadow side of many men’s masculine energies still struggle to accept this reality and the continue to fight against it. All the more reason to work on balancing the masculine and feminine energies towards the spiritual awakening within.
What is divine masculine energy?
The masculine energy personifies logic, is independent, analytical, physically and emotionally strong and self-confident with a strong sense of purpose and determination.
Masculine energy thrives on action, knows what it wants, and springs into action to get to it first. The masculine energy loves a challenge, is competitive, loves winning, and acknowledgment of its achievements in all fields they excel in. It will actively seek freedom and adventure and prefers using words rather than show emotions.
When in balance with the divine feminine within, the divine masculine will be creative, practical, goal-driven, hardworking, and successful. It will be generous, strong yet gentle, loving, kind, and spiritual.
The shadow masculine’s energy has had the scales tipped in its favor for millennia, systematically suppressing its divine feminine. Devoid of compassion and empathy, the shadow masculine is angry, full of resentment, and rules with an iron fist. It will be obsessed with material possessions and empire building. Ultimately, as we’ve seen from history over millennia, the cycle of greed, corruption, abuse of power, war, enslavement, and destruction of Mother Earth will continue with each generation unless we all make an effort to balance our divine masculine and divine feminine energies.
What is divine masculine awakening?
Although all humans are born with both the divine masculine and the divine feminine within, each with their own unique qualities, complementing each other in perfect balance. At some point in our ancient history, males started suppressing their divine feminine, upsetting the balance, the yin and yang. This imbalance was the dawn of the patriarchal era, which opened the door to the shadow masculine to take charge, and the start of endless wars, suffering, and the destruction of of our planet.
The divine feminine, however, started awakening earlier this century and has been helping to awaken the divine masculine so he can take back his power and align to his higher self. Guided by the Universe, he’ll be empowered to rebuild our world. He will have reached maturity and accept and believe in his self-worth, without ego. He will lead from his heart and not his head, he will be the protector, and plan, build and make decisions with logic, and share his blessings freely.
He will know and accept that he cannot succeed without his divine feminine and that their different and unique traits, and qualities when in balance, work together in harmony for the greater good.
Awakening the divine masculine: How to awaken this energy within yourself
1. Heal the wounds
Male, female, or non-binary, one of the first steps to awakening the divine masculine energy is to heal wounds from the past. In this instance, to examine our relationships with the men who had a hand in our formative years, our fathers, brothers, and others.
Although these are often painful exercises, it would also be crucial for our growth and maturity. We need to ask ourselves questions and examine our responses. Here are a few examples, but each of us may have many more: Were these relationships supportive, abusive, or both? Did your mother raise you on her own, trying to fill the gap of an absent father? How did you feel and cope?
We need to think about the men we’ve had in our lives and make notes of the who, where, why, and how we felt them and ourselves at the time. Were we happy or sad, feeling connected, lonely or alienated, loving or hateful, and so on? Sometimes, a conversion with the man/men, even if they have passed away, could have positive results.
Revisiting such events can help us discover and understand any unconscious prejudice and beliefs we may have of men, opening the way to removing mental and emotional blockages and setting us free to let go of the pain.
2. Take responsibility
You are responsible for yourself and your actions. To awaken the divine masculine within, you need to be mature and respect yourself, take care of yourself physically and emotionally, and take responsibility for the choices and decisions you make.
3. Contact your inner Father
The Father is a universal archetype that we all carry inside, regardless of our gender. Connecting with our inner Father is a powerful way to awaken our divine masculine.
The inner Father is kind and compassionate and when you cultivate a relationship with him, this father can help you understand yourself and show you how you can father yourself, as the father you had never was able to.
Try different forms of creative and artistic practices such as keeping a journal or automatic writing, drawing, or even using tarot to interact with your inner Father. Ask if he wants to share his wisdom with you.
4. Analyze your conditioning
Our conditioning on how to behave like a man virtually started in the cradle. We learned to suppress our feelings and emotions quickly to avoid the consequences of being laughed at or called derogatory names. By the time we were teenagers, many could hardly cope with the weighty ”rules of manhood” on our shoulders and clouding our minds. In the end, the desire to fit in may have led us to join a crowd with the same mindset as our initial conditioners. We may even have accepted this as the only way to become a real man and became the bully, racist, sexist, liar, or cheat. Perhaps you’ll have experienced some of these common forms of conditioning:
- Men shouldn’t cry or show their emotions
- Men must be successful in their career
- Men must be the breadwinner and head of the household
- Men must protect women and children
- Men must control women physically, sexually and financially
- Men must be aggressive to show their self-confidence
And many more! Making a list of our own could help open our minds to understanding how fundamentally wrong most of the teachings were about what constitutes a real man. We could finally lift the weight off our shoulders and redefine our own mature, balanced masculine energy, which could become a cornerstone of a healthy relationship with our divine masculine within.
5. Find a masculine mentor/teacher
There are many examples of men who personify divine masculine energy. Some may be family members, in our inner circle of friends, or a colleague. If not, we’ll be able to learn a lot from many other role models, even those we may never have the opportunity to meet.
Teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, and the Dalai Llama, and deceased teachers such as Krishna, Jesus, and Buddha have much wisdom to teach us. Even fictional heroes and mythical gods can be our guides. We should not idolize or worship such role models but respect, admire and learn from them, and express our own inner divine masculine.
6. Connect with your inner Warrior
The inner Warrior, like the inner Father, is another expression of the divine masculine. Your inner Warrior isn’t about dominating, fighting, killing, or war. Your inner Warrior is your supporter and protector who will defend you peacefully but vigorously and see through the lies. The inner Warrior embodies truth, courage, and inner strength.
By connecting to the Warrior energy, we reconnect to the Wholeness deep within and awakening the divine masculine. Getting to know our inner Warrior will enable us to build a strong connection, discover his personality, the look and feel of him, what he enjoys doing, and where he already appears in our lives. Practicing martial arts, boxing, and other vigorous exercises, artistic expression, guided visualization, yang yoga, and becoming an activist are a few examples of ways to connect with your inner Warrior.
7. Be self-confident and firm
When we have self-confidence, we have reached a level of maturity to respect ourselves and set boundaries. People who are introverts and soft-spoken may find it difficult to assert themselves and set boundaries. It will take courage, and worth remembering that connecting to our divine masculine energy will provide all the self-confidence and courage we need.
Start by defining your needs and take note of those not being met. If you have set boundaries, how do you feel and react when those boundaries are being ignored?
You can work on your self-confidence by doing some mirror work. Your confidence shows in your posture and the way you hold your head, the look in your eyes, the tone of your voice, and the words you use. Practice improving your posture by walking and standing with your back and shoulders straight and your chest open, and your chin up, in front of a full-length mirror. With daily mirror work, you’ll soon see and feel the self-confidence in you, looking back at you.
Confidence is not about being angry, argumentative, or by forcing your opinions on others. Stand your ground and remain calm and rational and remember, your opinion and needs are valid, as is everyone else’s. In cases where a stalemate occurs, it’s best to agree to disagree and move on.
8. Start being present and active
Instead of sitting around dreaming and expecting our dreams to come true, we need to make plans, set goals, and do the actual work to turn our dreams into reality. Instead of waiting for others, be the initiator, leader, and the giver in life generally, and in our close relationships.
Divine masculine awakening symptoms
The ultimate goal of the divine masculine embarking on his journey is to connect and balance the divine masculine energy with that of the divine feminine energy and increase the vibration of his inner soul.
The divine masculine and divine feminine within already hold all the elements and wisdom within. He needs to tap into the masculine energy and commit to making changes and adjustment to negative conditioning and behavioral habits from the past, which have been blocking his spiritual growth. The divine feminine will be there to help and guide him if he trusts her and accepts her help.
When the divine masculine rises, their vibrations will finally be in tune again, and their hearts open to unconditional love.
- The divine masculine is naturally competitive in whatever he does, enjoys winning, and always strives to improve his skills. When the divine masculine awakens, competing will be more about the experience rather than the win. He will lose interest in material possessions and no longer be impressed by material symbols to stroke his ego. Instead, the awakening of the divine masculine will acknowledge his insecurities and shortcomings and work on improving his behavior and his inner self continuously.
- The divine masculine is vulnerable and insecure, which the shadow masculine would suppress with arrogance, aggression, and being overconfident. With the awakening, the divine masculine will re-discover how to turn the insecurities into strengths, recognize the triggers, and rise above them. When ready, he will gift his vulnerability to the Divine feminine for safekeeping.
- The divine masculine and divine feminine are complementing opposites, like the yin and yang. He’s logical, she’s intuitive; he’s giving, she’s nurturing; and so on. During awakening, the divine masculine and divine feminine might discover similarities of circumstances, events, and patterns in their lives, leading to their eventual union. Such similarities provide an opportunity to work through subconscious triggered behavior patterns together and help each other overcome such triggers.
- The divine masculine wants to understand the meaning and his purpose in life and is determined to find it. While he may make a few wrong turns during his search, he won’t give up until he finds the right path. He will continue to evolve, grow stronger, and feel his energy vibration reach higher levels the closer he gets.
- When the divine masculine accepts his divine feminine’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual guidance, his awakening is rising. Her flowing feminine energy will allow him the freedom to continue the journey towards his purpose while she keeps him strong and focused on his quest with her nurturing energy.
List of divine masculine traits, qualities & characteristics
The divine masculine energy uses logic and reasoning for everything he does. His natural gift is knowing what is logically sound without bringing his emotions into play, and will always choose the option based on careful reasoning.
2. Responsibility
The divine masculine takes control and responsibility for what he does. His maturity is the energy that allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions and never shift the blame elsewhere when something goes wrong.
3. Goal oriented
The divine masculine has the self-control to remain focused on his goals as well as the instinctive need to be in sync and justify the reason for being.
4. Action
The divine feminine is the creative thinker and dreamer, and the divine masculine the builder who takes action to turn the dreams into reality. Action is the energy needed to push past the inaction caused by overthinking and take the appropriate action.
5. Decisiveness
Through his logic and reasoning, the divine masculine energy provides us with sound decision-making skills. When faced with two or more options, it does not panic but stays calm and allows us to make the best decision with confidence.
6. Strength
One of the major qualities of the divine masculine energy is both physical and mental strength. Those connected to their masculine energy will be strong, but not arrogant or threatening and inspiring and lifting rather than intimidating and demeaning. This strength is inspiring and uplifting rather than intimidating and demeaning.
7. Protective
Anyone with a strong connection with the divine masculine energy will be protective of and have a deep feeling of unconditional love for everyone they care about. One cannot help but feel safe and bask in the love of the divine masculine protective energy.
8. Loyalty
The divine masculine believes in the sanctity of a union made of love, blessed with loyalty, faithfulness, and shared values. Self-control, honesty, and devotion come naturally with the divine masculine relationships.
9. Giving
The divine masculine is selfless, kind, generous, and compassionate. Those who connect to the caring divine masculine will unconditionally gift their time and resources to care for the disenfranchised, without expectations or reward.
10. Confidence
The confidence of self is a direct result of being connected to the divine masculine energy within. One can feel the energy course through our veins, elevating our self-confidence and belief in ourselves to healthy levels. From there, we will be able to negotiate our life path without fear of failure.
Key takeaways
For thousands of years, we have lived in a society controlled by the masculine energy based on ego, arrogance, control, and the idea that males are superior to females in every way.
These old ways of being will form part of the divine masculine’s challenges to face on its journey to heal and balance the divine masculine within. There will be demons from past lives and childhood to overcome to find and reclaim his true identity, change his ways of thinking and behaving, and so much more. These are signs of the divine masculine awakening.
The masculine energy may blame his divine feminine for the pain he suffered through the journey and even want to reject her. The divine feminine is the source of his awakening and, until he accepts and surrenders to her, nothing will fundamentally change. The divine feminine will guide the masculine out of the shadows back into the light. The divine masculine will also have to face the demons of his divine feminine, and when he succeeds he will understand the meaning of unconditional love.
It may not be an easy road to travel but, when the masculine and feminine spiritual vibrations are finally in tune with each other, a magical thing will occur. They will experience bliss and unconditional love for each other, Earth, and all life. They will remember who they are and what their real mission in life is.
Written by:
Jade Small
I needed to read this forty years ago Thank you for putting my life lessons in a divine perspective.