If deepening your connection to the spiritual divine and all that it entails, you might want to start with your chakras. Each of us has over 100 chakras in our bodies, but there are seven chakras that are the main energy centers which we use on a daily basis that govern our well-being. The third-eye chakra is the chakra that we will be focusing on today.
Table of Contents
What is the third eye chakra (Ajna chakra)?
If you were to direct your attention to your head, you will find two chakras. The one right at the top is your crown chakra and the second one is your 3rd eye chakra or forehead chakra. It is associated with the pineal gland inside our brains, which is found close to the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland – if you didn’t know that already. The third-eye or Anja chakra symbol is Purple and takes the form of a lotus flower with two peals and an upside-down triangle inside the circle.
Third Eye Chakra Meaning Defined
The third eye chakra or the 6th chakra meaning is deep within the arts of intuition and all things psychic. The Sanskrit word Anja meaning is translated to “beyond wisdom”, “command”. or “perceive”. It is often referred to as the seat of intuition.
Third Eye Chakra Location
You will find the 3rd eye chakra, which is sometimes called the brow chakra, probably because it is found right in the middle of your forehead, between your eyebrows. The Third Eye Chakra is directly above the throat chakra. You can find more about throat chakra healing here.
What is the third eye chakra responsible for?
This chakra is an intuitive chakra, and when exercised regularly can act as your sixth sense or clairvoyance. The sixth chakra is responsible for your ability to see the bigger picture of your reality by increasing your sense of logic and insight. When this chakra is healthy and unblocked you will be more self-aware, and aware of others, and helps you figure out your own perceptions and belief systems over and above all influences, according to your experiences. If this chakra is blocked, you will need to learn how to clear chakras.
Blocked third eye chakra symptoms
The Ana chakra is of mighty importance to our world and how we perceive it. Unfortunately there comes a time in all our lives where third eye chakra blockage occurs and we need to learn how to clear chakras. This may cause an array of mental, spiritual, and physical issues. If you are interested to learn more about third eye imbalance symptoms, keep reading.
Feeling Lost
A lot of the work your third-eye chakra does is giving you a sense of purpose, as well as a sense of security and knowing within that purpose. Blockages in your third-eye chakra, a perpetual feeling of being lost are inevitably one of the symptoms.
The Anja chakra is responsible for being sure of your perceptions and your belief systems. If it is blocked or imbalanced, it will cause a myriad of self-sabotaging thoughts in the form of doubts on what you believe is right for you.
Because the sixth chakra is responsible for your intuition, if it is blocked, you will not have that as an extra motivator when making decisions that are important. This might lead you to a loop of indecisiveness that is exacerbating.
Excessive Headaches
The occasional headache is normal, but when they start happening too regularly there it is something to consider. One reason might be that your third-eye chakra is overactive or blocked with stagnant energy, inhibiting the necessary energetic flow for the chakra’s wheel to spin.
If your 6th chakra is on hyperdrive, you will have an influx of thoughts, but an inability to quiet them so you can hear them properly. This is particularly intense at night when everything is quiet and you are trying to sleep. You might find it difficult to quiet the thoughts for some shut-eye.
Sinus Issues
Lastly, if you have an overactive third-eye chakra you might find that it will trigger allergy symptoms, seeing as it is so close to your sinus system.
How to open third eye chakra
In order to start clearing the third eye chakra blockage, you need to start by opening it first. But, what happens when you open your third eye? If this has been a long time coming, do not be alarmed if you start to experience Anja chakra activation symptoms which include lucid dreaming, astral projecting, an influx of intuitive thoughts, and more.
Meditation is, of course, the first option on our list. It is a very useful method to use when opening your 6th chakra. Make sure to surround yourself with white, pure light, and be sure to practice mindfulness.
Seeing Purple
This can be done in the mornings when you wake up if you are faced with a big decision at work, or during your daily meditations. Close your eye and create a visualization of the color purple in the center of your forehead, where the third eye chakra is found.
Sun Gazing
There are those who believe the third-eye chakra is comprised of all of the elements, but others believe its element is light. Both are correct, and because of this, a great method to open your 3rd eye chakra is by going outside and doing a little bit of sun-gazing.
There is an affirmation for everything, and when it comes to third eye chakra affirmations, it is a sure way to get your 3rd eye up and running at optimal capacity in no time. You can also assist with throat chakra healing this way. Some examples are:
- “I see all things in clarity”
- “I trust and follow my intuition”
- “I am connected with the wisdom of the universe”
- “I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences”
- “Seeing and understanding the big picture comes naturally to me”
How to balance third eye chakra
Now that your third-eye chakra is open and bright-eyed – so to speak. You can begin with one of the following methods for balancing the third eye chakra.
Movement is one of the best ways to activate and heal so many aspects of our physical and subtle bodies. There are a variety of yoga poses, or asanas, that are helpful when healing your third-eye chakra. Some examples are the child’s pose, forward bend, and head-to-knee pose. Yoga is also beneficial for crown chakra healing.
This is one of our favorite options, because who doesn’t like a good aromatherapy bath? In terms of 6th chakra energy healing, you can try using scents like sandalwood, frankincense, sage, and patchouli.
Crystal Power
Crystals and gemstones have the most useful when it comes to energy healing because most healers come equipped with a wide variety of healing crystals to suit most needs. Some good examples of crystals that can assist with healing your third-eye chakra are amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, labradorite, and
Chanting has gone back thousands of years in human history. It is an ancient method for connecting to the world around you through the repetition of certain sounds, or syllables. By chanting “Om” you can clear out any imbalances from your 6th chakra and bring it to a state of harmony.
Of course, we can’t forget about our beloved energy workers, the Reiki healers. These people are an integral part of our world as they help us with our energy flow and any problems that arise thereby. If you feel that your third-eye chakra is blocked, you might benefit from a visit to your local healer.
Other third eye chakra healing methods
As always, we are adding in the less conventional methods for healing your third-eye chakra, and keeping it running at its full potential. Read on to find out more methods to unblock the third eye chakra.
Avoid Fluoride
Another name for this method would be decalcifying your pineal gland. This s achieved by avoiding any products like toothpaste, foods, and water sources that have fluoride in them.
Change Your Diet
Everything that you consume has an effect on your body. If you are eating unhealthy foods that are not nutritional at all, is not going to be beneficial. If your third-eye chakra is blocked and your intuition has been dulled, you might want to start eating more blackberries, blueberries, raisins, purple vegetables like purple kale and auberge, prunes, and dates.
Entertain new Thoughts and Perceptions
Being close-minded is another symptom of a blocked third-eye chakra. One way to work on this is by simply entertaining the concepts that are opposed to your belief system. What do you have to lose by simply thinking of them? You never know, they might start to fit in your mind when you least expect it.
Key takeaways
Each of the seven chakras are extremely important. If you are wanting a life with a sense of security, no self-doubt sabotaging your daily decisions, then we strongly suggest you chose one of the methods for opening, balancing, and aligning your third-eye chakra. Remember, you can’t neglect your other chakras because the 6th chakra needs some legs to stand on or it will cause more imbalances. If you are still unsure whether your sixth chakra is blocked or not, you can always try out our chakra test to give you a better idea.
Frequently Asked Questions
What blocks the third eye chakra?
Some people believe that a blocked third-eye chakra is caused by eating the wrong foods. But mostly this is due to eating a diet that is highly saturated in fluoride. You must try to find a water source that does not contain any fluoride. Other people believe that a blocked third-eye chakra is caused by stress and an excessive amount of it over an extended period of time.
How do you use the third eye chakra?
Your third eye chakra can be used when you are making decisions or mustering up your perceptions. This chakra gives you insight and intuitive thoughts which you should pay attention to because it is guidance from the higher-dimensional beings or your spirit guide.
What does the Third Eye do?
The third eye acts like your antenna, it is responsible for your clairvoyant abilities. It will strengthen your belief system and eradicate self-doubt.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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