Ever wondered why you are the king or queen of cat naps when others seem to power through the day? Or why you feel hungry all the time? Understanding what your chronotype is will help you manage your day better, for maximum efficiency. Whether you are a night owl or an early bird, this chronotype quiz will help you synchronize with your internal clock.
Table of Contents
What is a chronotype?
Before we can go on ahead with the quiz we need to understand what exactly chronotype is. Each of us has a biological clock inside which governs when we sleep, get hungry, feel like socializing or what is the best time of day to do our work to get the most out of our time. This is also known as your circadian rhythm. A chronotype is a tool with which we can understand our circadian rhythms.
Why you need to find your chronotype
“When you work with your chronotype, you can sleep better at night, and feel more energized during the day.”
– Dr. Michael Breus, author of, The Power of When.
Chronobiology, the study of our biological clocks, helps you understand your body’s best time of efficiency. If you are working against your internal clock you might feel perpetually lethargic. If you synchronize your daily schedule with your specific chronotype you’ll find that you get better sleep at night, which will help you feel more energized and productive throughout your day, which will, in turn, bring out your greatest success for each day.
The 4 different types of chronotypes
Can you recognize your own personality or characteristics in any of the different types of chronotypes below? Take a look and then try the sleep chronotype quiz to see if you were right!
1. The Bear
If you are a bear chronotype, you are most definitely a morning person. Your body responds to the solar cycle so there is little arguing from them when waking up in the morning. Their most productive time to complete heavier tasks is between mid-morning and early afternoon. After which, you will feel a general decrease in your energy levels. This is the best time to get your easier tasks done. They don’t usually take naps, maybe a light snooze on the couch over the weekend when there are not more important things to do.
2. The Wolf
The night owls of the population. If you are a wolf, you’ll find you get not one, but two boosts of energy throughout your day. The first being around lunchtime and the second being a sudden boost of energy just as most people are shutting off for the night, getting into bed. Your creativity is at its peak when the moon shines and you often prefer going to bed past midnight in order to utilize that power.
3. The Lion
As a lion chronotype personality, you are full-heartedly an early bird-get’s-the-worm kinda person. You find waking up early to be a blessing and a breeze, often rising before your alarm goes off. You manage to get massive amounts of work done in the first half of the day until after lunchtime, you are in need of a cat nap. This power nap is often essential to get through the rest of your day, but not always. It is often suggested to have a relaxation routine at the end of each day to decompress.
4. The Dolphin
Sleep is a foreign concept for you Dolphin chronotypes. When you do eventually sleep, it’s as if your senses are still alert because of any slight movement or sound, and you’re awake again. You are best friends with your snooze button in the morning because you struggle to wake up after your restless night’s sleep. You are most productive after some me-time with your coffee, peaking around mid-morning.
Bear chronotype personality characteristics
- Extroverted chronotype personality
- Mellow tempered
- Easy going
- Confident
- Approachable
Wolf chronotype personality characteristics
- Spontaneous chronotype personality
- Introspective
- Introverted
- Creative
- innovative
Lion chronotype personality characteristics
- Optimistic
- Born leaders
- Practical
- Conscientious
- Grounded and level headed
Dolphin chronotype personality characteristics
- Tentative and wary
- Clever
- Scatterbrained
- Bursts of creativity
- Distant and uninterested
Sleep chronotype quiz: What is your chronotype?
How to interpret the chronotype questionnaire results
There is no wrong answer here as this quiz is relative to each person as an individual. These questions serve as guidelines.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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