What are chakras?
Our Chakras are located in specific areas of our bodies, they are energy centers that start at the base of our spines and end on our head, at the crown. There are 7 main Chakras and each one has a color. In Sanskrit, the word chakra means “spinning wheel” or “spinning disk”.
For optimum health and well-being, our chakras should be open to allow energy flow, or free circulation, without blockages. When the energy flow of a chakra is blocked, we may have physical or emotional symptoms related to the chakra linked to the specific area it relates to.
Its extremely important to take care of your chakras, noticing imbalances and fixing them is crucial to your well being. You can also try our chakra quiz if you want to find out which of your chakra’s are blocked.
How many chakras are there?
Our bodies have a complex energy system, believed to be made up of at least 114 chakras and 72,000 “nadis,” or channels. These channels distribute energy throughout the body and, on a physical level, would include the nervous system and blood vessels.
Out of the thousands of nadis, Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna are the main energy channels which influence the rest of the nadis system.
When all the nadis and chakras are in balance, we manifest our true divine self.
Main Chakras: What are the 7 chakras and their meanings?
The seven main chakras are wheels or vortexes along your spinal column at very specific points. Every chakra has a different responsibility of energy flow which leads to specific organs and helps to regulate them. They also contribute to the distribution of energy through the nadis channels to the rest of the body.
Chakras are all of equal importance, the imbalance of any one of them, left unattended, could eventually create a chain effect, impacting affecting the whole system. Here’s a breakdown of the meanings of each of the seven chakras and how they affect each other:
- Root Chakra
This chakra is known as the Muladhara chakra, is the first chakra and the root or base of the entire chakra system. Sitting on the coccyx this chakra also supplies prana energy to the rest of the body, mind, and spirit. It is believed that half the root chakra is outside the body and grounds you to the earth where Kundalini energy starts and enters the chakra.
- Sacral Chakra
The second chakra, also known as the Swadisthana chakra, is located just between the sexual organs and the nave. The sacral chakra is the center of your creative and joyful experiences. This chakra transforms the earth’s energy from the root chakra to use for creativity and pleasure. It is feminine, flexible, and its vital energy connects to your feelings of bliss. The sacral chakra also connects you to inner wisdom, personal growth, and stillness.
- Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra is also known as the ManiPura and is located half-way between your Heart and Sacral chakras. The solar plexus chakra provides the power to navigate through your world and, it’s the primary source of your personal and professional success, your willpower, and self-control. It also links to your personality and self-confidence.
- Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra, also called Anahata, is at the center of your being, next to your heart. The Anahata chakra connects the three lower physical and emotional chakras to the three higher mental and spiritual chakras. The heart chakra is where you vibrate with love, not only in your relationships but for all beings. The three lower and three higher chakras can be united and changed to higher vibrations through the heart chakra.
- Throat Chakra
The fifth, or Vishuddha chakra, is located in your throat and is how you express yourself to the world. It also links directly to the emotions of the heart chakra and the reasoning of the third eye chakra. The throat chakra encourages you to express who you are and consciously produce higher vibration to express your thoughts and feelings.
- Third Eye Chakra
Your Ajna chakra is your sixth chakra or third eye chakra. This chakra is a connection to the spirit or divine. Once all the chakra’s are cleared from blockage and activated, it vibrates with allowing you to tap into your spirit self. This important chakra or third eye chakra is what give you a deeper understanding and knowledge or insight to the things you may have always known were there, but had no real insight to.
- Crown Chakra
The seventh and final chakra of the main chakras, also known as the Sahasrara chakra, or the thousand-petaled lotus, is at the top of the head, near the brain’s cerebral cortex. This is a subtle chakra and the peak of awakening Kundalini energy in all the chakras which rises up your spine. When the Kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra it causes a spiritual awakening.
What is the Root chakra responsible for?
This chakra The root chakra is the base of your power and security. It provides you with the ability to feel safe, calm, grounded and secure. This is also your first source of Kundalini energy. If you are missing any of these from your life, you may need root chakra healing.
What is the Sacral chakra responsible for?
The second is the sacral chakra, or Swadisthana and is located in the lower abdomen, between the sexual organs and the navel. The sacral chakra centers on your creativity, emotions, relationships, sexuality, and pleasure. It also encourages you to trust our intuition, use your talents and follow your own path.
What is the Solar Plexus chakra responsible for?
The third chakra sits between the navel and the solar plexus and is the core of who you are, your personality, and your identity. Your power, confidence, self-esteem, and willpower also radiates from this solar plexus chakra. It also encourages you to keep moving forward in your life.
What is the Heart chakra responsible for?
The heart chakra provides your heart with emotional guidance to experience giving and receiving love, compassion, forgiveness, service and kindness to others, healing and health, and improve our relationships and self-trust. When this chakra is imbalance, you may experience loss, pain, low self-love and low self-worth.
What is the Throat chakra responsible for?
The throat chakra is about self-expression and clear communication, not only verbally but through writing as well. Holding back, not speaking your truth, and fear of rejection or judgement if you do could cause blockage in this area.
What is the Third Eye chakra responsible for?
The third eye will help you to connect to your higher consciousness through your intuition and inner vision, and further. It can also help you access your psychic powers and clairvoyant abilities.
What is the Crown chakra responsible for?
The crown chakra is not actually in your body but is just above your head and represents the center of wisdom, enlightenment and assists connecting you to your higher self, your soul, the universe and Divine consciousness.
Need to clear blocked chakras? Here’s how to unblock chakras yourself
You may have a blocked chakra if your energy levels have tanked, you feel listless or emotionally drained. Considering how complex the chakra system is, how do you do go about unblocking it?
There are many ways to unblock and open chakras, some ancient Eastern spiritual practices and some modern methods adapted from those ancient practices, all of which will take time to learn. Being able to unblock and open your chakras yourself could be beneficial for your emotional and physical health.
In the meantime you can try these basic methods of clearing chakras for beginners. Keep notes of the symptoms, the methods you tried, and the results.
1st Chakra (Root)
- Element: The root chakra is associated with earth, and any time spent outdoors in nature will always be beneficial as would making direct contact with the earth by walking barefoot and sitting or lying directly on the sand or grass.
- Nutrition: Eat red foods like tomatoes, beets, berries, and apples.
- Wear and Decorate: Wear red underwear or pants, add red accents like jewelry, scarves or shoes.
2nd Chakra (Sacral)
- Element: The sacral chakra is associated with water. Swimming and any watersport or spending time at rivers, lakes and oceans will be helpful.
- Nutrition: Eat orange foods like carrots, pumpkin, butternut, oranges, melons and mangoes.
- Wear and Decorate: Wear or add orange accessories to your outfit and decor.
3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
- Element: The solar plexus chakra is associated with the element of fire, sitting around a bonfire, an indoor fireplace or soaking up some sunlight could work wonders on this chakra.
- Nutrition: Eat yellow foods like bananas, bell peppers, eggs, ginger, turmeric, yukon potatoes, pineapple, and corn.
- Wear and Decorate: Wearing yellow clothing, jewelry, and accessories.
4th Chakra (Heart)
- Elements: The heart chakra is associated with air, deep breathing will be helpful to clear this chakra as would flowing air, such as driving with open windows, cycling, skateboarding and being on or near large areas of open water.
- Nutrition: Eat green foods such as broccoli, avocado, green peppers, peas, green beans and leafy greens like kale or spinach.
- Wear and Decorate: Wear all shades of green and add to decor.
5th Chakra (Throat)
- Element: The throat chakra is associated with ether which is similar to spirit. Spending time under a clear sky will be very helpful for this chakra.
- Nutrition: Eat blue foods like blueberries, black currants, plums, dragon fruit, and kelp.
- Wear and Decorate: Wear all tones of blue and add to decor.
6th Chakra (Third Eye)
- Element: The third eye chakra is associated with light. Spending quiet time in the sun or under the light of a bright moon will be beneficial for this chakra.
- Nutrition: Eat indigo foods including purple kale, grapes, and blackberries.
- Wear and Decorate: Wearing indigo clothing or jewelry and decorating with accents of this color will be useful.
7th Chakra (Crown)
- Element: The crown chakra is affiliated with all the elements. Connect with your wholeness and spend time meditating, chanting or in prayer.
- Nutrition: Food is not relevant to this chakra, use spiritual practices like self-reflection and try visualizing a violet light beaming out from this chakra, connecting your energy with the universe.
- Wear and Decorate: Wear violet clothing, accessories or jewelry and decorating accents.
Other ways to cleanse chakras
There are several ways to open chakras using practitioner specialized in techniques such as reiki, crystal healing and tapping. Another alternative would be joining a yoga or tai chi class.
- Reiki
A Reiki master, using this ancient Japanese technique, channels life force energy, also known as Qi, through their hands onto the body of the recipient. By gently moving their hands above the body, they first identify where the blockages are and how to open them to allow Qi to flow through the body freely.
- Crystals
The colors associated with each chakra are directly related to the functions of the nerve centers corresponding to that chakra. Using crystals of the same color of the chakra can be used for balancing and healing the chakras. Even carrying or wearing a crystal corresponding to a particular chakra can help with alignment.
- Tapping / EFT
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, more commonly called tapping. Tapping is a form of energy psychology and is widely used to treat a variety of both physical and psychological problems. Tapping can also be used for self-therapy as it a simple and effective technique.
Cleansing chakras with Crystals
Using healing crystals increases the energy regardless of the type of healing session. Crystals are used based on their color and vibrational frequencies that match the chakras. Clear crystal quartz is a Master crystal and can be helpful to all seven chakras. By holding clear quartz in your hand while doing chakra meditation, or in your lap with the intention that the increased energy be channeled through you could align the chakras.
Cleansing chakras with Reiki
Reiki is said to have its foundation in the ancient teachings of a 2,500 years old Sanskrit sutra. Mikao Usi re-discovered the healing sutra and refined it in the early 1900s. He named the technique Reiki, or universal life energy (Rei meaning universal life force and Ki, meaning energy). Dr. Chujiro further refined the hands-on healing art technique into the system now used worldwide.
A Reiki practitioner harvests the life force into his or her hands before sweeping the palms of hands over the chakra points to detect blockages and imbalances and then restores the chakras to improve the patient’s health and well-being
Cleansing chakras with EFT/Tapping
Tapping works with the subtle life force energy that flows through the human body. The Qi energy moves through the meridian points throughout the body. These are the same meridians channels connected to the Chakra energy centers of the body and also correspond to acupuncture points on our major channels. Our fingertips also contain points where the three main energy channels meet. The tapping works with the meridian points to clear or redistribute energy throughout the body.
Key takeaways
One can not expect healing in just one day, it should be something we consider each and every day or our lives. Keeping your chakras clear of blockages will help you maintain balance throughout your life, in both your physical body and in your mind. Life has a knack of threatening us and weighing us down. Therefore, It’s extremely important to keep our “wheels of energy” clear so we can In be our best selves.
Taking care of your chakras through meditation or Reiki leads to a general state of well-being and spiritual evolution.
How do you know if your chakras are blocked?
When one or more chakras spin too quickly, you’ll tend to feel hyper, tense, and feel burnt out. When any of our chakras are spinning too slowly, we could feel tired, lack energy, ungrounded and depressed.
How does your heart chakra get blocked?
Things like stress and emotional pain, often caused by bad memories, traumatic emotional experiences or old negative programming, can block your heart chakra. Balancing the heart chakra is essential to enable you to let go of pain and form new, healthy relationships.
What does a blocked heart chakra feel like?
Your heart chakra is imbalanced when you experience the following symptoms, remember, you might not have all of them:
- Chest pain and/or pain in your upper back
- You feel depressed and you are emotionally drained and exhausted
- You feel unable to accept or receive love
- Self love, care and compassion are not a priority and are lacking.
How do I know if my root chakra is open?
You’ll know when this lower chakra is open because life will seem much easier. You may notice weight loss or gain as your root chakra balances, effectively regulating your cortisol levels. Your libido will increase as well! You will feel your ego slip away as you let go of earthly attachments.
Written by:
Jade Small
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