The root or base chakra creates the start of the line of chakras going up your spine to the sacral chakra, then the solar plexus chakra, then the heart chakra, the throat chakra, and third-eye chakra, all the way through to your crown chakra. Each of these are energy centers responsible for the balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. Root chakra meaning is in your sense of security and safety. Formally known as the Muladhara chakra, and informally as the red chakra because of its color. Read more to find out exactly what the root chakra does, where to find it, and why you might possibly need root chakra healing, you can use a chakra quiz to find out.
Table of Contents
What is the root chakra (Muladhara chakra)?
What are chakras? did you know you have seven of them? The 1st chakra of the matter is the root chakra. Also known a the red chakra, is responsible for grounding you towards stability – in whatever form it may be for you. It is the base of our “chi” or life-force energy. By connecting us to stability and a sense of trust, it provides motivation to care for our well-being.
Root chakra meaning defined
Mula is the Sanskrit word for “root” and Muladhara is the Sanskrit word for “base” or “support”. Together they make the word Muladhara, the root chakra – also known as the first chakra. Ultimately, the root chakra means trust or mistrust. It is responsible for your sense of security or feelings of safety. As a newborn child, if your parents or guardians tended to neglect your needs it would have a negative impact on how your root chakra develops. If your parents or guardians tended to your needs without a delay then your root chakra developed strong and secure. You will grow with the belief and trust in the world to be capable of providing for you in the way you need. Find out more about what chakras are here.
Root chakra location
If you have ever experienced insecurities, you might be wondering, where is the root chakra? Well… the root chakra can be found at the pelvic floor, in the bottom three vertebrae, and the base of the spine, which makes its other name, base chakra, understandable.
What is the root chakra responsible for?
The root chakra connects us to all aspects which keep us grounded. It connects our subtle body to our physical body, ensuring we get all the basic needs for general survival, like food, water, and shelter. If our root chakra is balanced we feel a sense of connection to the physical world. It will facilitate the flow of energy between you and mother nature. Not only this but it is also responsible for your emotional needs like the release of fear and ruled by the fight or flight instinctual response.
Blocked root chakra symptoms
Energetic or life-force energy blockages can leave us feeling an array of underactive root chakra symptoms including fearfulness, anxiety, anger, or depression. This next section will focus on other aspects of you that are negatively impacted by your root chakra blocked. Read further to find out more root chakra problems!
Feeling strapped for cash
As the root chakra is responsible for your basic needs, which also includes your financial status because that heavily influences your needs and how you get them. If your root chakra is unbalanced or blocked then you might feel like your money is in a precarious position because you feel insecure.
Shopping too much
So many people are believers in retail therapy. Whether this is a myth or not, it is a symptom of a blocked root chakra. Your base chakra, if blocked, brings feelings of insecurities which we subconsciously try to remedy by buying new things. Even though this is a temporary pause on that negative feeling, it is not dealing with the root problem.
Perpetually anxious
The root chakra is the reason for your safety, security, and self-confidence. If it is unbalanced it will fill you with insecurities, which in turn make you fearful of certain situations. This all facilitates a perpetual state of anxiousness.
Gorging or starving yourself
Our basic needs for survival are governed by our root chakra when it is blocked it can have an effect on our physical and emotional well-being. When depressed, we humans tend to forget we are hungry, or we try to fill the void with food in an attempt to make ourselves feel better.
As the base, or root chakra helps to connect your physical boy with your spiritual, or energetic self, if there is a block your energy will not flow smoothly. You will not be able to draw on the Earth’s energy and your life force energy will start to drain. Because of this, you will feel physically drained or tired.
Feeling Lost
Because of blocks in your root chakra, you will feel like you don’t recognize yourself. Because you are not grounded properly you will have feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.
How to open root chakra
First, you may like to take our chakra test to see if your root chakra is blocked and then you can go on to learn how to open the root chakra so that you can balance your chakra system. It is mightily important for you to undergo root chakra opening symptoms of a blocked base chakra include physical and emotional woes and unblocking root chakra will prevent these struggles. This section will focus on methods for opening the root chakra
Always set your intention
Before you embark on any spiritual healing journey it is advised to set your intention. This will help the focus of your energy and the reason for the healing. In terms of root chakra energy healing, you should set your intention to connect you to the earth’s energy so that you are grounded as well as to release any negative emotions like fears. This will facilitate the opening of the root chakra.
Certain gemstones are great for opening your root chakra. These include red jasper and garnet, bloodstone, black tourmaline, and hematite. This can be done daily and it only takes a few minutes. Focus on the energy of the crystal and imagine it flowing through you, towards your root chakra, and visualize clear energy flow.
Guided visualizations
There are a plethora of guided meditations online through which you can open root chakra which has been blocked – we like this one.
Metal Spoon
This might seem like the strangest method but it has been practiced for many years. The concept is that by rubbing a metal spoon on the underside of your feet from your soles through to your heels you will absorb the metal’s healing properties through your feet. Metal is an energy conductor which gives a grounding property.
Nature time
As we have discussed, your base chakra is responsible for your connection to nature and the earth’s energy. By spending more time outdoors, walking barefoot on fresh earth, and allowing your senses to connect to those vibrations will help to open your root chakra.
Cedarwood, sandalwood, ginger and even eucalyptus scents are a sensual method to opening your root chakra. This can be done by burning incense and visualizing an open root chakra, or rubbing the essential oils between the palms of your hands and gently massaging it into your tailbone.
How to balance the root chakra
Once you have reached your root chakra to open it, you can now focus on balancing the root chakra in order to bring a sense of stability into your life. Read further to find out how to ground yourself by root chakra balancing.
Moving your body to music is one of the most satisfying aspects of humanity. Dancing is healing for the soul and it brings harmony to the root chakra. Ecstatic dance is a form of kinetic meditation which allows your body to express your introspection.
Practice Yoga
Certain yoga poses and mudras are greatly beneficial for root chakra balance. “Tree pose” is a great example of a grounding position. Stand tall and proud whilst visualizing red coming from the ground and flowing through to your tailbone.
Visualizing Red
This is the most accessible method for correcting root chakra imbalances – it can be done from anywhere. It is effective because red is the color o the base chakra. Envisioning a bright red light radiating around your tailbone and stretching down to your feet, grounding your whole body to the earth’s energy.
Get Active
Exercise is essential for your overall well-being and should be considered a basic need for your physical and even your emotional health. By exercising you are bringing endorphins into your system which lighten your mood as well as help you think with clarity.
Eat the Right Foods
Eating a balanced diet will facilitate a balanced chakra system. In order to bring balance to your root chakra, it is suggested that root vegetables like onion, garlic, potatoes, and beets. In general, red fruits and vegetables facilitate our connection to the earth.
Other root chakra healing methods
Reiki is probably one of the most commonly sought-after methods for balancing the base chakra. Reiki healers will have you lying down on a matt, or a massage bed and they will hold their hands over your energy centers, or chakras. they will focus on opening your root chakra in order to clear out any negative energy. Then they will balance your root chakra as well as the other chakras in order to bring harmony.
Sound Vibration
Solfeggio frequencies are an ancient 6-note scale that was the original basis of music. Each tone is said to have specific positive impacts. The 228 Hz solfeggio frequency is a great sound vibrational healing tone to bring balance to the root chakra.
Positive Affirmations
Our favorite method for opening your root chakra is daily positive affirmations. This is done best when you first wake up in the morning and you take a look at your reflection in the mirror. Instead of focusing on your usual insecurities, because let’s face it, we all have those. Rather, express love and appreciation for those things. Tell yourself that you are worth and capable, allow yourself to trust and accept love. Starting with yourself is the first best step.
Is Your Root Chakra Blocked? Take the quiz and find out now!
Key takeaways
Imbalances in your root chakra will leave you suffering from restless nights. When you do manage to sleep you will be plagued with nightmares. Self-doubt will rule your coop and you’ll feel like you will never achieve anything. IF you are struggling with thought patterns like this it is likely you need to bring more balance into your base chakra in order to connect you with earth energy and your personal life force.
What does it feel like when your root chakra opens?
Strangely enough, the sensation you feel once your root chakra begins to open is heat. The base of your spine will start to warm up as well as other areas of your body, like your feet. Once you get really warmed up you might even notice a tingly feeling joining the warmth.
What happens when your root chakra is balanced?
When your base or root chakra is balanced, all those feelings of insecurity and self-doubt will start to dissipate. Anger will no longer control your mind and body and your behavior will be less erratic. With a balanced root chakra, you will gain more stability and a sense of being grounded. You will have more confidence and assertiveness.
How long does it take to open the root chakra?
Balancing any chakra is never a specific amount of time. As with most things in life it really depends on you as a human being. Each of us is unique and we work at our own pace. the length of time it takes for each individual to open their root chakra or anyone else really depends on that person respectively.
How do I activate my root chakra?
Activating your chakras is essentially the same as opening them. In order to open your root chakra you can use one of the following methods; healing crystals, aromatherapy, nature walks, meditations, reiki, eating the right foods, and more.
Why is the root chakra blocked?
The root chakra can be blocked by negative emotions like fears, self-sabotaging thoughts, depression, or anxiety. These are often results brought on by traumatic events which have not been resolved yet.
How can I make my root chakra strong?
You can strengthen your root chakra by carrying red crystals in your pants pockets so that they are close to your tail bone. These crystals include carnelian, or bloodstone, red jasper, or garnet. Eating red foods is also strengthening your root chakra, inclusive of strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers. Root vegetables like potatoes and beetroots, garlic, and onion are also a great source of strength for your root chakra.
Why is the root chakra important?
The root chakra is the building block for the entire chakra system. It lays the foundation as it is responsible for grounding you. If your root chakra is out of balance then the rest of your body’s energy centers will follow suit. If you want to learn more about the other chakras, the next chakra is the sacral chakra, you can learn more about sacral chakra healing here.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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