Every one of us has an aura. It’s the special energy field that surrounds your body and that of all living things. Every layer of your aura has a frequency that changes based on how you are feeling emotionally and mentally. This means that if you aren’t in a good place in your life your aura will show this – luckily, because your aura changes, it won’t remain stagnant and dull for too long. As you shift your mind and as your physical, spiritual and mental health improves, your aura transforms and changes color too.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable when meeting someone new? The negative energy you feel from others is that person’s aura, and the energy it gives off. Feeling a good, strong sense of positive energy from someone is their aura emitting frequencies too.
In this article, you will learn more about what your aura means with our handy aura colors and meanings chart, as well as begin to understand the special significance your aura plays in your life, spiritually and emotionally.
Your aura keeps you connected to the universe at all times, read on to understand different aura colors, and how to find out what color yours is.
What do aura colors mean?
It is believed that the colors of a person’s aura are caused by vibrational frequencies. Each and every molecule and atom in the whole entire universe translates itself into geometric patterns and we are able to perceive these patterns as colors.
Not everyone is able to see aura color, but as humanity gains consciousness and connects to self, more and more people are gaining the gift and power to see auric life colors.
The color of your aura can become dull so it also needs to be cleansed. Aura cleansing is something you can do at home every day to ensure it remains vivid, free of emotional debris and so you can be rid of any negative energies you have collected throughout the day.
Human aura colors meaning chart
This chart shows you the seven main aura colors. Each color represents a certain chakra; Red aura, orange aura, yellow aura, green aura, blue aura, purple aura and violet aura.
Here are the different types of aura colors and meanings
Your aura has seven different layers and each layer corresponds with one of the seven chakras. These layers are also known as the subtle ‘bodies’.
Red Aura color meaning
Red auras correspond with the root chakra. Red aura symbolizes feelings of security and safety in many aspects of your life including your career, finances, and relationships.
Yellow Aura color meaning
The yellow aura corresponds with the solar plexus chakra. It symbolizes high self-esteem, personal power, joy, and generosity.
Green Aura color meaning
Green auras correspond with the heart chakra. The green aura symbolizes personal healing, unconditional love, and leadership.
Orange Aura color meaning
The orange aura color corresponds with the sacral chakra. It is symbolic of source of energy and happiness. It also represents valued friendship and relationships.
Blue Aura color meaning
Blue auras correspond with the throat chakra. The blue aura symbolizes communication, emotion, and expression.
Purple Aura color meaning
The purple aura color corresponds with the crown chakra. It symbolizes a strong connection to your power as well as the ability to manifest, a great sense of self, and high-energy and being a natural healer.
Violet Aura color meaning
Violet aura colors or magenta aura color symbolizes Intuition, creativity, and a strong sense of trust in self. It symbolizes the third eye being open.
How to read aura colors
Each one of us has a multilayer aura, however, we have an aura that is predominantly one color. Sometimes, this color can briefly change, depending on our mental state, well-being, and physical body health. While it is possible for some people to see their own aura, It’s advised to go for a detail-oriented aura reading where a practitioner will be able to assess your life force.
By knowing the meaning of each aura color you are able to interpret exactly what that means for you.
Some practitioners will take a photo of your aura which is called Kirlian Photography, which is a special technique used to show the color of your aura.
How to find your aura color
If you would like to try seeing your own aura a good way to start is by sitting in front of a mirror and meditating. Look in the mirror and focus on a single body part, like your hand.
Another way to see your own aura is by rubbing your hands together which will create friction. Slowly, part your hands and bring them back together. repeat this process until you notice a color or hue.
What are the most rare aura colors?
Not mentioned above is the white aura color. It is quite a rare color and represents an extremely high vibrational frequency. It also indicates purity and integrity and healing capabilities as well as a high level of spiritual wellness.
Final points about human aura colors
We are all made up of energy, everything that is alive, is energy. This energy is so sensitive and is affected and afflicted by many factors. Our auras show this. Our auras show our true connection between body, mind and the universe. Knowing the color of your aura will help you become aware of your own energy and how it affects you also those around you.
How can I find out my aura color?
You can visit an aura practitioner who will read your aura or do Kirlian Photography to see the color of your aura. You can also try to see your own aura at home by using certain techniques.
How do I know if I have an aura?
Every single living being on the planet and in the universe has an aura! We are all vibrating at certain frequencies and these frequencies emit our auras.
What does it mean when you have an aura?
We all have an aura, we all vibrate at a level that is usually not visible to the human eye. It means that you are omitting energy and vibrations, depending on your current state of mind and any health problems, your aura will be a different color.
Written by:
Jade Small
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