Let us start off with a little exercise. Sit nice and comfy in your chair, close your eyes, and breathe in deeply – in and out, in and out. Imagine you are breathing out whilst letting go of heavy thoughts and negative energy, and breathing in light – surround yourself with that light.
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Then you will send a gift or a token of your appreciation for those beings that are there for you with unconditional love and support that you are going to telepathically communicate with everyone. As you work through those lovely feelings, you realize those feelings are quite malleable. Imagine a flower, or a piece of nature that takes the form of your appreciation, and pours some of your energy into it – let it infuse with the petals. Then finally, you can send it out into the universe. That is one version of a telepathic gift, and a great way to start your journey of telepathy if you have not ventured into that realm yet.
What Is Telepathy
This life is about the expression of oneself, not the repression of oneself. Telepathy is about sharing information via your mind and another. It is the art of getting a message across, without having to utter a single word. Not only that, but telepathy is innate in all of us, we all have this ability, and our higher selves and other higher-dimensional beings are constantly sending us information telepathically. These higher-dimensional beings want us to learn the information they are sharing, but we have to be open and ready to receive it.
How Does Telepathy Work?
If you were unsure if you have received an important piece of information telepathically, and curious to know what it feels like when you do receive something so that you know what to do with it. Well, with receiving information, there comes a knowing – you will just know. What is fun about the process is being able to practice sending out energy and being able to manipulate it into whatever you want our energy to be and infuse it into whatever you wish to put out. I get the feeling that higher-dimensional beings and consciousnesses start with an energetic wrapping or investment before they send anything out into the universe. You could almost compare it to a courier service, but telepathic.
Have you ever heard the phrase: A picture can say 1000 words? Well, this is not far off from telepathy. Information is usually delivered in the form of a symbol because so much more can be said with symbols than with words because they mean so much more, and differently so between each of us. There is a realization waiting for each of us that we are all connected and there are even deeper connections if you can allow yourself to see them. If you are trying to receive, trust the process, and just let it happen. Make sure to open yourself up for it.
Let’s take Christmas for example, what does it represent for you? For me, Kaya, I think of the typical things first like Santa, eggnog, the Christmas tree with the star on top. Any one of those things can be used to represent that whole category of Christmas. If they had a message for you relating to Christmas, they could use one of those symbols to get through to you and you would know what they’re talking about.
When Does the Information Come In?
On so many occasions, Julia and I have experienced critical clients who claim their QHHT session did not work. They come out of their trance and exclaim their disappointment, “they didn’t go where I wanted them to go”, or “they didn’t show me what I asked for”. It is important to understand that the information will always come through, just not in the way you expect. You can receive information, even when you are in your fully conscious, and awake state because that is the level to which we have progressed as a consciousness. The QHHT sessions simply put you into a state where the information is received easier, but you can receive it when you are conscious.
There may even come a time where you have been receiving this information but you have been ignoring it. It is tremendously important to not block out what you have been given. The higher beings want you to know what they are sharing, that is why they are sharing it. Maybe some of you have experienced this, where you receive information, but you just know that it is not for you, but for someone else. This can happen occasionally when one of your loved ones, acquaintances, colleges, family members are in denial of a piece of information they received and the higher beings are so determined to get the message through to them that they start using other people, who might have the highest possibility of sharing the information with the intended person, to get the message across
Telepathy and your Chakras
If you have thought about strengthening your telepathy skills, a good place to start is by clearing, purifying, and aligning your chakras. Particularly so, for your third-eye chakra, but each chakra will work optimally if all of them are flowing freely. Any blockages will inhibit your energy flow and will affect how you receive information. This isn’t to say, however, that you won’t receive information during this time. If you are worried that your chakras are not activated, all you have to do is close your eyes and visualize that location where the energy center lies, and imagine it as a wheel that is spinning, and it will activate. Better yet, try and imagine this wheel as the specific color for each chakra –
The third-eye chakra is responsible for your spiritual awareness and connection. It is almost like your sixth sense, in that it strengthens your intuition. Some say, “it is the window to the spiritual world”. Working with your third-eye chakra is bound to elevate your ability to send and receive information telepathically, even if it starts in a less obvious kind of way at first.
Final Thoughts
Telepathy is not necessarily this conventional thing that we are exposed to in movies where superpowers are part of the norm. Telepathy is far less conventional in that the messages are more cryptic or seem to be until you start to pay more attention. The more you listen to that little voice, or acknowledge the images and symbols you are receiving, the more they will start to come in. Be sure to be open towards the information and make sure you acknowledge that you received it, even if you’re not ready to act on it yet.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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