Have you ever felt sluggish and not quite altogether. This moment in my life is usually accompanied by those typical bad days we all know and dislike immensely. This includes a myriad of bad timing happenstances like locking your keys in your car, tripping over the doorstop, losing documents, overreacting with your joking friends, and more. During this time my thoughts drift towards my body’s energy field or my aura, and what might be happening in that mostly invisible aspect of me. Will aura cleansing help to clear away blockages in my path? How does one remove negative energy from your aura? Find out how chakra balancing and energy healing can help you let go and begin purifying your aura for self-care and positive energy!
What is aura cleansing?
Before we can decipher what aura cleansing is we first have to understand what your aura is. An aura can also be referred to as your spiritual skin. It is the electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical bodies and all living things. Each difference in aura color can explain a lot about your spiritual or emotional wellbeing. The aura acts like an antenna that is constantly sending and receiving information to and from other people and the world around you. Everyone is an empath to some degree and your aura is what grants you this ability. It is not surprising that your personal auric field might become energetically drained by the negative emotions of others or cluttered psychic debris you receive every day, especially in this current day ruled by Covid. This is why aura cleansing is essential to maintain your wellness. Essentially it is the removing of external forces or negative vibrations of others from your auric field and strengthening your boundaries.
How to cleanse your aura at home (7 exercises & cleansing rituals)
There are a number of holistic methods to clear your energy field.
Aura cleansing with meditation
An amazing method of keeping your auric field clear and flowing is to keep your chakras aligned and in balance. One can do this through meditation. First, make sure you are sitting in a tranquil setting and take in three deep breaths, making sure to fill your belly. Imagine a white light surrounding your body. Turn your attention to each of your chakras from root to crown and make sure there aren’t any blockages. Once they’re all clear and in place you can move on to your auric field. With each deep breath in imagine clean, fresh air filling your body. Then with each exhale, imagine all negative energies leaving with your breath. Repeat this until you feel rejuvenated.
How to cleanse aura with mantras
Much like when you start a meditation, clearing your aura with mantras, or chants, begins with sitting in a quiet and comfortable place. Invision yourself surrounded by a white light which flows freely. With your eyes closed, start to chant your favorite mantra that you find uplifting and leaves you feeling positive. The vowel sounds are good vibrations to chant for healing and you can focus the attention on any part of your auric field which feels blocked.
How to clean your aura with music
Music should be a staple method to cleanse your aura, practiced every day. Calm, tranquil and uplifting music is the best option as the frequencies of the music’s wavelengths resonate with our bodies’ energies and they start to interact with each other. Just take a moment when you feel negative thoughts building up to calm yourself with some beautiful melodies.
How to remove negative energy from your aura with breath work
There are a number of different breath-work exercises you can perform to cleanse your aura. On example is the Kundalini breath-work of Fire. To begin the exercise you take in three deep breaths through your nose. On Exhale, you release the air in short, quick breaths (like staccato music notes) whilst working your belly. Continue like this for a few rounds.
Aura cleansing ritual with crystals
Crystals have spiritual healing properties and are a brilliant tool for cleansing your aura. Some great crystals to use are amethyst, moonstone, blue lace agate and, my personal favorite, selenite. The power behind selenite is the way it absorbs and purifies light. Imagine as if the crystal is a sponge, sucking up any negative thoughts or blockages and making them pure, or like a knife which can cut any spiritual cords attaching you to toxic situations or people.
Aura cleansing ritual with Smudging
Smudging is one of my favorite methods to cleanse my personal auric field. My preferred medium is palo santo (which directly translates to holy wood and is native to a few northern South American Countries). To begin, you must light up your smudge stick of sage, lavender, sweet grass or palo santo and start to circle your head with the smoke they omit. Move to outline your body – front and back – as well as under your feet.
Aura cleansing with sound therapy.
Taking a sound bath is just as brilliant as it sounds. Among many other instruments to use, a singing bowl is my preferred choice by far. The vibrations of its frequencies help to shake loose any energies which do not serve us. Before you start to play, sit quietly and meditate for a few minutes and set an intention for the singing bowl. As you play maintain a steady breath and make sure your shoulders are relaxed.
What are the best way to cleanse your aura? Our Key takeaways
Aura cleansing seems to be an essential part of our daily lives. Clearing away foreign negative energies will help us feel more optimistic which ultimately makes people more comfortable around you. A clear aura means you are clear of mental blocks and have the ability to see your potential. Each of us are entirely different human beings therefore there is no “best” way but just the method that works best for you. In the busy lifestyles most of us are living, The easiest method would be with music because you can easily download a peaceful melody onto your phone and listen to it with earbuds at any time during the day.
Written by:
Jade Small
Thank you. great information!!! I did know some of them, but the information is very clear . what are you think about bath tub with infusion plants or flowers?