The New Earth has been made into a phenomenon by our minimal understanding of it. The idea of switching into a new world appears so tantalizing to so many of us but seems nearly impossible. So much of what we teach with QHHT is based on the 5D reality, and how we are already there. It just takes a matter of understanding exactly what that means, and what is required of you. One of the main facets of the fifth-dimensional way of being is letting go of the weights of your past, and not letting your fears or doubts hold you back. Dolores Cannon would attend conference upon conference before she passed, where she would talk about all kinds of things that the higher beings want us to learn. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of letting go. Specifically, how to end soul contracts that are keeping you within the wheel of karma.
Table of Contents
5D reality
When it comes to the fifth dimension, some people assume it will be an entirely different world. That may be the case, but not in the physical sense that goes through many of our minds. The first three dimensions make up length, width, and depth. This creates the physical side of our world, which we have learned to perceive. Then, we get the fourth dimension, which is time. This is a physical construct and not something we can actually see unless observed over a certain period.
The next dimension in our consciousness evolution is the fifth dimension. This is where our vibrations and frequencies reside. The place where energies can transform with just a thought, allowing us to manifest what we want into our reality. This dimension moves fluently, without any stagnant energy. It is like an ever-flowing river of possibility and love.
This is where karma comes into play. Karma, in a nutshell, is unresolved energy, or lessons we have refused to learn. We all have a choice to let go of karma, whether we realize it or not. The more conscious you become of this, the easier it is to let things go. You cannot move into the fifth dimension unless you learn to release your karma. If you don’t, you will keep repeating the same experiences within your life and possibly in your next one too. This pattern will keep repeating itself until you eventually learn the lesson.
Soul contracts – why do we have them?
The term “soul contracts” might be new to you. If this is the case, let’s tuck right into the explanation. We each have multiple relationships in our lives, and they come in many different forms, with various dynamics. We have mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, siblings, best friends, bad friends, and enemies, and don’t forget that stranger who taught you a valuable lesson just by overhearing what they said as they pass you by.
Before we incarnate here on earth, we make arrangements for the life we are about to live. Everything that happens is intricately planned out. Down to the last detail, including every interaction and experience, the good and the bad. It is a good time to remind you all, that trauma is essential for our transformation. This brings to mind the phrase, through the pain we grow. It could not ring with more truth. Think back to a time when someone did you wrong, and left you gasping for air, figuratively. Take stock of everything you went through from then, until now. Most likely, you are in a better position. Even if that just means you are more aware of your boundaries and assertive enough to instill them.
Breaking free of Karma
We transform through trauma, but only if are able to let it go. By doing so, you are setting yourself free, and breaking the chains of the karmic wheel. Let’s say you had a spouse who set you on a path of destruction due to their narcissistic tendencies. We have all been there in some way or the other. But, what would you say if you were told that you were meant to go through that pain in order to become the person you are today, and are still going to become? Every experience is carving you into your greatest potential.
So, knowing this should make it easier to release your traumas, past relationships, or whatever it is that you are holding onto. Our egos like to hold onto our pain, wearing it as if it is a badge of endurance to be proud of. But, how do we coax our ego into letting go?
One of the best methods for releasing karma is through gratitude. Being grateful is one of the highest vibrations to be at and a sure way to start releasing karma. To begin, it’s important to reflect on any negative experiences or interactions that you are holding onto. Instead of dwelling on these events, focus on the lessons learned and the ways in which they have helped you grow. Expressing gratitude for these experiences can help shift your perspective and release any negative karma that may be attached to them.
So, if you see a picture of your ex, send them love energetically. If you see your enemy who did you wrong living their best life on a beach in Bali, send them love. Appreciate the experience you had together, even if that feeling is not reciprocated.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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