“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla
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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla
Since the dawn of time, we have been entranced by the effects music has on our bodies and the world that surrounds us. Music’s healing frequencies, or the solfeggio frequencies, explains much about how we resonate with certain things or people more than others. Read further to find out more of the effects of solfeggio frequencies, binaural beats combined with sound healing frequencies that can further benefit your life.
What are solfeggio frequencies?
What are solfeggio frequencies? They make up the six-tone music scale which included ancient music like that of ancient Sanskrit. The word solfeggio is derived from the ancient word solfege, which is the word used when educating one about music pitches. Human beings have understood for centuries about certain sounds and how each tone can bring out different feelings within you. These sound frequencies are also known as solfeggio frequencies and, if used as a part of therapy, can have a profound effect on our well-being. Sound therapy is effective at healing our bodies and minds because specific frequencies can influence your brainwaves to do so. The ancient solfeggio frequencies date back for centuries and are comprised of six miracle tones, and have been known to have been a great inspiration and influence with the harmonics of the gregorian chants, ancient Indian Sanskrit, and even a hymn by John the Baptist. Each solfeggio tone was believed by the monks to bestow certain blessings on those who heard.
What is the science behind solfeggio healing frequencies?
Solfeggio frequencies science is purely mathematical. In ancient times Pythagorean cults avidly believed in the equation of frequencies that heal the body. in the 1970s it was rediscovered and integrated into healing therapies by dr. Joseph Puleo. Then later in 1988, Dr. Glenn Rein, a biochemist discovered through research, that exposing our bodies to these miracle tones could influence our DNA – facilitating change for the better. This was done by taking contrasting styles of music, like rock music, or heavy metal, classical music as well as the Sanskrit, or Gregorian chants and exposing vials with familial DNA to those frequencies, and measured the amount of UV light they each absorbed, especially at 528 Hz.
Our bodies each have their own frequency or electromagnetic waves which harmonize with the solfeggio tones
The Schumann resonance of 8hz, otherwise known as the earth’s heartbeat, harmoniously resonates with the Solfeggio frequencies enabling them to have strong effects on the human body and mind, facilitating change positively. The solfeggio frequencies are obtained by tuning music to each HzThis knowledge was lost due to alternative methods for tuning instruments.
Do solfeggio frequencies work?
“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature.” – Pythagoras.
According to ancient literature, solfeggio frequencies are capable of bringing out change, yet how is that possible? One can be skeptical when you arrive for your healing session and the therapist comes at you with singing bowls and tuning forks. But, you’re in luck, there is a science behind the method! as we each have our own frequencies which we omit, when we are exposed to certain solfeggio frequencies, our own frequency harmonizes, or synchronizes with the stronger solfeggio frequency, matching ours to it.
Here is a study that was performed on the effects of the singing bowl on our frequencies. They found that certain singing bowls which sing at a specific pitch were able to lower the test subject’s blood pressure and increase circulation.
Full list of Solfeggio healing frequencies of the human body
Below you will find the Solfeggio healing frequencies list, inclusive of the mi-fa tones.
396 Hz: “Ut”
This frequency healing provides freedom from negative feelings.
- 396 Hz benefits & science
396 Hz vibrational healing frequencies eliminate any blockages in your body, mind, and spirit caused by negative emotions like guilt, fear, anxiety, or jealousy. By listening to this frequency you can strengthen its route to harmony with positive affirmations, or mantras for mindfulness and chakra cleansing. Our defense systems are eradicated by the “ut” tone which frees us from being filled with guilt and prevents negative past experiences from resurfacing in present situations.
Some benefits include:
- Empowers your dreams
- Balances your root chakra
- Eliminates subconscious guilt or fear.
417 Hz: “Re”
This frequency can release past traumas, facilitating transformation.
- 417 Hz benefits & science
If you are exposed to this frequency you will feel relief as the negative feelings start to leave your consciousness. Spiritually speaking, it is linked to our Scientifically speaking our cells are empowered to function fully through the tone “re”.
Some benefits include:
- Removes any negative feelings or thoughts which influence our behavior.
- Helps you move past your fears which cause mental blockages preventing you from succeeding.
- Can aid in balancing the sacral chakra.
- Used to reduce negative outcomes
528 Hz: “Mi”
This frequency is known for its facilitating of transformation, miracles, and DNA repair.
- 528 Hz benefits & science
Otherwise known as the miracle tone or the love frequency which resonates harmoniously with the Schuman resonance or the earth’s heartbeat. It is suggested from few studies that it can lower your heart rate, thus instilling a sense of calm within you. This is made possible because it limits the production of cortisol – the stress hormone.
Some benefits include:
- Balances your solar plexus chakra – increasing internal and external confidence
- Increased energy flow
- Brings out positive change
639 Hz: “Fa”
This frequency helps us to reconnect with our interpersonal relationships.
- 639 Hz benefits & science
This tone, “fa”, is one for the community. This includes bringing out harmony within your family as well as in your social circles. This is brought out by the frequency enabling you to meditate, retrospectively, on the people around you.
Some benefits include:
- Balances your heart chakra
- Bring harmony into your relationships
- increases ability to empathize, understand, communicate and tolerate.
741 Hz: “Sol”
This frequency is for solving problems, bringing out solutions.
- 741 Hz benefits & science
The “sol” frequency is used t clear your body’s cells of any electromagnetic emissions. If faced with a problem, this frequency can expand the mind, enabling it to realize the many solutions there are available.
- Balances the throat chakra
- Increases creative expression and intuitiveness.
- Cleanses your body and environment of negative energies.
852 Hz: “La”
This frequency facilitates spiritual enlightenment and returning to order.
- 852 Hz benefits & science
The “la” frequency can help you see through the bad intentions of other people. You pay more feed to your intuition because it opens you up to communicating with divine energy, or your higher self.
Some benefits include:
- Balancing your third-eye chakra
- empowers your inner energy levels.
- Strengthens intuition
- Spiritual order obtained.
Healing frequency chart
This body frequency chart shows the many ways frequencies can heal our bodies.
Key takeaways about healing frequencies
With the understanding that everything in life, from our human bodies to a random building has a vibration, and each vibration has its own frequency. From what you have read, you can see how different frequencies, derived mathematically, have a profound effect on our human bodies, all with the intention to bring out harmony. So, next time you feel slightly out of balance, you can tune in to a specific frequency for realignment.
What is the frequency of the human body?
The frequency of the human body is about 7.5 hertz.
Are Solfeggio frequencies dangerous?
No, not dangerous, but there are frequencies that bring out reactions that are not entirely positive. For example, music that is tuned to 440 Hz brings out a sluggish, lazy sensation.
How long should you listen to Solfeggio frequencies?
Serenity, empowerment, and more are felt after just one sound therapy session but in order to get the best results, one must listen for a minimum of 15 minutes, three times weekly for about a month.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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