“Oh no, it happened again” is a phrase so many of us are all too familiar with.
One of the most frustrating things that happen to us throughout our lives is when we go through a spell of bad luck. Situation after situation, and eventually you feel as if you will never get out of this rut alive! But here is some light to brighten the doom and gloom – where there is a will there is always a way! You might believe that there are “evil spirits” in your house, or maybe that you have been cursed and that is why all these terrible things keep happening to you. But, there is the keyword right there – belief.
Table of Contents
What it Means to Believe
To believe in something is to make it real. It’s like two people who believe in different gods, and both are adamant that theirs is real and the other’s is not. This is the age-old saga that humanity has been dealing with. The same principle can be applied to pretty much anything because you are the creator of your reality. So if you believe that you are cursed, then that is what you are manifesting into your reality. Your imagination is so powerful, and whatever you think of – it is!
If you believe that you are cursed or have evil spirits attached to you, or maybe a loved one, go back and think about what is making you first sense it. This is not to invalidate what you are perceiving, but something is definitely coming up if you are perceiving such things. You have the ability to create whatever sensation or perception that you want. You can simply reframe your mind around whatever you are experiencing, and the shape of that frame is entirely up to you!
One brilliant method that will help you manifest more desirable outcomes, and less of the negative situations, is to raise your vibration. You might be thinking, “Well how do we do that? It’s easier said than done!” That might be true, but the more you practice this, the easier it becomes. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, angry, jealous, or any number of those negative feelings, take a step back and do some breathwork. Breathing is one of the best ways to calm yourself – it has been tested! There is nothing wrong with doing some yoga, or maybe even going for a run if you can, but ultimately it is not reacting to that moment of negativity. It is maintaining your high vibration, and not letting the lower ones drag you down. Rise above it, it is always within your power.
Time is Weird and Concentration is Rare
“Does anyone feel that time is skipping?” This was a question posed to us during a live Q&A, and we just had to address it further, because we completely agree. If you relate to this question, one thing is for certain, you are not alone there. So often we have to remind ourselves what day of the week it is, or we miss an appointment, run late on deadlines, and so on. The message we received is that each time you have a moment of forgetfulness, like not remembering something you did in the past, or forgetting your train of thought in mid-sentence, we are jumping timelines might there and then without realizing it. This is a form of inter-dimensional travel, and it’s something the higher dimensional beings do all the time.
Being forgetful is not something that just comes with old age, and it does not mean that there is something wrong with you. You are not to judge yourself for being forgetful, it is a sign of your ascension into the new world, the 5th dimension. It is a sign of you having everything you need in that present moment, and everything outside of that is just a reflection for you to look at, but it is not relevant to your core experience of where you are right here, right now.
“You Have the Freedom to Create Anew”
This “now” moment is always refreshed, and it is more important than the “now” moment that just passed. When you shine the light onto the concept, probabilities open up, and you shift into a different direction with your light, and as you go, more and more probabilities are opening up. It is not just you doing this, everything in the world around you is doing the same. If we were able to slow down time to view each timeline with all the possibilities that become, it would be the most invigorating thing, because that is your true nature. You are a being of limitless possibilities.
It is incredible when you look at consciousness from that aspect ad you realize just how powerful you truly are. This is where we are heading, in our ascension to the new earth we are coming more to grips with what reality is. It is not about what is happening in the future, and what happened in the past, it is about how you handle your present moment, and how you empower yourself. Use confidence, respect, love, gratitude, and all of those higher vibrational feelings in your present moment as you rocket to drive forward to your ascension. This is how higher dimensional beings live their lives.
You are On The Right Track!
Do not ever have concerns about whether you are heading in the wrong direction, or think that your path is not the right one for you, if you are experiencing what we have been speaking of in this article, you are clearly on the right track because you are here right now reading this. Never doubt the path you are walking on, for each negative experience has led you to this point, and no matter the distance you have traveled – it was all part of your plan.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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