As each of us traverses the Earthly planes of this three-dimensional human experience we will meet people of high and low vibrations. Each of these people or situations provide experiences through which we learn and develop our authentic self. Some will assist in lowering your vibration and often we do not understand why. Here we will discuss the concept of every action has a reaction and how truly understanding this will help you reach higher consciousness through working on raising your vibration.
Table of Contents
Arguments with family not on your vibration
When we get into arguments or a conversation about things that lower our vibration the feeling we are faced with is often frustration. If you look within your daily unit and your family dynamic, we say a family is a group. But then, when we look into the group, isn’t it interesting how your relationship with each family member is so unique in itself and how your relationship with one particular family member can be such a sharp contrast to another. Not only with how you interact with them but how they interact with the other members as well. It all seems that because we’ve been around them our entire lives that there are certain boundaries that get crossed. We’re all juggling these different relationships, from marital to sibling connections, but they really are just different reflections of ourselves – of how we’re thinking, behaving, or reacting to interactions between family members. If your family brings up topics on things that lower your vibration, approach it with patience and compassion. You may have gone through that specific spiritual lesson that your family member may have yet to learn and being someone of higher vibration energy you should be able to empathize with that person is going through a tougher time learning that lesson. With those two aspects, you will develop healthy boundaries between each family member so that
Things that lower your vibration
When we think of karma, the concept of karma that comes through in QHHT of links between lives and the commonality of working through things there’s a lot of potential horsepower within your family relationships to work through karma in a fast way because of the intensity and you feel comfortable with them, being your family. If you have dabbled in some past life regression therapy and you’ve seen that maybe your wife from your previous life is actually your father in this life but the patterns in this life are so similar to the last. It is a lesson that you have yet to resolve. In order to understand this, it’s always good to take a step back to get a bigger picture. What patterns do you have that are good patterns, consistent ways of interacting that can be positive or maybe some not so positive, negative patterns that you want to work through and you want to alleviate with family members. It is also to remember if you are on a different side of the argument with a member with a lower vibration it is important to remember not to be judgemental of this person as they are going through what you understand already. Judging your family in this way is a negative vibration that will only lower your vibration as well.
What is earthly drama?
There are parts of you that are not Earthly. The majority of you are not earthly. Only a fragment of you is an earthly being. You are multidimensional, interstellar beings. The part of us that is earthly lives in a 3D state of being on earth. Earthly drama is all the people, situations, and concepts that are negative and low vibrational that stir up emotions and tempt reactions that lower your own vibration.
How do you interpret situations?
You can also control your environment. So, if you’re putting yourself in an environment where the response you receive is not so nice, maybe you keep revisiting the same environments or situations and keep receiving the same undesired response but you feel you need to keep going there and experiencing the same situations. The 5D reality, the larger reality, is that you’re really capable of handling any situation and you’re never given anything that you’re not able to handle. That’s powerful. How often do we say “I’m overwhelmed”? And, it’s okay to recognize this! Yet it is important to understand that you are totally equipped to handle anything. When we’re in a situation that is stressful it is a good time to ask yourself, what am I going to learn from this instead of floundering in the stress of it all. Seeing it from that perspective makes it far more enjoyable.
By taking that step back to see that bigger picture, instead of getting caught up in the stress of it all, you ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” You’ll begin to understand that these situations are not situations where you’re ever a victim. You are meant to go through that situation and you will result in being more strong, more capable and your vibration is more integrated into a more 5D evolution that you are seeking from your starseed beginnings, into this human experience, and then on to something else.
Be aware of your intuition
Here’s a Lil reminder, the next time you feel yourself going down the rabbit hole where you feel like something is happening to you and you feel frustrated at why is this happening now – If you catch that ego coming in with some negativity that’s alerting you to a situation it’s good to tell yourself that you made it this far and you’re fine.
How to be less reactive and more authentic
Each of us spends a good portion of our lives reacting to other people and situations. This is not beneficial to our personal growth as these reactions are based on self-consciousness or fears. A better option is to respond to a situation.
Every action has a reaction
Indeed according to Newton’s third law of motion, every action has a reaction. Have you ever heard the phrase; “don’t give them the satisfaction”? We do not need to react to everything, because often we react without thinking and that may not be the best course of action. If a person triggers a negative emotion in you, understand that it is a natural feeling. Take note of the anger or jealousy you feel but stop for a moment and take a breath – think about why you feel so triggered. Maybe your child broke a sentimental vase or your partner is chatting with someone other than you. Instead of reacting immediately, try and find a way to think of the situation differently so you respond differently. Appreciate the fact that your child was not hurt by the broken vase or that your partner is genuinely friendly. By taking a moment to decide on what the best course of action might be, taking into account your values, logical reason, empathy, and compassion.
Authentic Self Definition
Authentic self-definition is knowing who you truly are inside. This means the person that you are underneath your occupation or influence from your peers. The authentic self meaning is being honest with yourself of the representation that is you. In essence, the authentic meaning is knowing when something does not resonate with your self-perception makes you act out of character in your eyes and this is not beneficial to your spiritual growth and development
authentic meaning.
Choosing to control your reactions
How unaffected can you be by the biases that you have or the concepts that irk you? We go from a human-to-human perspective to a human-to-concept interaction. Human-to-concept interaction has the capability to fill our energetic bodies with dissonance. Think about the worst concept that absolutely irks you, like opposing political beliefs, or arranged marriage, and strive to clean those out too. You can choose not to be affected by the concept. When you are around a certain group of people who like to bring up certain topics and discuss them in a negative sense about what they don’t like about them. We tend to rise up together in this mutual dissonance and think it’s camaraderie or bonding. But once again you are just adding to a little bit of chaos within you and not coming from a peaceful perspective. The core nature of who you really are is this being that doesn’t need to react because you know that you’re omnipotent – you know that you are powerful and indestructible and that you can’t really ever be hurt.
People are our mirrors
One of the hardest things to learn from this earthly experience is that you see in others what you see of yourself. The characteristics of yourself that you are not so fond of are often perceived in the behavior of others. This might trigger a negative response because you have chosen to ignore those less desired traits you possess but are now having to deal with it indirectly. Often we can become critical or judgmental of these people but what it really means is that part of you that you do not like is ready to be resolved or healed. Maybe you keep meeting people who are constantly interrupting you so you never get to finish your story. This could reflect unresolved past trauma from your childhood where you always had to compete for conversation and felt like you were never heard. This might have developed into a need to talk over people to ensure you were heard. You do not like how it makes you feel when others do it to you because it subconsciously reminds you of that trauma. If you take a step back and introspect on why this person could be triggering you you will come to the root of it all and resolution will follow.
Forgiving people is like clearing out negative energy. When you actually forgive someone who has hurt you in the past in some way it is not just about that person. Part of the physics of forgiveness is you, it’s releasing. When you’re holding onto something, like a grudge for someone else, forgiveness can be hard to comprehend. Sometimes our ego comes in and we want that person to be accountable for their behaviour. You don’t need to have them tell you something in order for you to forgive. You don’t need closure. That is fiction, earthly drama, you don’t need anything to be able to forgive. The essence of forgiveness is allowing ourselves to walk in our lives without extra baggage on our shoulders, thinking it’s going to serve you is just an illusion. That forgiveness is a release of that. And you become what you really are, a being of pure light and weightlessness.
The hardest thing is to forgive yourself. Ask yourself if you have forgiven yourself for the part you played in the situation? What if you’ve done nothing wrong? Forgive yourself for allowing it to impact you in such a way for letting it go on for so long. Understand that everything has a divine time and things will play out as they are preordained.
Why is it bad to react?
Often we react to a situation without thinking and it comes out of anger or fear. This will most likely result in a less desired course of action which is not conducive to anyone’s development and lowers your vibration. Take a moment in heated or stressful situations to think about the whole situation. Try to empathize with the person or situation and you’ll most likely find a better response that is more compassionate.
Is what we see in others really a reflection of ourselves?
Often we observe behaviors in our friends and families which we really do not like. What we don’t realize is that character is actually something we do not like about ourselves. When we notice these undesired traits it means that we are ready to resolve this dislike of an aspect within you. This is often subconscious dislike, therefore you are faced with it in the physical or external world so that you can come to terms with it.
Why do negative situations reoccur?
We are in this earthly life to learn and understand human emotions. Often these emotions are difficult to deal with so we bottle them up. We will often attract into our realities negative situations which resonate with the experiences we bottled. They will keep reoccurring until we have resolved and integrated that negative experience. Everything in life is a lesson to which we simply need to change our perspective to be able to see.
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Kaya Wittenberg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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