The color black symbolizes many things. But, most people do not realize that there are both negative and positive meanings hidden in this shade. We use the word “hidden” because the color encapsulates the mysterious factors of life and spirituality. Not only that, but it has various meanings in different cultures, showing that most of us will interpret this color differently. Some people are drawn to wearing black clothes, while others choose only to use the color black ceremoniously. If you have a negative reaction to the color black, it might show something that you need to work on within yourself. So, this article is going to take a deep dive into the spiritual meaning of the color black.
Table of Contents
The color black spiritual meaning defined
What is the spiritual meaning of black? At first glance, black is often depicted to be a color of pure negativity. We can thank the main steam media of the Western world for that. However, there are both positive and negative symbolic meanings. In other words, witches and demons are not the only ones fond of the ebony shades that are seemingly endless when stared at for some time. Many cultures have revered black for its spiritual significance. They use black to symbolize many things, like elegance and sophistication. But, spiritually, there is so much more to this color. Like black, each color holds different spiritual color meanings.
Black is seen to be a grounding color that promises protection from darkness or evil in the spiritual realm. It is a symbol of strength and the color of power in one’s life. So, it is not always the negative color many perceive it to be. In this case, it is no wonder why people choose to wear black clothes so much of the time, or that witches have been known to choose black robes when creating spells or casting circles.
The mysterious color black is also the color of delving into the unknown. This makes it the ideal color for introspection, or bringing fears to the surface. Black is also often associated with positive energy. Black has been associated with the ability to purify energy. Some black-colored crystals, like onyx, can absorb negative energy and transform it into positive.
What does the color black mean spiritually in history and cultures
What does black mean spiritually? Historically, black has not always been dubbed as a retched, or devilish color and associated with negative things like death or even black holes. It was, for many cultures, a color of authoritative power in the spiritual world. The color black has different spiritual meanings, so it will be interpreted as such. From death to rebirth, like the contrast of black ink of white paper. This color could signify a shield from negative energy. Black can also be associated as a symbol of power. Moreover, black is the color of strength and can also mean “willpower”.
There are many different cultures in our world, and thus, many meanings behind the dark shade of black. Here are some examples from ancient cultures that have used black as a means to worship, or express their culture in some way.
Ancient Egypt
In ancient Egyptian culture, black was associated with the god Anubis or the black jackal. He was the god of the afterlife. Black was also associated with death, as well as resurrection. Black also represented fertility in Egyptian culture.
Ancient Greece
In ancient Greece, the color black was often associated with sacrifice. They would adorn their ships with black color sails that carried the victims (generally comprising of young men and women who were still virgins) that were destined to be sacrificed to the Minotaur. This was a mythical creature that was half man and half bull. Additionally, black is also the color of mystery or the unknown.
Native American Cultures
Various Native American tribes had a slightly different interpretation of the color black. Some say black was associated with the spirit realm, they would use the color black as protection against evil spirits. Moreover, for many different tribes, black is often seen as a color that represented strength and vitality. They would paint their bodies before a battle with black paint to ensure victory.
For Celtics, black was associated with the new moon phase of the lunar calendar as the moon was almost invisible in the night sky. The blackness of the night would allow time for internal thought processes, or meditation. This was a time for new beginnings and setting intentions.
Spiritual meaning of black in everyday life and objects
There are many spiritual meanings for the color black. Some say that black is a negative color as it is often associated with death, but others swear it is positive. Regardless, there is no doubt that it’s a powerful color.
Black Cats
Black cats are not always seen in the best of light. Everyone knows that black cats are not a good sign, especially on Halloween night. According to folklore, they are meant to be an omen of back luck.
Black personality meaning
What is the meaning of the color black when it comes to personality? Having a black personality sounds rather dreary, doesn’t it? Well, it actually means quite the opposite. Black is not only a color that holds darkness, it also holds light. Being a shade of duality means it holds much power. So, if you have a black personality, you are a strong and powerful person, you know what you want in life and you will not stop until you achieve your goals.
Biblical meaning of black
The high priest in Exodus 28:20 wore a breastplate made of gold. It was emblazoned with gemstones, one of which was a black stone called onyx. Moreover, in Exodus 3:2, when god came to Moses in the form of a burning bush, his presence caused the bush to burn black from its initial white color due to his awesome power.
What does black mean in psychology?
In terms of color psychology, there are many different feelings that the color black could invoke within a person. Traditionally, black is a color associated with death and mourning. This is why you will see people wearing this color at a funeral, especially if they are religious. The color black symbolizes the mysterious side of things. It may represent the blackness of your soul, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Your imagination is alive in your dreams, so where it represents darkness, it also symbolizes you calling your fears from beneath the surface in order to process them and release them so they no longer control you.
Black is also the color of autonomy, or the choice to ignore conformity. This is why many people of the gothic nature prefer to wear black. On the other hand, wearing black can also be seen as professional, elegant, or sophisticated. It depends on the context or the style of your clothing. Black is also a color that strikes a feeling of confidence and personal power.
Meaning of black in dreams
Dreaming of the color black might lead your conscious mind to sinister interpretations. We immediately think of witches or evil spirits when this color is at the forefront of our sleeping minds. However, the symbolic color, black, represents many things. Because of its ability to absorb light, it quite literally represents good and evil, or positive and negative.
Black Aura
There is a lot of misconception about having a black aura. People often choose to believe what they are told, rather than learn for themselves. But the color black does not only symbolize death or something sinister, so don’t stress, you’re not evil if you have a black aura. It might mean that you are going through a difficult time in your life. Maybe you are consumed with something that is blocking your ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel, or possibly the direction you are meant to take. Take note, our auras are always changing colors, so you will not have a black aura for the rest of your life. You can learn to introduce new colors into your energetic field. For now, if your aura is black, some shadow work is in order. You need to find where your life force is being blocked so you can work on those areas.
Wearing black spiritual meaning
Wearing black clothing is often associated with negative connotations. Funerals will traditionally see people wearing black clothes as a symbol of their mourning and sadness. In other words, black clothing items can be used to express their sad or negative emotions. “Emo” or “gothic” people are attracted to wearing black as they see it as a symbol of power, autonomy, and the desire for non-conformity. On the other hand, black clothing can also be seen as a minimalistic lifestyle preference. Either way, it is often associated with power, and thus, brings it out within you.
Explain what crystals of this color represent after a short intro
- Diamond: Black diamonds are a crystal of purity. They are best to give to your future wife or husband as they symbolize loyalty and affection.
- Kyanite: These crystals are amazing as they can help cleanse your energetic field of any negativity. They can also be used to cleanse your other crystals, which is great for energy workers. They are also known to enhance your psychic abilties.
- Obsidian: Black obsidian can stabilize the energy of a room with its ability to absorb negative energy. Obsidians are also known as “the teachers”. They are great to keep around while you are dreaming as they bring on a lesson with each dream. It will bring out the truth from within you, and it also helps to clear a muddy aura.
- Onyx: Black onyx crystals are super grounding. They are the ideal crystals to keep around when you are going through difficult times and feeling anxious.
- Tourmaline (black): This crystal is a great one to keep around you when you’re surrounded by energy vampires. It acts as a shield from external negative energy, and it also protects your own energy from being zapped. It can also help you release your negative thoughts.
What does black represent spiritually? Our conclusion
The black spiritual meaning can take on many forms, but generally, it is a powerful color that represents strength, autonomy, and great willpower. Additionally, it also represents the shadow self and the internal struggles we go through on a daily basis. It is both light and dark simultaneously, showcasing the duality of life in one shade.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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