“Reiki principles are there to encourage us to embody the reiki energy throughout the day, every day. They speak to the importance of one day at a time.” – Reiki master Nina Endrst
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Reiki is an energy healing practice. It is based on the concept that we all have energy centers inside our bodies that connect us to our subtle bodies and the universal energy of all that is. It was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui along with five founding principles.
What are the original reiki principles?
The principles of reiki are like a set of guidelines on how to live and practice Reiki compassionately. They are a set of core concepts or dogmas that were created by Mikao Usui, a theologist who promoted the teachings and benefits of Reiki. Dr. Usui designed the five reiki ideals as a way to help practitioners connect with their reiki energy to boost one’s own well-being and that of others.
Reiki precepts: 5 principles of reiki
The five Reiki principles were originally Japanese. The start of the principles is the phrase; “kyo da kawe” which is translated into; “just for today”. This reminds us to live in the present moment within our everyday life and that our personal growth depends on taking each day as it comes. Below are the five Reiki principles every reiki practitioner should incorporate into their Reiki training or spiritual practices.
Just for today, I will not worry
- “Kyo dake wa, Okolu-na”.
What does this reiki principle mean?
This principle when directly translated means, do not worry. Our daily lives are filled to the brim with all sorts of things to worry about. This is not conducive to your personal growth or general physical, mental and emotional health – high stress is never a good thing. This principle reminds us to make acts of self-care so that we can forgive the past ad forget the future and live in the now.
How to use this reiki mantra
There is no right or wrong way to use these reiki principles as mantras. They are malleable to morning affirmation or any meditation throughout the day. This mantra is particularly perfect in the morning before you start your day and are faced with undesired news. You can do this during meditation or by looking into the mirror and repeating the mantra three times. Be sure to set your intention before you start.
Just for today, I will not be angry
- “Kyo dake wa, Shinpai suna”
What does this reiki principle mean?
This precept when directly translated means; “do not anger”. There is a bad stigma on the emotion, anger, when it is not a bad thing at all, only a natural human feeling. We should not be so judgmental What really matters is how you react to that anger. This principle reminds us to not react with anger but rather to channel it into something beneficial. You might think this is bottling up your emotions but if you introspect on what could be the cause it will help you feel less anger.
How to use this reiki mantra
Whenever you approach a seemingly high-stress environment that might trigger you it is a good time to do a quick meditation on this mantra. Repeat it out loud or in your head three times and visualize a white light of serenity surrounding you.
Just for today, I will be grateful
- “Kyo dake wa, kansha shite”.
What does this reiki principle mean?
This precept means; ” I will give thanks for my many blessings”. It means to be grateful and appreciative of everything you have and everyone in your life that most of us take for granted. We all have those desires in our lives and dreams for our futures it is hard to not feel disappointed when things don’t go according to plan. This reiki principle reminds us to practice mindfulness over greed – to take a moment and appreciate what we already have.
How to use this reiki mantra
This mantra is perfect for those moments of pure disappointment where you might feel like you failed at something or upset over an outcome. Repeat the phrase three times in your head or out loud whilst focusing your attention on everything you can be grateful for.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
- “Kyo dake wa, goo hage me”.
What does this reiki principle mean?
This principle means to be honest and authentic. This is easier said than done but extremely beneficial to your life force. We are all influenced to some degree by modern-day society and what the media says is how we should be. If you start living your own truth will add meaning to your work, if not for others for yourself. You will be more passionate about your work because it’s something that interests you.
How to use this reiki mantra
This principle is perfect for whenever you are feeling insecure about what your course of action should be. You might start looking for advice from others that doesn’t resonate with you. Focus your attention introspectively on your gut feeling, or voice, whilst repeating this mantra three times.
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing
- “Kyo dake wa, Hito ni Shingetsu ni”.
What does this reiki principle mean?
This principle means to be compassionate and practice mindfulness. It reminds us that karma is ever-present and whatever we put out into the world we receive back 10 times. If you are unkind towards someone or something you will not receive kindness from the universe in return, in fact, the opposite.
How to use this reiki mantra
You can do this during meditation or by looking into the mirror and repeating the mantra three times. Be sure to set your intention before you start.
Key takeaways
What is reiki and how is it used to benefit us? Each of these Japanese reiki principles, created by dr. Mikao Usui can be used at a beginner’s reiki level and are perfect to incorporate into your reiki practices. Even though they are useful individually, according to your daily situations, they are most powerful when used altogether. Start your day of by repeating each principle one after the other, three times. This can be done before, during, and after meditation.
There is more information to be found – specifically about reiki symbols and their power, in other areas of our blog!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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