What is the divine feminine?
Regardless of gender, we all have masculine and feminine energy, known as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, (yin and yang), in our spirit.
The Divine Feminine represents life itself and is associated with creation, nurture, intuition and empathy, and so much more, in each and every one of us.
While women were mostly comfortable with their masculine side, men learned from an early age to suppress their feminine side, shamed and bullied into believing it to be a sign of weakness. Women started neglecting their feminine side too, favoring their masculine side, for the sake of education, careers and success and survival in what had long been a ‘mans world’.
To restore the balance all genders, we all need to work on awakening our feminine energy and bring it into the light, as the rightful equal to our masculine energy in our efforts to reverse the chaos created by the imbalance. When balanced, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine form the Spirit of Life and work together in perfect harmony.
What is divine feminine energy?
The Divine Feminine energy, first and foremost, is a creative force that brings everything into existence. In Nature we see this creation of life every day. When the Divine feminine in a woman receives a seed from the Divine Masculine, she will nurture into a physical body for a conscious being, the masculine and the feminine energy, to occupy.
The right side of our brains link to our Divine feminine energy and the left to our Divine masculine energy. Our feminine energy provides us with empathy, intuition and a need for continued spiritual growth. The strong sense of justice, balance and morality of our Divine feminine energy encourages us to look beyond what appears to be the truth.
In general, women are more advanced emotionally and have a stronger awareness of their thoughts and feelings, and more vulnerable and open to intimacy. Men, more so than women, need to work on awakening their feminine energy to tap into their emotions and the joys of intimacy.
The Divine Feminine works at the subconscious and has no need to become aggressive in order to achieve what it wants to, which explains why most women prefer using passive resistance through manipulation to avoid heated arguments and confrontations. This feminine energy trait is usually successful in resolving conflict peacefully.
Another of the feminine qualities comes in the form of multifaceted personalities. Women have many roles in life, as wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, carer, mentor, teacher and all the occupations and services we can think of. Our creative energy gifts us with the ability to change to fit the needs of each while our feminine energy gives us the ability to play the many roles, and the personality traits to be successful in each of them.
What is divine feminine awakening?
There was a time when the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine where accepted as equals and honored as sacred. Over time, as empires grew, wars were fought for territory and riches. As the men of war started ignoring their feminine energy, the masculine energy grew stronger, fueled by its shadow side.
The greed, destruction and cruelty has multiplied to such an extent that there is nowhere on earth not affected by the ongoing greed, destruction cruelty of the men who wield the power. fed by the shadow side of the Divine Masculine to a point where Mother Earth and all who call her home could be annihilated.
The awakening of the Divine Feminine saw some progress over several decades with the rise of feminism, the fight for equal rights for all, continued efforts to improve the lives of minorities, the disenfranchised and worldwide efforts to reverse climate change. Yet, we’ve hardly scratched the surface.
For the sake of humanity and Earth, we all, regardless of our gender identity, need to awaken the Divine feminine within us and with our collective efforts, free the Divine feminine to reclaim her rightful place as equal to her counterpart. Not only that, we need to make the same effort to connect to our Divine masculine and bring him out from his shadow side and into the light too. Only then will we be able to restore the balance for our ourselves, all of humanity and Earth.
Awakening the divine Feminine: How to awaken this energy within yourself
1. Channel your inner Divine Mother
Through the ages, the Great Mother has been depicted in the likeness of the Virgin Mary, Lakshmi, Isis, Sophia, Mother Nature and Kali and others. You inner Divine Mother holds much wisdom, connect with her using your intuition and creativity. Drawing, painting, writing, dream and mirror work could help develop a deep connection with your inner Divine Mother. Honor her by creating an image of her and keep it in a special place where you can draw inspiration from her.
2. Letting go of pain surrounding femininity
For our feminine energy to grow and mature it is important for us to understand how we feel about our feminine aspects and why.
Throughout their lives women were led to believe that neither their inner nor their outer aspects of themselves are good enough. On the outside, they were expected to improve their looks by whatever means possible and hide their true, natural beauty. On the inside, they had to suppress their feminine energy by not being emotional, express curiosity or enthusiasm and hide their intelligence, to name a few. For many, such pressure left them feeling it was a case of conform or be shunned from society at large.
Since we all, whichever gender we identify with, need to nurture our feminine energy, personal wounds may go and even deeper, usually related to the relationship we had with our mothers. Any negative experiences with our mothers could have caused deep and painful wounds resulting in mistrust of and a disconnect with our divine feminine.
Only when we work through these negatives and understand how they affected us, we can start working on embracing our female energy and letting go of the pain.
3. Tune into your emotions
So many of us have stifled our emotions for far too long. It goes against the grain of society to show our feelings. In fact, some, if not all, of our emotions may have been suppressed for so long we can’t even name them. For those of us unable to put a name to how we feel, we can find an ’emotions chart’ online, print it out and keep track of your feelings daily that way.
By connecting to our feminine energy and tuning into our emotions, we can discover who we really are. Take a moment to ask ourselves how we are feeling and review the situation that caused the feeling. Keeping a journal or using a emotions chart will help to see our progress in bringing our emotions back into our lives.
4. Cultivate your intuition
A core Divine Feminine quality is intuition, which emanates from our heart and soul. Due to our disconnect from our feminine energy and giving preference to our left brain, we may no longer understand or trust our intuition.
Our Intuition communicate with us in many different ways, by sending clues to our senses, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, stomach, skin and elsewhere in our bodies. Images may be in the form of flash images, or a video clip, have ”gut” feeling in our stomach, a sudden thought or hear words. Other common examples include the hair at the back of your neck raising, goosebumps on your arms, a distinct taste in your mouth or an unexplained or familiar smell, suddenly feeling uneasy or inexplicably happy. In all cases, ask you intuition for more information if you don’t understand.
Meditation is an excellent way to calm the mind and relax the body and tune into your intuition. Try to make it a daily habit and spend 10-15 minutes connecting with your intuition, the more often you do, the easier it will be to recognize messages. When asking your questions be specific about the information you want. Make it a regular practice to capture your intuition sessions in a journal, writing is a great way to access your intuition and keep a record of its wisdom.
5. Be present
Like so many of our other traits, our ability of being present and in the moment has also suffered neglect. While the masculine energy is all about doing, the feminine energy is about being able to slow down, live in the moment and being open to enjoying the little things and practice being grateful. Keep a gratitude journal to creatively express your gratitude in words and drawings.
Your right brain might protest against the idea of slowing down. Be patient and keep trying, it’s absolutely worth it.
6. Practice self-love
Learning to love ourselves is an integral part of connecting with our Divine feminine. We tend to be our own worst critic by focusing on our perceived failures in life, relationships, careers or lack thereof, as well as our physical features.
Mirror work is a powerful way to practice self-love. Most of us look in a mirror at least once a day, usually with a critical eye. Quit that habit by standing in front of your mirror daily, look into your eyes and repeat positive affirmations to yourself. These could be any loving and positive words such as, ‘I love you’, ‘I see you’, ‘I forgive you’, ‘you are beautiful’ and smile at yourself. When you pass a mirror during the day, acknowledge yourself with a wink, a smile or silently repeat an affirmation.
7. Honor and protect Mother Earth
The Divine Feminine is the epitome of Earth. The creator of life who provides us with all we need to flourish. Every day she shares her beauty, joy, love and Divinity with us, and she makes it so easy for us to connect with her. Simply go outside and enjoy the wind and the clouds, the trees, birds, the flowers and bees, the colors and hues that surround you and the smells in the air.
We can show our appreciation and honor Mother Earth by protecting her and keeping her healthy. We all need to commit to living low-waste, sustainable and ethical lives and encourage and help our communities to do so as well.
Divine feminine awakening symptoms
For most of us, the spiritual journey of self-discovery and connecting to our Divine feminine energy may have been a long and arduous one, filled with doubts, frustration and much pain. Suddenly we may have a strong feeling of well-being, and experience the awakening of our Divine feminine with a surge of high positive energy levels as we embrace our sacred feminine and the positive traits of the masculine energy to achieve balance we’ve been seeking.
While none of us are likely to experience our awakening in the same way, here are some signs that the Divine feminine within you are awakening:
- You have a stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and others
- You have a strong desire to connect with more females
- You feel drawn to the arts as a way to express yourself
- You have no need for competing against and judging others
- You understand that your true power comes through self-love and self-care
- You have increased unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and others
- You have a deeper connection with your higher-self
- You have increased feelings of joy and happiness
- You have a deeper connection with our body and sensuality
List of Divine feminine energy characteristics, qualities & traits
To be whole and balanced again, it is essential that we honor and connect with both sides of our nature, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Woman have to reclaim their power and men need to embrace their Divine feminine energy.
No matter our culture or sexual orientation, we all need to step up and create the change we need within ourselves.
The earth mother
The Mother is one of the characteristics of the Divine feminine. The Mother nurtures us, gives us shelter, food and water, just as the Earth does. She provides support and advice for those with problems. The mother is wise and intelligent with an intuitive sense for solving problems, an inherent sense of spirituality which enables her to help others connect to and understand their spirituality.
The fuel of life
The Divine feminine is linked to water, the element for emotions, also called the fuel of life. Women are usually more in touch with their emotions and expressing them is a sign of maturity.
Where men see weakness, lies true strength. Those connected to their emotions have a stronger link to their intuition which, listens to the messages the heart sends it and reacts without bias
Healing, an vital attribute, is also linked to emotions and to love in particular.
The creative force
The Divine feminine is the personification of creativity. All creative art is accessed by the artist from their spiritual connection with the feminine energy. From sculpting, music, photography, creative writing, drawing and painting, dance, even chalk pavement art and our drawings as a child. Creativity also connects to our sensuality and sexuality. Women have the ability to connect men to their vulnerability and openness to express their creative force, sexual energy, in a healthy way.
Key takeaways
For millennia, the masculine energy has ruled our world without the feminine energy as was intended, and all was well. Suppressing the feminine energy within themselves, the masculine caused an imbalance in the spirit, resulting in chaos on earth.
A great spiritual effort is being made by people of all cultures and genders across the world to re-balance the Divine feminine within them for the collective good of the planet and humanity.
To awaken the Divine feminine within us we need to connect with our spirit through our feminine energy and work with her to balance our own energy.
Although may be difficult at times there are some steps we can take that will bring us closer to spirit by just being in the moment. One being to get outside and into nature, a park, a garden, a forest, a mountain or even a rooftop from where you can see beyond the concrete. Make direct contact with the earth by walking barefoot when possible. Find a quiet place to sit and bask in the splendor around you, hear the sounds of birds, animals and insects, observe the sky, the clouds, trees and flowers, feel the wind on your skin and the earth beneath you.
Soon you’ll feel a calmness wash over you, feel it with all your senses and in your heart and celebrate the beauty within you and around you; make time to do the things you love to do, tap into your creative side, bake a cake, draw and paint, write a poem; learn how to recognize and express your emotions, and very importantly, take care of yourself.
Written by:
Jade Small
Thank you Jade.
Your article was incredibly well written and explains the situation affecting our world perfectly. It also explains why a lot of the regressions I have done have been for current lives all containing the theme of female suppression.
I will pass on your article to my wonderful, amazing, yet so hard-on-themselves female friends to reinforce that the difficult experiences they have endured are actually part of a bigger picture and that collectively we are all helping restore the Divine Feminine needed to balance the world.
With much gratitude,
Dale Brennan