One of the major topics of the modern day is how to deal with narcissists. It might be one of the most searched questions on Google’s search engine. Isn’t it curious how we all of a sudden have this issue? When the past didn’t seem to. Literature did not speak of such things until the late 1800s when it was first mentioned as a mental disorder. These days, almost everyone seems to be a narcissist. At least, that’s how it seems because of how publicized the personality disorder has become.
Table of Contents
The Purpose of Narcissists
We are constantly confronted with people and situations that will teach us something new about ourselves. Whether this be an interaction with someone who makes you clench your jaw, or maybe you have been accused of being a narcissist. Either way, we are all on a unique journey through life, and the idea is to learn from our experiences.
When it comes to narcissists, there is no surprise from anyone when you mention the level of anger they make you feel. You might get an agreeable eye-roll now and then from someone who knows your struggles. Narcissistic people can be the most infuriating, and it’s usually because they are oblivious to the repercussions of their actions. They choose to rather shift the blame onto someone else – usually someone they are quite close to.
Although interacting with a narcissist can be challenging and emotionally draining, it can also be a great opportunity for personal growth. Narcissists have a way of pushing your boundaries and forcing you to recognize what you do and do not want in your life. Through your interactions with them, you can learn more about your own values and beliefs, as well as what you’re willing to tolerate in relationships. This can help you become more assertive about who to let into your life.
Narcissists are often easy to identify. They tend to dismiss other people’s feelings and criticize their efforts. Moreover, they are preoccupied with their own needs and desires and barely take note of anything else.
Many people struggle to be open and expressive around them without fear of being belittled or judged. In a sense, narcissists can act as a test for your relationships, helping you get rid of the toxic people who don’t respect your boundaries. Furthermore, they help you realize the people who contribute positively to your life, and those that are only holding you back. While it’s never easy to deal with a narcissist, the lessons they teach us about ourselves, our boundaries, and our relationships can be massively beneficial in the long run.
This is their purpose in life. Just as you need them to learn about yourself and grow further into your greatest potential, they need us to realize the errors in their ways. The more comfortable you become with yourself and expressing your boundaries, the more they learn that crossing certain lines is ill-advised.
We Manifest Narcissists, Whether We Realize It or Not
As Julia Cannon says, we are the creators of our reality and therefore we manifest a lot in our lives, even if we aren’t aware we’re doing so. The more you focus on something, even if you do not like it, the more your world is going to revolve around that aspect. Take the news for example. Yes, it might be extremely informative on what’s happening in the world but it is truly a dreary state of mind to be in. Ideally, we should be aware of the current state of affairs, but we do not need to become consumed by it. The same goes for narcissists, we do not need to be consumed by them either.
At the same time, the world is a mirror image, and so are each of our interactions. This isn’t to say that we are all the same people. But instead, the interactions we have with others will mirror the parts of ourselves that we need to work on. So, without even realizing it, a narcissist will stumble into your life and wreak havoc until you recognize the lesson behind their misguided intentions.
How To Deal With Narcissists
Learning how to set your boundaries can be easier said than done for many people. This is made even trickier when emotions are added into the mix. Let’s say you’re in a relationship with a narcissistic person. You adore them for their charming ways, which is what attracted you to them in the first place. However, they make you feel like less of a person a lot of the time. It’s important to take stock of how much you feel free to express. Are you able to speak your truth? Or, do you find yourself sitting in silence just to keep the piece? If you are only receiving degrading comments from your partner, it is a sign to pull yourself away from them.
You might battle with this for a while, and that’s okay! Remember, it’s all part of the journey you’re on. However, keep in mind that there is no point in trying to change a narcissist. They are on their own journey and change can only come from within. They need to be the ones to realize their mistakes and only they have the power to change themselves. It is not your responsibility to change anyone but yourself. So, when dealing with a narcissist, your best solution is to walk away the moment you can.
Learning to deal with a narcissist can be a long and tiring journey. But, it all starts with awareness. So, you will need to ascertain whether or not your partner is a narcissist or not. Here is a quiz that might help you find the answer you are looking for.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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