“Sound is the force of creation, the true whole. Music then becomes the voice of the great cosmic oneness, and therefore the most optimal way to reach this final state of healing.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan.
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Tibetan singing bowls have been used for thousands of years for hundreds of reasons. The ancient artifact is still seen as a mystery due to not much information on them being available. What exactly is Tibetan singing bowl healing good for? Or should it be avoided. This article will discuss the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects which are affected by the frequencies of singing bowls and how and why we should all have one! read further to fin out more!
What is a singing bowl (AKA sound bowl)?
What are Tibetan sound healing bowls, you might ask? Otherwise known as Buddhist singing bowls, or Himalayan singing bowls, or even sound bowls, they are a form of a bell but in the shape of a bowl. They are typically made out of metals like brass or copper and accompanied by a wooden mallet or something called a striker which we will discuss further on. When played they make a beautiful, eerie resonating sound that is unique to each bowl which is designed according to its history. They have been used for over a thousand years in meditation practices as a way to delve into a deeper state of higher consciousness.
Singing bowls history: a brief guide
According to historical research, not much is known about Tibetan singing bowls. This has a lot to do with the Chinese Communist invasion of Tibet where monasteries, along with important artifacts and Buddhist scriptures, were destroyed. From the minimal knowledge available it has been found that Tibetan singing bowls may not truly be Tibetan. Their origin lies in Nepal, India, although many would argue this fact. Tibet was the place where the metal or material for the singing bowls was mined from and it was sent over to Nepal where these carefully and skillfully designed bowls were crafted. This all started about 6000 years ago, where the singing bowls were crafted within monasteries, setting their roots deeply with Buddhism.
How do singing bowls work?
Traditionally, Tibetan singing bowls are forged with a mixture of metals, or an alloy if you want to get technical. It is said that in ancient times, singing bowls were made from metals that came from meteorites and connected us to the planets above. In modern days the bowls are made out of metals mined from the ground and each metal is affiliated with a specific planet in our solar system. Lead is the metal of Saturn, iron for Mars, copper for Venus, tin for Jupiter, silver for the Moon, and gold for the Sun.
in order to bring out the sound vibrations from a singing bowl you either need a striker or a wooden mallet which can be optionally covered with wool or suede. You can either strike the outer edge of the bowl to make it ring a strong and prominent frequency or you can run the mallet of your choice along the rim of the bowl and you will hear it sing a resonating frequency that instantly relaxes you. These healing frequencies have a profound effect on our body and spirit. Alternatively you can also use tuning forks for healing and a similar effect.
What does a Tibetan bowl sound like?
Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls are one of the most unique instruments with their sound. The sound of the singing bowl is determined by the tool you use and the shape and size of the bowl. When striking the bowl it sounds much like ringing a bell but softer, especially when using a wool-covered mallet. In order to make the bowl sing a lasting frequency, you need to run a mallet along the outside edge or rim of the bowl until it exudes an angelic ringing sound. Suede-covered mallets are the easiest to use and bring out the frequencies and they prevent the crashing sound caused by friction.
Tibetan singing bowl benefits
Sound has most definitely been the preferred form of media over the centuries. This is largely because of its ability to lift the human consciousness into a higher form. There are many more Tibetan singing bowl benefits we may experience. For whatever reason, your singing bowl, or local sound therapist will be able to assist with an array of different signing bowl meditation benefits, perfect for you!
Deep Relaxation
The healing sound of a singing bowl automatically relaxes you as soon as the frequency reaches your ears. For thousands of years, singing bowls have been used by monks as a method of deepening your meditative state. It can also help those who are not as experienced with the art of meditating and struggle to switch off and turn inwards by guiding their consciousness into that desired state of being.
Improving Sleep
Sleep is definitely one of the most important things e need to help every part of our body, mind, and spirit. Without sleep, our minds are fogged and clarity seems to be a thing of mysteries. Our bodies will not function at their optimal pace, stress levels will be at their peak and we will feel downright crazy. Often people with insomnia or any form of sleep difficulty issues will find the above statement true. A sound bath by a singing bowl before bed might just be the trick to tuck yourself in and enjoy a full REM cycle. You will wake up feeling rejuvenated and capable of anything.
Spiritual Cleanse
Chakra healing is a common cause for people to seek out singing bowl vibrational healing. Often we are exposed to negative energies which threaten our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. One great way to clear any blockages in your chakras or your auric field is by exposing yourself to the frequency of a singing bowl. Another aspect which is benefitted y the frequencies of singing bowls re your sacral chakra, or your third eye. Yes, your third eye is also a chakra, but it is in particular with your consciousness, your spiritual mind. If your third eye is blocked your intuition will be inactive and you will not be able to see or understand things clearly.
Stress Relief
Monks, yogis, and these days, just about anyone, have been using singing bowls to help deepen their meditations. In the same sense, the frequencies that these instruments exude can also lessen your stress levels.
Emotional Trauma Relief
Certain frequencies, like the solfeggio frequencies, are said to manipulate your brainwaves. When you are exposed to a repetitive vibration your brain tends to match that frequency. So if you play a singing bowl that plays a frequency tuned to 528 Hz, the love vibration, then you yourself may become the vibration of love. This can be used to alleviate any emotional traumas we experience.
Pain Relief
Although there is not much scientific evidence to back this up, singing bowl vibrations have been said to alleviate pain like muscle or joint pain from overexerting yourself when exercising, or the pain from an injured joint. If you are attempting to alleviate pain which is in the extremes, it is advised not to test the boundaries after the sound bath risking more pain.
Improves Physical Health
It is said that singing bowls can bring your body’s energetic force into a harmonious state. This can help strengthen your immune system, lower your blood pressure, ensuring blood flow which can prevent any clots from forming. Naturally, there are minimal studies done with conclusive evidence that a singing bowl can do all these amazing things, yet, there is no evidence which disproves the concept either.
Dangers of singing bowls
Although there is not much conclusive evidence which states any negative side effects or possible dangers of using singing bowls as a form of sound therapy. That being said there are some possibilities of undesired results being achieved during a sound bath.
If you are expecting a bundle of joy to arrive into this world it is advised to not place a singing bowl on your body, or against your skin, so as not to disrupt the baby growing inside you. In particular, if you are around a singing bowl during your pregnancy, make sure it is not played too loud and close to your belly or your back. Your baby might feel uneasy with the vibrations of the singing bowl or possibly even induce early labor!
Surgery Interference
Some of us have gone through traumas like car accidents which may result in metal plates being inserted into our bodies via surgery. It has been suggested that the vibrations from the frequency created by a singing bowl can cause the metal plate inside of you to vibrate and shift. But there is no evidence that supports this conclusively.
Heart Problems
Singing bowls instantly put you into a state of deep relaxation during a sound bath. – it slows down your heart rate In the process. This helps with destressing your body and mind but if you have any form of heart problems like a pacemaker, artificial heart valves, or anything of the sort can be seriously harmed by the vibrations of a singing bowl.
Some unfortunate people have expressed the disappointment of feeling a headache come on after listening to a singing bowl for an extended time. The high and low frequencies can occasionally cause a disturbance in your mind which may result in a headache, or possibly even a migraine in serious cases. If this is a matter which persists, it might be advised to seek alternative healing methods.
Placebo Effect
If you are attempting to treat your stress levels, clearing your chakras, or lift your mood, a singing bowl might just be the answer for you. But, if you are attempting to treat more serious mental health illnesses you may be led into thinking the relaxing vibrations are working when they’re actually not helping the root cause of the illness. The frequency of a singing bowl can provide some temporary relief for some mental illnesses but it can also put you in a deep, meditative space where less desired thoughts are brought up by your subconscious voice. therefore, it is also advised for you to seek out a mental health practitioner simultaneously if this is something you wish to try.
Neurological Disorders
Certain neurological disorders or diseases like epilepsy or Parkinsons are said to not benefit from a singing bowl’s vibrations. The vibrational frequency might set an epileptic fit off if you are not properly medicated. This can be dangerous because the sound healing therapist who is playing the singing bowl may not know what to do if you start seizing. If you have either of these problems or anything of a similar nature it is advised to consult your doctor before you attempt this.
How to use a singing bowl for healing
There are many methods for healing with singing bowls. one could play it for themselves by holding the singing bowl in the palm of your hand, making sure to stretch your fingers out so you mute the vibrations made by the bowl shape. Imagine it like you strike a bell. If you touch the bell itself the sound will stop. In a sound therapy session, your practitioners will have you lying on a bed they have especially for this purpose, or on the ground, comfortable. With some sound healing therapy sessions, two singing bowls or more are required for sound bowl healing. Once you are situated in your horizontal position comfortably, the sound therapist will place the bowls either on your body or around you in an organized manner, according to what type of healing you are in need of. The therapist will then strike the bowl to signify the beginning of the healing session and start with their work. often, a long and clear tone is needed for relaxation or other forms of healing. To achieve this, you must take your mallet, with the preferred padding or none at all, and run it over the rim of the bowl in a circular motion until a harmonious and angelic sound comes from it. Sometimes chants are accompanied by the sounds from the singing bowl, as well as the occasional guided meditation.
A simple Tibetan singing bowl meditation
Tibetan bowl meditation has been most common in Eastern healing. Since spiritual tourists discovered the remarkable healing process and adapted the singing bowls into modern Western culture. Before we begin with discussing how to meditate with the sound bowl, we will discuss how you must hold it. With a bit of common sense, we can agree that if your bowl is large you should place it on a table on a pad so it does not vibrate on the table’s surface, causing the sound of friction. If your bowl is small enough to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, making sure your fingers are not cupping the outside wall of the bowl, only balancing it carefully. As we described previously there are various forms of strikers or mallets to choose from which all produce a different sound.
When you strike the bowl with your striker or mallet, a strong pure tone will be heard. If you wish to make the bowl sing, producing a longer tone, you must run the mallet around the outside wall, or the rim of the bowl. close your eyes and focus on the tone it creates whilst breathing deeply. Once you are in a meditative space if any thoughts come up, focus on them in an attempt to find the root of the thoughts, being negative or positive. Make sure to set your intention for positvity before you embark on this journey.
Key takeaways about tibetan singing bowl healing
It is undoubted the beautiful tones created by a singing bowl are deeply relaxing and mysterious in their ways. There are so many possible benefits we can all experience if we can only get our hands n a singing bowl… or just the practitioner. Singing bowls healing is something with exploring for any of us, even if stress is all we are experiencing. You are worth the effort.
How do you play a tibetan singing bowl?
Either by striking the bowl with a striker to create a sharp, strong, and quick tone, or you can run the mallet around the outside of the bowl or around the rim of the bowl in a circular motion, using your whole arm to recent any friction clashing sounds.
What are singing bowls made of?
They are usually made of alloys of metal mined from the ground. These metals are said to connect us to the planets in the solar system. Tin, copper, iron, brass, silver, and gold.
How do you meditate with a singing bowl?
Set your intention before you start anything. You must lie down in a horizontal and comfortable position with your eyes closed. When you hear the frequencies you must focus your attention on the sound whilst breathing deeply. Focus a white light of pure energy surrounding you and anyone that may pop into your meditative thought process.
Do singing bowls heal?
There is no evidence that singing bowls can physically heal our bodies but there are suggestions that they can alleviate pain in your muscles and joints.
How often should you use a singing bowl?
It depends on what you are using it for. If you are trying to get a full night’s sleep then you can use your singing bowl every night before you get into bed. If you are using it to alleviate your stress levels at work, it can be helpful to have it handy for everyday use. Yet, you must make sure you have no other health risks which may cause harm from excessive exposure to these high frequencies.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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