Did you know that the human body has 114 energy centers in the subtle body that are known as the chakras. The chakra system is what connects our subtle body with our physical body, allowing spiritual energy or prana (life force energy) to flow through us. Chakra energy is what governs certain aspects that make us human, including our well-being. There may be a lot of chakra centers in each of us, but we generally work with the seven main chakras, which we will discuss later on.
Table of Contents
This article also includes a chakra quiz about these major chakras, so if you feel like you have been struggling with your self-esteem or your self-expression, then you might enjoy this chakras test. So, we invite you to read the rest of this article to clue yourself up a bit, and then go ahead and answer the questions from the chakra quiz, because what have you got to lose? But first, what are chakras?
The 7 chakras test: which chakra do you need to work on?
The chakra system starts at the root chakra which can be found at the base of the spine. The root chakra is responsible for grounding you and your connection to the material world, as well as your sense of survival. If overactive or blocked, you might feel insecure, or unstable, ungrounded, and without purpose. Try the chakra quiz to follow to find out if yours is blocked.
The second chakra in the chakra system is the sacral chakra, which can be found right below your navel. This chakra is responsible for your creative energy flow, your sexual drive, and your sense of self-worth. When it is balanced you will feel more vibrant, but if the sacral chakra is overactive or imbalanced then you might struggle with irritability or mood swings, being manipulative, and either sexually dormant or sexually obsessed.
The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra which is found in your upper abdomen, right below your rib cage, in the middle. This chakra is responsible for our confidence level, and how much we believe in our abilities. If your solar plexus chakra is struggling with blockages then you might struggle with perfectionist behavior resulting from insecure feelings and possibly shame over anything you might perceive as a failure instead of the better option, lesson.
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra which is responsible for all matters of the heart, meaning emotions. This chakra can be found, unsurprisingly, in the center of the chest, and when it is aligned, and flowing freely,(you can find out if yours is by trying our chakra balancing test) you will revel in the ability to love and to be loved in return. If this chakra is blocked, you will find yourself avoiding love opportunities, and feeling far less compassionate than you might usually feel.
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and it is found within the throat or the neck. It is responsible for clear communication and the ability to understand others. When the throat chakra is blocked, you might feel insecure when trying to speak your true thoughts, and you might struggle to maintain constructive communication.
The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra, and yes, it is found right where you might imagine a third eye to be, right in the middle of your eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for our intuition, and our ability to step back and see a situation as the bigger picture. When the third-eye chakra is overactive or imbalanced, your intuition might be non-existent, or it might be that your problem-solving skills start to let you down for once. You might even experience headaches and blurred vision.
The last and final chakra is found right on top of your head and is fittingly called the crown chakra. This chakra is what enables your feeling of being spiritually connected to the universe and the world around you. A blocked or overactive crown chakra takes away that connection, and without that connection, you will feel lost and without purpose. You might struggle with thoughts that are melancholic and perpetual frustration.
If you think one of your chakras might be blocked, awareness is your best self-care method to maintain.
How to interpret the chakra balancing test
This is a chakra test that will help discern how blocked your chakras are so that you can start to work on them internally. Self-care is vital for our wellbeing and one should not take it for granted. Working on each chakra will enable optimal prana flow, which means that once you find the main culprit chakra 9the one that is most blocked) you should not ignore others.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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