Set aside all preconceived ideas of what it means to be a spiritual person. We have been taught so many contradictions by social media and social norms. Each and every one of us is a physically and metaphysically unique human being. Therefore, being a spiritual person means different things to all of us. It is up to us to find our own path in our spiritual journey. This article will address the characteristics of a spiritual person so you might know if you are on the right track.
Spiritual person definition
Once you understand the spiritual awakening meaning and how awakening will change you, you may want a better understanding of what a spiritual person is. A spiritual person is someone who prioritizes being kind, loving, and considerate of their self and others. They are reverent, patient, and good listeners. They live in the understanding that, in the end, we are all one, and we return to the same place (no matter where that is) and lives by this respectfully.
What does it mean to be a spiritual person?
What it means to be a spiritual person has been misconstrued by all the different opinions boasted by religious people, bloggers, and those oh-so-loved keyboard warriors who like to dictate how you should live your life behind the safety of their screen. It is not about being religious and attending gatherings, like Sunday Church or Friday Mosque, quoting Buddha on Instagram, or lighting candles and dancing naked under the full moon at solstices. Being a spiritual person is so much more than show-and-tell. It is about being enthusiastic about life and finding the truth behind all things. It means that you put your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in the foreground of your aspirations. Learning how to do inner work is also very important. Knowledge is a spiritual person’s power. But not just any information, the right information which will facilitate your spiritual journey. If you need more guidance, perhaps learn how to find a spiritual mentor that is right for you.
Characteristics of a spiritual person
Here are six characteristics of a spiritually gifted person. Also, try our spiritual awakening test to see if you are experiencing an awakening!
1. Lives in the present moment and grateful.
A spiritual person focuses on the here and now. They do not hold on to their memories which may bring you down. Focusing too much on your past can prevent you from seeing opportunities opening up within your present life. The same goes for thinking too far into your future. A spiritual person plans for their future realistically. They are extremely grateful people, appreciating every little aspect and person in their life.
2. Fearlessness
This fearlessness is not about conquering your fear of spiders. The fearless spiritual person does not wallow in thoughts of rejection, loneliness, death, and all those depressing things. They understand these are facts of life and they have earned to switch their brains off to those nagging, negative voices in our heads. Living without fear means you will live to your fullest potential as you won’t be holding yourself back.
3. Humble and Does not gossip
A spiritual person finds no comfort in putting people down, they rather uplift them. They prefer to keep out of other people’s business therefore they do not gossip. They focus instead on their own trials and tributes. A spiritual person finds inner peace more achievable when they respect others and accept them for who they are instead of being critical or judgmental of their actions. You know how the phrase goes, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Spiritual people live by this. They have mastered the art of distracting anyone from a negative topic.
4. Meditates
Our minds race with thousands of thoughts every day. It can get overwhelming sometimes but a spiritual person is someone who meditates every day. Meditation is a tool that we can use to clear our minds, thereby, understand our torments. It facilitates a greater connection to divine energy, or the oneness, as spiritual people like to reference. Meditation helps us to focus our thoughts and understand ourselves authentically without external influences.
5. Open to new experiences
A spiritual person has done a certain amount of work on their self and mental well-being to get to where they are. This means that they value progress and growth. One cannot grow if we have a closed world-view. A spiritual person has an open mind. they don’t mind trying new things because through it they will learn a new skill which might open doorways of opportunity. They are not afraid of failure or making mistakes as they understand the value of learning from those mistakes. For them, it is not a step backward but more like getting a new pair of boots and they keep marching on.
6. No conflict.
This does not mean that a spiritual person is exempt from all-natural human emotions like anger, grief, depression, or anxiety. This just means that they are not reassured by reacting to conflict. They find no comfort in getting involved in other people’s drama. They will act like the mature person they are and go about their own business without pointing fingers and shifting blame.
How to recognize a spiritual person: 6 signs of a spiritually gifted person
If you are currently and consciously walking the path towards being a spiritual person it is only natural for you to seek already spiritual people for you to learn from or be guided by. Below are 6 ways spiritual people act so you might recognize them as you learn how to have a spiritual awakening.
1. Positively positive people
A spiritual person has an optimistic mindset and worldview. Any form of negativity is avoided by them but not judged as they may have been in that person’s position before. They are extremely keen to try new things and are open to any new opportunity. They are motivated, to say the least. Many use spiritual protection symbols to protect themselves from less positive people.
2. Everything is synchronized
For spiritual people, everything seems to fall into their laps. They have mastered the skill of manifesting their desired reality. They follow synchronicities as a guidance that they are on the right path.
3. Nature lovers
For spiritual people, nature is their temple. Whether it be a forest, a beach, or a cliffs’ edge with the wind blowing your hair back. The outdoors is where they feel most at home and they have focused on developing their connection to it. They recognize the vital aspects nature brings us and how each of us has our place in this world, an important part to play, and not one is more important than the other.
4. Doesn’t seek external validation.
Spiritual people don’t need to be motivated to do good things for others. They do not seek rewards or thousands of thank you’s or a pat on the back. They are driven by compassion and being constructive. They do not see the point of allowing someone to struggle if they are able to assist. Spiritual people are motivated by positivity and this is why they help others by going the extra mile without seeking anything in return.
5. Gathers experiences
Collect moments, not things. Spiritual people are not materialistic. They do not hoard objects but rather memories. They would rather spend their money on a new adventure than on a household appliance… or the latest fashion trend.
6. Actively tries to improve the world of those around them
Spiritual people think before they act. They are intuitive and care a lot of how their actions might impact others. They are considerate of other people’s feelings, putting their needs before their own. You strive to bring improvement to the lives of the less fortunate, even if it’s just by leading and living by example.
Key takeaways about being a spiritual person
Ultimately, being a spiritual person means you have made a decision to live your life authentically, compassionately, with love and a passionate thirst for knowledge that will help you grow. One must be patient and diligent in one’s quest as this is no short-term venture, it is a choice you make and carry with you for a lifetime.
What are spiritual characteristics?
They are positive and optimistic, synchronized with the universe. They are nature lovers and do not seek validation or rewards, Collects moments – not things, actively tries to improve the lives of those around them.
What does it mean when a person is spiritual?
They understand that being spiritual is more than being religious and praying every day to God. It is about practicing compassion every day, caring about nature and the planet as it is what sustains us. It is prioritizing others’ needs before our wants.
What is a spiritually healthy person?
A spiritually healthy person is someone who lives confidently and without fear. They find value in the person they have become and have a strong self-efficacy without being arrogant and boastful. They do not get worked up over the little irritations in life as they can see the bigger picture.
Written by:
Jade Small
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